Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Review~ The Hidden Message

Disclosure~I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Do you love history? 
Do you enjoying digging into the mysteries that surround our great nation? 
Well if you do, I have a book for you.
Recently, the kids and I were able to review The Hidden Message of the Great Seal: How Foundational Truth and the Dawn of Liberty May Rescue a Republic in Peril by Michael Kanis from The Hidden Message, LLC.

American History

"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful and virtuous."
~Frederick Douglas

For this review, we received a physical copy of the book, The Hidden Message by Michael Kanis. The high quality paperback book is a little over 250 pages. The cover is a glossy card stock and seems extremely durable. The pages in the book are glossy and thick. The book is filled with colorful pictures, detailed illustrations, helpful charts, and inspiring quotes from our founding fathers. The book is geared for an older audience. Parents and high school students can easily read this book. Aspects of the book can be shared with younger children, but they would have a difficult time understand the language and information being presented as it is written. 

Michael Kanis

The Hidden Message was written by Michael Kanis. Michael has a BA in Business and a MBA in Finance and Operations. He has traveled globally and interacted with people from all walks of life. He is a man of deep faith and follows a Christ-led life. After a visit to Valley Forge, PA, he became fascinated by our nations Great Seal. He spent hours researching through the National Archives in Washington, D.C. He is thrilled to share all that he discovered about this national treasure. He strongly believes it's vital for all Americans to understand the message our founding fathers presented to us.

"Bad men cannot make good citizens. 
It is when a people forget God that tyrants forget their chains. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom. no free government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue; and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
~ Patrick Henry

What is The Hidden Message?

If your family is like mine, I'm sure you have seen the National Treasure movies with Nicholas Cage. I found those movies fascinating. I've always been interested in hidden messages, conspiracy theories, and mysteries surrounding our nation. It's intriguing to think there may be a deep, dark secret to uncover. 

O.K., I will admit The Hidden Message is not just a book about some crazy conspiracy theory. It's a detailed, historical book filled with facts. Evidence is presented to support the information Michael Kanis brings to light. After reading the book, readers can see how much time, effort, and research he put into the book. The book investigates historical fiction and facts. 

The book contains 24 chapters.

1~ Introduction
2~ Time Capsule
3~The Significance of the Seal
4~ Setting the Stage
5~ A Tale of Two Systems
6~ Studying the Seal
7~ How Could it Have Been Hidden So Long?
8~ Charles Thomson
9~ Francis Hopkinson
10~The Pyramid
11~ Annuit Coeptis
12~ Novus Ordo Secorlum
13~ The Eye
14~ The Early Designs Part 1
15~ The Early Designs Part 2
16~ The Covenant
17~ The Front of the Seal
18~ The Four Pillars
19~ Virtue
20~ Freedom
21~ Providence
22~ Unity
23~ Unexpected Connections
24~ Conclusion

The Hidden Message digs into the message behind the National Seal of our great country, the United States. What do the symbols mean? What do they represent? Do they mean anything at all? What did our founding fathers want us as a nation to understand? Like many people, I've head the occult and free masons theories behind the seal. I honestly think we watched a show about it on the history channel a few years ago. After watching the show, I've often wondered if it was accurate. How do we know? I always tell my kids to dig deeper when they want to discover the truth about something. The Hidden Message does just that. It cuts through all the fiction, fluff, and myths to present a clear message. 

The National Seal was designed by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, & Charles Thomson in 17176. This was same year the Declaration of Independence was written. I didn't know this interesting tidbit. I had never heard of Charles Thomson before this book. See, you do learn something new every day. 

The book digs into the meaning behind the eye and the pyramid. Are they there because of Ancient Egyptians? Are they pagan in nature? Do they represent something dark and mysterious? 

As a Catholic, I was surprised to see the link to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel. I had no idea some of the seal was inspired by this stunning work of art. 

The book doesn't just deal with just the symbols. It also goes into great detail about the pillars of our nation...virtue, freedom, providence, and unity. We learn why these four pillars were so important to our founding fathers. If we look at our world today, we can easily see why we need to be reminded of these. We need to realize that freedom doesn't come for free. We need know and understand what our founding fathers wanted and why they fought so hard to gain that knowledge. We need to read and understand history, if not we are in danger of loosing the freedom our fore fathers fought for us. Freedom is much easier to lose than it is to gain.

What We Thought of The Hidden Message?

"I think with you that nothing is of more importance for the public weal, 
than to form and train up the youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are, in my opinion, the strength of the state, more so than riches and arms."
~ Benjamin Franklin

This is a fascinating book. It's a wonderful addition to any high school American history curriculum. I read the book first and then Michael. Michael enjoyed the book. He liked learning about the different symbols and messages. He loves history and loves discovering the mysteries from past. 
Therese will read the book sometime this summer. Both kids are doing American history next year. I thought this was a fantastic book to get the kids excited about learning American history next year. I'm hoping it will create some interest (and excitement) for the upcoming school year. 

Right now, readers can purchase The Hidden Message from their official website for 50% off the cover price. To receive the discount just head on over to the website, apply the coupon code HOMESCHOOL at checkout. Shipping is always free.
Discount code is good until May 30, 2020.

National Seal- American History

 Want to learn more about The Hidden Message?
Check out their social media site.

Don't forget to stop by and read a few more review. 
I know The Hidden Message will be a great addition to your American history curriculum.

Till Next Time,

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday~ April 27, 2020

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good Morning! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We had a fairly relaxing weekend. On Saturday, we weeded the flower beds some more and put down some new mulch. I want a decorative wooden wishing well for the one flower bed. I asked my hubby and he said he could probably make me one. I 'm so excited. Since the daffodils are done blooming for the year, I'm currently working on separating them and spreading them out into other areas. I haven't done that in a few years and they need to be thinned out a little so they'll bloom better.

On Sunday, I worked on next year's lesson plans for the kids. I'm little farther behind than I would like to be. We've been going back and forth about what to do since school, co-ops, and colleges have canceled in-person classes. I'd hate to pay for classes and then not have the kids be able to go, so right now we're planning on them staying home and working through classes here. They may take a few online classes. I guess it just depends on how things go.

It's a new week, at least that is what my calendar is telling me. I can't seem o keep track of the day of the week anymore. It's hard when you have no outside activities to plan your week around. The week days look like the weekends! I can't be the only one having that problem.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday and start this week off right! I'm thrilled to be joining Sandra in her weekly series, Happy Homemaker Monday.

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Last week, we had cooler temps again and more rainy days. We're supposed to get more rain this week and then the weekend clears up. The following week in promising sunshine and warmer temps. I'm praying real hard that happens. I'm so ready for our temps to stay warmer. I want to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I can's wait to start the garden and plant some flowers! It's no fun being cooped up in the house all the time.

Monday~ Partly Cloudy 57*
Tuesday~ Showers 59*
Wednesday~ Showers 71*
Thursday~ Rain 63*
Friday~ Showers 59*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy 68*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy 73*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning and what's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly, I'm feeling a little stir crazy. We're on day 44 of our stay at home orders. The scary thing is we have 49 days to go. Our stay at home order doesn't end until June 10th. I'm torn. I know we need to keep people safe, but at what cost to our economy. I feel horrible for all those who have no job and no income right now. I feel horrible for all the essential workers who still have to work, while the rest of get to stay safe in our homes. I wonder how that's fair. I think we truly need to find some type of balance. I don't know. I'm not a doctor or a politician. I'm just a mom who sees that we can't keep living like this. So for now, I'll put my trust in the Lord!

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

They are finishing up their school lessons. We have about a month to go and then they are done. They have Ancient History, Religion, and Math to finish. All their other classes are now done officially. Wed're just waiting on the grades from their teachers.

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee and more coffee. Once I'm done typing this I'll probably make myself some eggs. I need to get back to watching what I eat. I've gained 8 pounds while under quarantine. I have to lose that 8 plus the 20 I wanted to in the first place.

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I'm currently reading Just After Midnight by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

❀❀~What the kids are reading pile~❀❀

The kids are currently reading Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi for history class. They both are enjoying this book better than Robin Hood.

Therese finished her two books she received for her birthday already, The Warrior Maiden and The Piper's Pursuit by Melanie Dickerson. She loves the books in this series!


She finished them in only 6 days! She's running out of books to read since the local library in closed. This is the longest time she has been away from the library since she was 3. Once she discovered the library, she wanted to go every week.

❀❀~TV shows/movies I'm watching~❀❀

Therese and I are finishing up Friends and we have started watching Gilmore Girls. We've been recording them, but had to wait until season 1 so we could understand what was going on. I love curling up on the couch with her and watching TV. It brings back those days of when she was little and we'd watch Barbie movies or Tinkerbell. She was such a huge fan of Tinkerbell. It's hard to believe my baby turned 15 this month. I'm so proud of the beautiful, young lady she has become. She is truly a blessing from God, as all children are.

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Lesson plans for next year along with book lists
Sunflower wreath
Peach rose wreath
scrapbooks- I've finished up Therese's Disney World book (she was 3) and I'm now working on Michael's book. I'm about half way there

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

I have so many things to do!
Finish my deep spring cleaning. I lost my motivation for a little awhile.
I need to mop the floors. This is becoming a daily occurrence with all this rain.
I want to paint the living room and hallway. We're having our old living room furniture reupholstered. I loved that furniture and it was made so well. I can't wait to have it back! After pets and babies, it looks little rough. We had bought a new couch 4 years ago, but it was cheap and is already falling apart. It drives me crazy how everything is to be just thrown away in a few years, What happened to good quality products made to last. I'll need to make new pillows to go with it. I can't wait for Hobby Lobby to reopen.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Change the sheets
Clean the kitchen & living room
Clean the bathrooms
Vacuum and mop the floors again...the pets are still shedding and the dog and boys keeps tracking in mud from all the rain.
Write up a few reviews for the Homeschool Review Crew
Clean the chicken coop~ We're hoping one of our hens gets broody soon. We lost 2 hens this month. One to old age and one to a possum. We tried to hatch a few with our incubator but they never hatched. I think it's broken.

❀❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~Sunday dinner leftovers

I need to sit down and plan the next two weeks.

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Our country, our leaders, friends, and family. My kids miss seeing their friends and miss their sports. I think they are starting to get restless and a little anxious.
I'm praying we can slowly start to get back to normal, even if we don't know what our new normal will be like.

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

"Sometimes we have to experience things we don't understand just so God can bring us to the place he needs us to be. 
Never doubt the season He has you in."

Have a wonderful week! Praying you all stay healthy and happy.

Till Next Time,

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ April 26, 2020

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Saint Teresa of Avila

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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ April 19, 2020

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Saint John of the Cross

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

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The Resurrection- Carl Heinrich Bloch

"I am the resurrection and the life:
 he that believeth in me, 
although he be dead, 
shall live,"
~John 11:25

Wishing you a joyous Easter!
Christ is Risen!

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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Review~ History on Horseback: The Early Years

Disclosure~I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

History is one of our favorite subjects here up on the mountain to study. There are so many exciting adventures to discover when studying history. The kids were thrilled when we were given the chance to review History on Horseback: The Early Years from Sonrise Stable Books

For this review, we received a physical copy of the book History on Horseback: The Early Years 1493 to 1866 from Sonrise Stable Books. The book is 8.5 by 11 in size. The paperback cover is made of a thick, glossy stock-paper. The cover has beautiful colored images. The inside of the book is black and white. There are plenty of black and white pictures to bring the stories to life. The book allows readers of all ages to discover all the amazing, yet different, roles horses have played throughout the history of the United States. This particular book focuses on the years from 1493 to 1866. The book is a non-fiction book that contains information about actual horses, historical characters from history, and events that took place.

The book is geared for students 12 and up, but can easily be adapted to students of younger ages. The book contains 53 chapters and is over 180 pages. Each chapter is 2 to 5 pages long, so making this an easy book to get through. History on Horseback is a wonderful addition to any homeschool history curriculum. It adds some new exciting stories for all students, especially horse lovers. Of course, the book can be read all on its own. There's no need to add it to any curriculum either. 

Just a few of the interesting stories, facts, events, and people that will be presented are....

Arrival in America
The Palomo, the Dream Horse
Lewis & Clark
Coal Mining
Oregon Trail
Stagecoach Travel
Old Bob & Old Douglas
Pony Express
Brave War Horses
Union & Confederate Horses
Buffalo Soldiers

How to Use History on Horseback: The Early Years?

This amazing book can be used as stand alone read, a supplement for a history curriculum, or used as a full curriculum if it's use with the study guide. The study guide is currently being worked on. It should be available later on in 2020.

Two more volumes will follow. The second volume will pick up with the post-Civil War and the third volume of History on Horseback will bring readers up to the present day.

What We Thought of History on Horseback: The Early Years?

I found this book to be very interesting and highly enjoyed reading it. The stories are short and easy to read. I love how they are broken up. The stories can easily be added to any homeschool curriculum, which is what I plan on doing next year when we start learning about United States history again. Both my kids are in high school, so they each read the stories on their own. Since we were focusing on the middle ages for history, I had them pick a few of the stories to read themselves. My goal is to use the entire book in its entirety next fall.

Therese has always loved horses. In fact, as a little girl, she often asked for one. She found History on Horseback to a fun book to read. She said the stories were interesting, definitely not boring. She likes reading books like this rather than old, boring textbooks. This probably because we like living books for our history lessons. 

Michael loves learning about American history. He can't what until next year. He enjoyed this book immensely. The stories were informative, interesting, and exciting. he especially loved the stories about the west and how the horse played such an important role in the expansion. 

Both kids felt the book was a different approach to history. The enjoyed reading about the different horses, people, and events. History was not just being presented with boring facts. 

Discover more about History on Horseback: The Early Years

Be sure to head on over to read all the great reviews the rest of the Review Crew shared!
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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ Palm Sunday

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Blessings on this Palm Sunday!

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