Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ October 14, 2024

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Well Hello there! It's been a while since I've been on. Happy October and Good Morning, friends! I hope y'all had a wonderful month and weekend. I hope some of you have stayed dry and safe. We finally have some sunshine. It's been raining here for days. I can't complain we needed the rain and are all safe and sound. It's so sad to see all the devastation that has occurred because of the hurricane. Years ago, I lived in Charlotte and had often visited the mountain region of North Carolina. I worked with a few ladies from that area. Sadly, we didn't keep in touch, but I pray they are all safe. It's hard to see all the destruction. We are praying for all those affected by the hurricane. 

I hope y'all had a peaceful weekend. Ours was a busy one here. Friday was spent running errands and going to the grocery store in the rain. That's always a fun thing to do. The weekend before, we went to look at a beautiful solid oak bedroom set. My husband found it online. Our set has been broken for a few years and all the stuff in the stores is either cheaply made, too expensive, or too modern for our tastes and home. We started looking on Facebook marketplace a few months ago. This set popped up so we jumped on it. So that past week, I spent my time emptying the old bedroom set, cleaning and touching up the new set. My hubby spent his time painting our room since it's been about 10 years since we painted last. On Saturday, my son and hubby spent the day putting down some new flooring. On Sunday, I went to Mass and taught my little ones. We learned about Mary and visited the Rosary Garden and the church. How was y'alls weekend?

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~

The temps had dropped considerably this week. It feels like fall. Two weeks ago, we were in the high 90s and now we're in the low 60s to the mid-70s. It even gets down to 34* one night this week. This summer has been so weird as far as temps go. It took forever for the temps to get warm, then it got scorching, and now we're cool again. Just strange!

Monday~ Cloudy, 56*
Tuesday~ Sunny, 52*
Wedenesday~ Sunny, 56* 
Thursday~ Sunny, 64*
Friday~ Sunny, 67*
Saturday~ Sunny, 76*
Sunday~ Sunny, 71*

As I Look Out My Window~

It's cloudy and windy! We had some rain last night. I didn't hear it, but the porch was wet when I let the dogs out this morning. It's quiet outside. I don't hear any birds chirping. We have one lone squirrel that is scampering about burying his nuts for the winter. He has picked my front flower bed and the area around our fire pit to bury his nuts. I guess it will help him find them come winter. I'm really hoping we get some snow this year. 

Right Now I Am ~

I'm enjoying a cup of tea and typing up this post. I've sent out my weekly recap to the parents for Sunday school.

Thinking and Pondering~

All the things have to get done. I need to get the house deep cleaned and catch up on laundry. I need to up my exercise. I was walking daily before our trip and watching what I ate, but that kind of went out the window while we were on vacation. Well, watching what I eat did. We hiked almost every day while on vacation. It was a little hard to watch what I ate since I had to find gluten-free and dairy-free options. I focused on finding safe food options that would send my body into craziness.  

How am I Feeling~

I have a little cold. Therese shared it with me. That was so nice of her. My stomach is finally back to normal since our trip. We've been back 3 weeks now and I just now feel like myself again. I love traveling, but it wreaks my digestive system. 

What's for Breakfast~

I only had a cup of tea this morning. I started organizing the sewing room. My niece needs me to add some decals to some sweatshirts for her. 

Maddie waiting for a waffle

Looking Around the House~

I need to vacuum. The dogs are shedding like crazy, especially Miss Ruby. Labs shed year round it seems. I have to get our room back together now that the painting and floors have been done. I took before and after photos so I'll be sharing them soon. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Finish our room
Clean the bathrooms
Cleanout the fridge
Vacuum and mop
Work on my niece's sweatshirts
Chiro appointment
Pick out paint for Therese's room and the guest room
Bath the dogs

On My Reading Pile~

I'm still reading Black Hills by Nora Roberts.

I'm still working through my book for my women's bible study next year. We are studying the women of the Bible this year. The book called Discovering Our Dignity can be found on the Walking with Purpose website. 

I picked up A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham at Target the other day. I'll start it this week.

On TV this week~

Call the Midwives
Criminal Minds

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Leftover Chili

No clue yet. I am sitting down tomorrow to meal plan for the next 2 weeks.

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Work on my Christmas tree skirt. I started this tree skirt years ago. The kids tease me every year if they'll get to see it this year. Hopefully, they will. 

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting quietly outside on the porch listening to the wind rustle the leaves and looking at the colors starting to emerge.

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you! 
And I ask pardon for all those who do not believe, 
do not adore, do not hope, and do not love.

Praying For~

My family and friends
All those affected by the hurricanes and wildfires
Our country

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Almost an Empty Nester

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The quiet can be deafening. Sometimes it just seems too quiet. It's hard to go from a house filled with so much noise to a home that is eerily quiet most days. Long gone are the days when noise filled every corner of my day.  Laughter, giggles, playing, running down hallways, and the constant talking. I even miss the bickering and arguing. I don't think I'd ever miss the fighting between the kids, but here I am. I remember when Therese had Colic as a baby and it felt like it would never end. She'd cry from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. It felt like torture.  Now, it feels like a blip in the grand scheme of things and I'd take that time back in a heartbeat.

Everyone tells you the days are long and the years are short, but when you're living it, it doesn't seem that way. You're so busy dealing with the ins and outs of daily life that you don't even realize that time is passing by. It feels like I just brought home that sweet little baby boy and now he's almost 21. He's heading out into the real world and making his own path. The years have gone by too quickly. I wish I could just get a few back but I know I can't. There's no rewind button. It's all part of the journey they say. I just didn't realize how lonely and empty that journey would be. 

I miss my little buddies. I miss the cuddles and big grins when they would see me. We spent every day together learning, exploring, and going on new adventures. I'm so thankful we homeschooled and I got the opportunity to be there for so much. But I think that makes this next journey a little harder. It's harder to let go. It's harder to be left behind when they start their own lives. There's an emptiness that appears that no one really talks about. I know we have to let them spread their wings and fly. I get that. I love seeing them grow, but it's still a hard step in this crazy life. My heart breaks just a little with each new step they take. 

When you're 20 and just starting out, you're eager to get going. You're running full force. You're fearless and a little naive. You have everything planned out, whether it goes as you have planned is up to God. When you're 50, it's a little hard to start over. When you've given so much of yourself over the years to kids and family, it's hard to know where to begin. It's hard to know who you are, what you want, and where you're headed. It's a little scary if I'm being honest. It's hard to put yourself first. It seems weird to think about yourself and not have to worry about kids and what they need. It's been so long since I only thought about what I wanted. 

I think it's hitting me a little harder today since both kids are gone. They are both taking exams for their careers. The last few weeks, my husband and I were on a trip out west and we were busy. Crazy busy going from place to place. Now that we're home, the hustle and bustle is gone. The stillness is a little too much. I keep telling myself to keep breathing and things will figure themselves out. 

I need to sit down and pray about my next journey. I need to pray about my new path and where God wants me to head. 

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Twenty-Six Lists~ I'd Like to Learn

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Good morning, y'all! Happy Wednesday. I still can't believe that August is almost over. Where did summer go? Schools are back in session here, so I guess for many the summer has ended. 

Welcome to another edition of Twenty-Six Lists hosted by "A Fresh Cup of Coffe." Today's topic is what I'd like to learn. 

What I'd Like to Learn~

At first glance, I thought this was an easy one, but the more I thought about it the more challenging it was. When I was younger, I could have rattled off a list of 50 things now I find it hard to come up with just a few, It's funny how time changes things. How it changes your perspective on what you value. 

I did have one thing pop in my head and that was crocheting. I have always wanted to learn how to, but I just have never sat down and attempted it. Years ago, while on bedrest with Michael, I started knitting a baby blanket. I never finished it because he still decided to come a month early. Then when the kids were little, a lady from church was teaching people to knit and I attended that. I learned the basic stitches. I made a few scarves for Therese but never developed the skill anymore. Therese can crochet. She taught herself by watching YouTube videos. I just need to do that. 

I remember my grandmother doing granny squares when I was little. I remember her having blankets on the couch she made. I have a few other blankets my other grandmother made here. It definitely was a skill ladies from that generation learned. I know my mom knows how, but she never passed on that skill to me. 

I've been wanting to learn for years and keep telling myself I will. I just need to actually do it. I've looked online. I've bought books online and the used books our library hosts a few times a year. 

A to Z Crochet is one that I picked up and is easy to follow. 

I have plenty of yarn already. I'd buy it when I saw colors I liked. I just have never sat down and actually taught myself. I need to make it a priority this fall. 

Do you have any hobbies, you'd like to learn?

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Teaching Tuesdays~ The Lord is Our Shephard

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Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. Schools are back in session and Sunday school starts on September 8th. Summer sure did go by quickly. 

I spent a few days last week cleaning and organizing my room. Yesterday with the help of Therese, I worked on getting all my displays and decorations up. I can officially say that my room is done!

After teaching for 15 years, I have decided to recycle my very first theme, The Lord is My Shephard. My little ones will be greeted by a door filled with cute little sheep with their names. They can look over the door and search for their name. 

Every year, they are so excited to find their names. The older students that I have taught tend to stop by to see what this year's theme is. It's become a tradition in our hall. 

I continued the theme on our classroom bulletin board. 

I went really simple this year and purchased a pre-made bulletin board set. It came with Jesus, all the lambs, the fence, and bible verse posters. It was easy to put up and I can save it for another year!

For our prayer wall, I went with frogs. I actually found the package of frogs and logs at my local thrift store for $1.00. I couldn't find them online, but here is a similar set

I made the lily pads out of construction paper. Each lily pad has the prayers were are learning this year: Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Guardian Angel. As the students learn them, I place a sticker by the prayer to mark it off. At the end of the year, the students get a special goodie bag for all their hard work.

I added a new bulletin board to my wall this year... When Should I Pray?

This year I want to really encourage the children to pray more and rely on God for help. I think if we learn more about prayer this will help.

So far I have 11 students, I usually pick up at least 2 before the start of class, so it should be a good size this year, Last year, I had 6 students. This was difficult on days when half the class was sick. I'm excited to meet my new little sheep and help lead them to Jesus!

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 19, 2024

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Good Morning, friends! I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend. We had a busy one here. Friday night we went to the county fair to watch bull riding. Saturday, I made a gluten-free strawberry cake for my niece's birthday. Sunday, I had Mass and a meeting for Sunday school teachers. I worked on my classroom for a bit and then headed to my sister's house to celebrate my niece's birthday. It'll be nice to relax a bit.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~

The temps had dropped considerably this week. Two weeks ago we were in the high 90s and now we are in the mid 70's. This summer has been so weird as far as temps go. It took forever for the temps to get warm, then it got scorching, and now we're cool again. Just strange!

Monday~ Partly Cloudy, 77*
Tuesday~ Sunny, 74*
Wedenesday~ Sunny, 74* 
Thursday~ Sunny, 78*
Friday~ Sunny, 83*
Saturday~ Sunny, 86*
Sunday~ Sunny, 88*

As I Look Out My Window~

 It's dreary outside! We had storms last night and more rain coming in later today. There's a mist that is lingering in the trees. I'm sure it's foggy over the river. It's quiet outside. No birds chirping and no squirrels scampering about.

Right Now I Am ~

I'm enjoying my cup of coffee(which I probably shouldn't have had) and typing up this post. 

Thinking and Pondering~

All the things have to get done. I need to get my classroom finished, the house deep cleaned, figure out what to pack, meal plan, etc. The list is never-ending it seems. I don't have much on the schedule this week, so I should be able to get a lot accomplished or at least I hope so. I need to up my exercise. I've been walking daily, watching what I eat, and doing weights here and there. I need to start doing weights daily. I've lost 5 pounds, but still have 20 to go. 

How am I Feeling~

A little better. It's been that time of the month, so I've had migraines and stomach issues. It's been a few months thanks to perimenopause, but it's still never fun. The migraines have been almost every day. Everything I eat has gone right through me and to top it off my gallbladder has decided to act up the past 2 days. Peppermint tea has been my best friend. Thankfully, I feel a little better this morning, so I'm hoping everything is winding down. It's fun being a woman!

What's for Breakfast~

A simple protein shake. It doesn't bother my stomach. 

Looking Around the House~

I need to vacuum. The dogs are shedding like crazy, especially Miss Ruby. Labs shed year round it seems. I need to organize a few rooms. I want the house nice and tidy before we leave for our trip that way I come home to a clean house.

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Finish classroom set-up
Clean the bathrooms
Cleanout the fridge
Vacuum and mop
Decorate for fall
Chiro appointment
Send out my welcome email to my kids

On My Reading Pile~

I just finished reading, Identity by Nora Roberts. It was a suspense-filled thriller. I loved it, but I'm a huge Nora Roberts fan. 
I'm just reading Black Hills by Nora Roberts.
My niece gave me It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. She told me to read it in two days, so we can all go to the movies to see the movie before she heads back to school. 

I also started my book for my women's bible study next year. I started it early. I'll miss the first 2 weeks. We are studying the women of the Bible this year. The book called Discovering Our Dignity can be found on the Walking with Purpose website. I'm on week two, so we are learning more about Eve. 

On TV this week~

Call the Midwives
Criminal Minds

On the Menu this Week~


No clue yet. I am sitting down today to meal plan for the next 2 weeks.

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Read the book, my niece gave me. 

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting quietly outside on the porch listening to the rain hit the roof.

From the Camera~

My sweet, old girl, Maddie

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pasture: he leadeth me beside the still waters."

Psalm 23

Praying For~

My family
For the repose soul of my great-aunt, Maryann (she passed away a week ago)
All the kids heading to college and their parents
Our country

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Inspiration~ August 11,2024

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