Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

Till next time, 

 The Homeschool Blog Awards are going on and I have been nominated. 
Can I please ask for your vote?

The Homeschool Post

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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas Break

Dear Friends,

I hope all of you continue to have a blessed Advent.

I will be taking a Advent/Christmas break for the next two week.
I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Till next time,
 The Homeschool Blog Awards are going on and I have been nominated. 
Voting is until December 29th.
Can I please ask for your vote?

The Homeschool Post

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Homeschool Mother's Journal~Weekly Wrap-Up

It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Things have been a little crazy . Homeschooling, organizing our homeschool co-op, teaching CCD, and trying to keep the house clean and organized was about all I could handle. So something had to give and that was blogging.
I would LOVE to say I got everything caught up and organized, but that would be a far cry from the truth.
I think I have finally come to the conclusion that your house will never be spotless when your homeschooling(or if you have kids and pets).

In our homeschool this week.....Math, Writing, Reading.....all the basics. We have finally caught up with our history and science lessons. Somehow, we always fall behind in these subjects. Maybe I need to scale back a little. I just get so excited with all the possibilities. On top of our usual religion lessons, we have added Advent Adventures to our schooling.

My kids enjoy watching the videos and working in the workbooks. I count it as part of writing and spelling.
We finished up our semester today and will be taking a two week vacation for Christmas. In my head I am signing...."I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!" I have really enjoyed the 6 weeks of school and 1 week off. It seems to be the perfect solution. Just when you need a break, you get one.

In our life.......just preparing for the birth of Christ. The house is decorated for Christmas. I love having my grandmother's nativity sitting out on our shelves this year.

The kids have been following the Wise Men around. Some days they are easier to find while other days they can be rather sneaky.

I have finished Christmas shopping. Now all I have to do is wrap all the gifts, bake more cookies, bake pies, and get Christmas dinner set.
Are you ready for Christmas? 
Can you believe it's only a week away?

What I am working on...... I have been making a tree skirt for our Christmas tree. I started it awhile ago (over a year ago), but just never got around to finishing. I am working on altering a skirt for my sweet, amazing CCD aid. Cleaning and preparing for Christmas dinner. I am also creating uneven bars and a balance beam for Princess P's American Girl dolls for Christmas. It's such a busy time of year.

What I am reading....
Catholic Home Schooling by Mary Kay Clark

and Praying the Rosary by Megan McKenna

What the kids are reading....Lego Man just finished Father Marquette and the Great Rivers by August Derleth for school.

For free time reading, he is working on the second book of the Redwall Series, Mossflower.

He is really enjoying reading these books.
Princess P is reading the Little House Chapter books. She has checked out a handful from the library and is reading through rather quickly.

What I am praying for....a peaceful Christmas. It always seems like there is some type of drama this time of year. We are continuing to pray for Mary and Miss Courtney as her time here on earth is becoming shorter. We are praying for a peaceful death for this sweet saint as she returns home to be with Jesus.

Till next time,

 The Homeschool Blog Awards are going on and I have been nominated.
Can I please ask for your vote?

The Homeschool Post

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Classically Catholic Memory Gamma Year~ Week 3

Salve Regina

We are still learning the Salve Regina. We have been singing along to our Chant Cd, We love the low tones of the monks and they are extremely easy to understand. Perfect for young ones (and even us older ones) to learn the Latin pronunciation
We are also learning the Salve Regina in English. We say it with our morning prayers.

This week we talked about the chief attributes of the Catholic Church. To learn more about the attributes, we read the Baltimore Catechism.
I didn't find (or think up) any fun craft or project to go along with this lesson.


We went over the map and labeled the provinces and territories for the week. I printed out some worksheets for the kids to do. The first sheet we colored in the provinces and territories as we learned them. The remaining sheets, I had the kids label Canada, Ottawa the capital, the provinces, and territories.

Canadian Provinces Coloring Page with map labeled can be found here.
Maps to Label can be found over at I printed a few out and had the kids label the maps every day after going over the map from CCM.

Kidzone has a few worksheets with information for helping kids learn about Canada. There is even a page you can  print out to learn Canada's national anthem.

Here is a basic Canadian map that is easy for kids to label for more practice.

Enchanted Learning has a worksheet they provides older kids a little more information. You can even use it as a quiz.

Great Words~
We are still reading through the poem Christopher Columbus. We read the poem 2-3 times each day. I have been having the kids write the new stanza the first day of the new week. I believe that writing the words down helps them remember them. After we read the poem together, I have each kid try to recite the poem by themselves. They have been doing a wonderful job! They miss a few words here and there, but overall they have been doing an amazing job.

Here is a Christopher Columbus coloring page that can be colored to go along with the poem.

A fun craft that can be is creating Christopher Columbus' three ships....The Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria!

I found this craft on Pinterest. I ended up doing the craft with my kids at co-op. In the original artwork, the ships just had 3 white sails, of course we had to add the crosses onto the flags. This would be great for Columbus day too!

There was a lot of information to cover in history this week. We filled in our explorer info sheets. You can find the sheet I made for Henry Hudson here
We spent most of our time talking about Jamestown, VA and Plymouth, MA. We had talked about both of these settlements a few years ago, so we were basically adding on to our knowledge.
There is so much you can do with this lesson. Google the pilgrims and you'll find pages of stuff to do with older and younger kids. 
We spent more time on Jamestown. 

You can read all about Jamestown on their official website.
We checked out a few books from the library.


We built a Jamestown fort out of popsicle sticks. You can find more information on how to do it here.
I had in my filing cabinet a printable paper model of Jamestown that could be put together I found it over at Home School in the Woods. They also have a free lesson sampler about life in early colonial times.

Lego Man read the Corn Raid by Jame Lincoln Collier.

Princess P read the My America: Elizabeth's Jamestown Colony Diary by Patricia Hermes

This week we talked about the Periodic Table. We learned about Atomic Weight and Atomic Number. We checked out a few books from the library.

We read Chapter 2 in our Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry book. I have to say I love these books. It provides just the right amount of information for kids.
After learning more about the Periodic Table, we did a few fun worksheets.
Our first page was a worksheet on how to read the Periodic Table worksheet.
I found a bunch of worksheets that will help children master reading the Periodic Table. 

They were fun and easy. My kids did them as extra work. 
You can find them here.

Throughout the two week we read our library books and worked on a few more worksheets.

If you want your kids to memorize the Periodic Table, you can print out the Periodic Table Flash Cards.

Multiples of 4...Well we sang the song or in Lego Man's case he spoke the numbers. He really doesn't like to sing.
If you have older children, like myself, they may like working on a few worksheets to reinforce the multiples.

I found a few pages....

You can create you own multiples worksheets at Worksheet

Till Next Time

And the Winners Are............

The winners of the candy canes are......



Congratulations, Ladies!

Till next time, 

The Homeschool Blog Awards are going on and I have been nominated. 
Can I please ask for your vote?

The Homeschool Post

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