Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Inspiration~ March 31, 2019

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Review~ Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Period Set

Mountain of Grace Homeschooling

Over the years, we have used a variety of resources from Memoria Press. Recently, Michael and Therese were given the opportunity to work through Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Periods Set from Memoria Press.

So what's included in the Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Period Set? This 3-piece set includes... Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Period book, the student guide, and the teacher guide.

The Poetry, Prose, and Drama book is divided into two main sections.

From the Angelo-Saxon Invasion To The Norman Conquest (449-1066)
Chapter 1~ The Literature of the Warrior
Chapter 2 ~ The Literature of the Priest

From the Norman Conquest to the Accession of the Tudors (1066-1485)
Chapter 3 ~ The Literature of the Medieval Church and its People
Chapter 4 ~The Literature of the Common People

Each chapter is broken up into even further sections. As students work through the chapters, they will read about a wonderful selection of famous men from history. Saint Andrew, Saint Augustine, Pope Gregory, King Edwin of Northumbria, Robin Hood and King Arthur. These are just a few of the amazing stories and tales the students will come across while working through this course.

What is Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Periods Set?

First off, students need to understand that they are not reading these works to merely discuss the work, they are learning to read these works so they can discover the soul of the work. Their goal is to discover the true essence of the work, which will allow them to dig deeper and learn more from these great works. They will have to think and use that brain God gave them.

The book contains the stories and poems the students will be reading and discovering more about. No extra books are needed.

The student guide is broken up into lessons that focus on a particular work. The first work presented in the book is . Each lesson had four stages the student needs to work through.


This section prepares the student discovering the central idea being presented in the work. This is done by presenting the students with a few questions to get them thinking.


This section presents the students with extremely useful reading notes, vocabulary words, literary terms, and reading comprehension questions to help them figure out core meaning of the work.


This section allows the students to reason with the facts, elements, and various features of the story or poem being presented. Here they will sort through ideas, compare ideas, and finally connect them. By the end of this section, students should be able to start to see the main idea of the work.

~Rhetoric/ Expression~

This is the final stage. This is where the students will express what they believe is the main idea of the story or poem. Students will summarize the work, write an eloquent sentence about the poem or story, and write down 2-3 points that will support their idea of the main idea. Finally, they have a writing option to complete.

Students will need a notebook to complete the study guide. It does not have areas for writing.

How Did We Use Poetry, Prose, and Drama: The Old English & Medieval Period Set?

The first thing I did was read through the teacher's guide. The teacher's guide clearly explains how the book and student guide should be used in conjunction with each other. This information is included in the student guide for the student to read through too. I definitely recommend everyone reading this and then discussing the information provided to make sure everyone understands and knows what is expected of them. I had both Michael and Therese read this section. I wanted to make sure we all were on the same page.

I was thrilled to see how to mark a book. This was a great section that allowed Michael and Therese to see how to mark important sections and take essential notes.

Before starting, I created a schedule for the kids. I wanted to make sure they knew what they were required to complete each day. Since we do English five days a week, I decided to work on the lessons 3 days a week.

On the first day, we would look over the pre-grammar/preparation section in the student book.On the second day, they would start on the grammar/presentation section. On day three, they would start reading the poem or story. Depending on the length of the work, we may break it up into a few days. After completing the story or poem, they would  complete the comprehension questions. Some days, we would do this verbally, while other days I would have them write their answers out.  Finally, they would finish up the Logic section. 

We've enjoyed all of the products we've used over the years from Memoria Press. 

Want to learn more about a few of these outstanding products from Memoria Press?
Click the link below and see what the crew had to share about them!

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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Inspiration~ March 24, 2019

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Review~ "Acts to Revelation" DVD Set from Drive Thru History®

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Hello there! Are you ready to go on a journey? Well hold on to your hats because today I get to tell you about Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation" from Drive Thru History®. This fun, engaging DVD set allows viewers to travel along with Dave Stotts as he journeys through the world of the first Christians.

For this review, we received the physical DVD set from Drive Thru History®. The 3-disc set includes eighteen 30 minute episodes that takes viewers on an amazing adventure through the life of the early Christians.

~Disc One~
Episode 1~ The Gospel Shared at Pentecost
Episode 2~ The Church Grows in Jerusalem
Episode 3~ The Gospel Spreads to the Gentiles
Episode 4~ Saul of Tarsus & the Road to Damascus
Episode 5~ Paul's First Missionary Journey- The Island of Cyprus
Episode 6~ The Journey Continues- Pamphylia, Galatia, & Asia Minor

~Disc Two~
Episode 7~ The Jerusalem Council & Paul's Second Missionary Journey
Episode 8~ The Second Journey Continues- Philippi & Thessalonica 
Episode 9~ A Road Trip to Athens
Episode 10~ Ancient Corinth
Episode 11~ Paul's Third Missionary Journey- Ephesus
Episode 12~ Paul's Final Trip to Jerusalem & Caesarea

~Disc 3~
Episode 13~ Adventures at Sea- The Island of Malta
Episode 14~ A Final Journey to Rome
Episode 15~ The Martyrdom of Paul & Peter
Episode 16~ John and the Island of Patmos
Episode 17~ The Seven Churches of Revelation
Episode 18~ The Book Closes on the New Testament Period

As usual, each episode is led by Dave Stotts. His energetic personality brings the early Christian's world to life. This is definitively not your typical boring documentary. No one can fall asleep during this exciting adventure. As viewers bounce along with Dave in his trusty,yet dusty Land Rover, they will get to see historical sites from the bible, stunning churches built during ancient times, and get to see where the early Christians traveled as they helped spread the word of Jesus Christ and his gift of Salvation.  Viewers will hear and learn about famous early Christians like Saint Stephen (the first Christian martyr), Saint Paul and his conversion, and Saint Peter.

How Did We Use Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation"

We spent the last few weeks watching the DVDs. Some week we watched 2 episodes, while less hectic weeks we watched 6. With the episodes only being 30 minutes, it's extremely easy to add into your day. I just counted watching the episode as part of our religion class for school. An added bonus for us for school is the DVD set comes with a study guide. The study guide includes a brief summary of each episode, recommended bible readings, a side road section, and 5 questions for students to ponder. These can be done verbally or if you have an older student, they can easily write out their answer for a brief lesson.  The study guide is filled with stunning photographs and images of famous paintings. These photographs add a wonderful visual aspect to the study guide. One idea I had for Michael and Therese was to research one of the famous painting included in the study guide. They had to research the painting, the time period it was done, and the artist it was completed by. This was a wonderful addition to their art history class and English class.

Famous painting + Research = Research Paper

The side road section takes students on a little side road trip. It allows students to dig a little deeper and learn something they might not have otherwise been exposed to. 
Parents don't worry though; the study guide does contain the answers to the 5 questions give for each episode. They are conveniently located in the back of the study guide for easy reference. 

What Did We Think of Drive Thru History® "Acts to Revelation"

What's not to like! Dave Stotts leads viewers on a exciting adventure through history. His high energy keeps everyone interested. You watch one episode and can't wait to watch another. Don't be surprised if the kids ask to watch another one. Faraway places, well-known bible stories and figures, and a few corny jokes make for an adventure that is well loved by all.

Find out more about all the products Drive Thru History® has to offer!

Be sure to stop by and see what the rest of the crew members had to share about this fantastic new DVD set from Drive Thru History®.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Inspiration~ March 17, 2019

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sunday Inspiration~ March 10, 2019

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Review~ Victus Study Skills System

As the kids have gotten older, I've realized that they need to work on their study skills to be successful in high school, college, and in life. I was actually looking for a product to use with them when we were offered a chance to review Level 3 (5/6-10/11) from Victus Study Skills System.

"The Victus Study Skills System is a system approach to study, not just isolated skills and individual components to be mastered,  but rather a way of thinking abut study."

Victus Study Skills System offers students of all ages an opportunity to learn how to study effectively. Studying is something all students have to do at some point in their life. Sadly, most students are never given the opportunity to learn the proper way to study. Wouldn't knowing how to study be extremely effective? How many students would feel more confident, achieve higher grades, and succeed in life? It would be a great lesson for all schools to teach.

Victus Study Skills System offers various levels for students.

Level 1: Primary (K-2/3)

Level 2: Elementary (2/3-4/5)

Level 3: Middle/High School (4/5-10/11)

Level 4: High School/College (10/11-College)

Student Planner (Levels 2,3,4)

For families homeschooling students of multiple ages, this system is perfect! The lessons are the same for all 4 levels, so they all can be taught together. Each level comes with a student workbook for the student to complete and a teacher's guide book to help teach the lessons. The company also offers a power point presentation and classroom videos for helping parents and students learn. 

For this review, we received physical copies of all three levels and the student planner. So we received the following books: teacher edition, student workbook primary grades, teacher supplement for primary grades, student workbook elementary, teacher supplement elementary, student workbook (level 3), student workbook college, and student planner.

" For the sole true end of education is imply this: to teach men how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain."
~ Dorothy Sayers

I've always loved that quote from Dorthy Sayers. It has been my goal throughout our homeschooling journey to teach my children how to learn. If you teach them how to read and how to discover new things, their learning will never end. We spend our lives learning new ideas. I strongly believe that learning should never stop.

The Victus Study Skill System believes in four important concepts....

1. Zeal without knowledge is not good, but zeal with knowledge bears fruit.
2. Results come from the process.
3. Any system with all the components must have an aim or purpose.
4. An effective system of study has the greatest likelihood of aiding success.

The system has four objectives for the students: understand that there are specific steps and strategies, build specific skills and provide specific tools, develop positive attitudes, and understand more fully their own role. 

How Did We Use the Victus Study Skills System?

For this review, I will be focusing on Level 3 (5/6-10/11). Both Michael and Therese were in that grade range so it worked out perfectly. The very first thing I did was read the teacher edition book.

This is the core book. It explains everything you will need to know. It will help you understand the philosophy behind the program and how to teach your students. The teacher edition book is broken up into 3 sections.

Section 1
Suggestions and procedures  which help you understand the foundation of the course

Section 2
Provides the lessons
Each lesson has the purpose, preparation, and at least one procedure with the student view. 
It's recommended to follow the instructions to provide the most success for your student.

Section 3
The Appendix
This just contains supplemental materials that can be used throughout the lessons.

I definitely recommend reading through the teacher's edition before starting the program. It will answer any questions you will have. 
There are 10 lessons total in this system. It should take a students five, 1 hour sessions to complete the program. We tried to do one lesson a week, but sometimes life happens. 

The student workbook is broken up into three sections.

Where am I now?
Where do I want to be?
How do I get there?

Each section covers a variety of ideas and suggestions. After reading the the course aim, Michael and  Therese immediately jumped into the program. The first thing they did was figure out where they were with their study skills. They quickly saw that they had plenty to improve upon. 
As they worked through the system, they both realized that they needed to set realistic goals and had to work on achieving those goals. All those days of nagging about not procrastinating started to sink in. If we want to achieve our goals, we need to work towards them. Writing them down and then doing nothing will not get us to the finish line. Having the books address different areas of their lives was important. They saw how setting goals can help them with their school work, community service, reading list(this was a big one for Michael), spiritual growth, physical fitness, and personal life. This well-rounded approach allowed both of them to see and understand why it's important to set goals, make plans on how to achieve them, and finally reach their goal.

Goals + Objective + Action Plan = Success

One section we are just starting to look at is the "my summer goals."

We are finalizing our summer plans and the kids are starting to work on setting their goals. Community service hours, swim team, shooting,  summer reading list, summer jobs, math catch-up, etc. I currently have them working on how to get all this done with our scheduled vacations. I hoping this will be a great tool for them to set their goals and accomplish them. Maybe this mama can have a little more relaxing summer now that they are older!

I plan on using Level 4: (10/11-College) next year with both kids, since our goal is to get them both ready to take college classes at the local community college. I think they'll be ready, but I'm not sure if this mama will be.

What Did We Think of Level 3?

Right off, I loved the study habits checklist. This allowed Michael and Therese to see where their strong areas were and where they needed to improve. I didn't have to say a word. They read through the habits and answered truthfully. I think they both realized that mom might know them better than they think.

I will admit, neither of them had great study skills when they went through the checklist. I felt the checklist was a great way for them to see where they were and where they needed to be. 
The workbooks were presented in an easy to understand fashion. Both of them found the material easy to comprehend and follow. I did purchase a second workbook for them both to complete the program. I liked how the system presented all areas of life. This allowed them to see how everything in life is connected. If we slip in one area of our life another area can and will eventually be affected. I think this is an important point for them to learn. They often live in their own "little bubble" not realizing how the real world truly works. This is a fantastic program to help show them this.

I was surprised with how honest they were with their lack of goals. In the beginning, both Michael and Therese admitted they set goals, but both admitted that they are not great at accomplishing them or getting them done.They admitted to slacking and completely forgetting about them. They both have agreed this system has helped them see so how to prioritize and stick to their goals. I'm hoping to see a big change in them over the next few months as they implement these new procedures in life. I have noticed both of them looking over the chapters in their science books before reading...something they never thought of doing before.

I did look over the student planner. It's like most student planners. My kids had paper planners in the past, but now rely on their planner they have on their phones/tablet. I prefer paper planners. I do think writing out your goals helps you focus on them more and maybe remember them just a little bit. 

Learn more about Victus Study Skill System!

Want to learn more about the other levels from Victus Study Skills System?
Just click below, head on over, and read the other crew reviews!

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sunday Inspiration~ March 3, 2019

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