Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ October 25, 2020

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ October 18, 2020

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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ October 11, 2020

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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Review~ Structure and Style for Students Level C from Institute for Excellence in Writing

Disclaimer~ I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. 

Writing is an important skill our students need to learn. It is a necessity in life. The kids and I have been using Structure and Style for Students Level C© from Institute for Excellence in Writing©. This curriculum is just what parents need to teach writing effectively and confidently. 

Institute for Excellence in Writing is a leader in the homeschooling world. They offer families an amazing selection of resources for writing, grammar, spelling, poetry, reading, and so much more. Over the past few years, we have used various resources from this outstanding company.

What is Structure and Style for Students Level C©?

It is a writing course using the structure and style format. Students will take a 24-week journey into the world of writing.

For this review, I received the basic package. 
The basic package includes...

Student Packet with Binder

The student packet are pre-punched papers that the student will place in the binder. There are no additional pages to print out. Everything is done for you creating lesson work for mom to prepare. As the students work through the lessons, they take the pages needed and file them under the correct tabs in the binder.  I love that the pages are already to go and that a binder is included. Each student will need their own student packet and binder.

Teacher's Manual

The teacher's manual is the guide that helps this course go smoothly. In the first few pages, the teacher will find a brief introduction, a scope and sequence for the material being covered, and brief page on how to adapt it to your homeschool schedule.

For each unit, there a few pages included to help guide the teacher during the lessons. The first page is the overview page. This page gives a brief intro into the unit: teacher preparation, goals for the lessons, a breakdown of the lessons assigned to the students for the week, and how long the videos are. This is great for planning out your weekly schedule.
Teachers will also find all the notes written down on the board by Mr. Pudewa during the videos. This is helpful since, I'm not always around when the video is being watched. After the note page, teachers will find copies of the source texts students are covering. In addition to the sources, teachers will find notes and vocabulary words and their definitions on the side.
The teacher's manual also includes copies of model sheets and style sheets that the students use during this course. The model sheets are blue, while the style sheets are pink or yellow. These pages contain notes on them too. These notes are extremely helpful to parents as they go through and teach the lessons.

24 Streaming Videos

Included with the program are 24 streaming videos for the students to watch. These high-quality videos are done exceptionally well. They take place in a classroom setting, so your students will feel like they are attending a real-life class. These videos go over the lesson and teach the students the material they are covering. These videos are a fantastic way to give your student a challenging writing course without leaving home. 

What's Covered in Structure and Style for Students Level C©?

This course is geared for students that read at a 9th grade or higher reading level. Students are given clear, daily assignments that include vocabulary words and suggestions for literature. Parents are provided with a thorough guide to lesson plans.
Structure and Style covers a wide range of topics that are essential for students to succeed.

Unit 1~ Note Making and Outlines
Unit 2~ Writing from Notes
Unit 3~ Retelling Narrative Stories
Unit 4~Summarizing a Reference
Unit 5~ Writing from Pictures
Unit 6~ Summarizing Multiple References
Unit 7~ Inventive Writing
Unit 8~ Formal Essay Models
Unit 9~ Formal Critique
Unit 10~ Response to Literature

The first two units are covered in a two week period. The rest of the units are covered over 2-4 weeks depending on the material being taught.

Structure and Style for Students Level C© is a writing course that all students should take. It provides students with all the fundamental skills they will need to become phenomenal writers and students.

Learn more about Institute for Excellence in Writing©

Here are a few of the other IEW resources we have reviewed in the past.

Find out more about the other Structure and Style© for Students levels offered from IEW©.
Click below and read all about Levels A and B.

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Inspiration~ October 4, 2020

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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Review~ Coding for Kids from Simply Coding

Disclaimer~ I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Hello again, dear friends! Do you have student interested in learning how to code? If you do, you should check out Coding for Kids Annual Membership from Simply Coding.

What is Coding for Kids from Simply Coding?

Coding for Kids is an online coding program that is self-paced. This online, interactive curriculum teaches students how to code their own computer games, websites, and apps through the correct structure and environment. The curriculum does not use the drop and drag technique. Students will not be dropping pictures and codes into boxes until something finally appears on the screen. Students will learn by having fun. Students will play games that will teach them how to write their own code in a text editor and host their projects online. This is not a boring curriculum!

Coding for Kids from Simply Coding is geared for students age 11-18. A younger student may be able to work through the program, but the curriculum was written to appeal to students in this age range.

Students will need a PC computer or laptop with Windows or Mac. They will need 2GD RAM and 10 GB Free Hard Drive Space. Students cannot use iPads, Tablets, Cell Phones, and Chromebooks.

What is the goal of Simply Coding?

Build a student's confidence in coding
Provide students with interactive lessons and clear step-by-step instructions
Offer live chat support for students who needs it
Help students create their own online portfolio of their work

What Courses are Offered in Coding for Kids?

Coding for Kids offers 4 pathways for learning. 

Simply Coding
Intro to Websites
JavaScript Game Design
Minecraft Mods in Java
Python- Multi-Player Adventures
3D Game Designs
Responsive Websites
JavaScript- Tower Defense
Intro to Java
Phone Apps- Android
Virtual Reality

Simply Media
Digital Photography 1
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop CC: Part 1
Advanced Digital Photography: Shooting Outdoors
Advanced Digital Photography: Shooting Indoors
Advanced Digital Photography: Storytelling
Digital Videography 1
Camtasia Studio 8
Adobe Illustrator CC: Part 1
Adobe Premier CC: Part 1
Adobe InDesign CC: Part 1
Advanced Digital Photography: Special Topics

Simply Tech Essentials
Microsoft Excel- Fundamentals
Microsoft Excel- Advanced
Build Your Own Computer
Intro to Computing
Microsoft One Note
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Publisher
Intro to Google Applications
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point

Simply Tech4Kids
Intro to Electronics
Intro to Programming: Scratch Part 1
Intro to Programming: Scratch Part 2
Blogging 4Kids
Google Applications 4Kids
Photography 4Kids: Part 1
Photography 4Kids: Part 2
Internet 4Kids
Tux Paint 4Kids
Keyboarding 4Kids
Animation 4Kids
Creating Your Own YouTube Channel

For this review, I received an annual membership. The annual membership does come with a 10-day free trial, so if you're undecided students can give the program a try and see what it's like. I was surprised by the variety of topics covered in this program. Students should easily be able to find a topic that interests them.

Each topic is divided into lessons. Within in each lesson are several modules to work through, After the student works through the modules, they will have a quiz to see what they have learned and remembered. The videos are short and well done. At the end of each lesson, the students will complete a test and add to their portfolio.

Coding for Kids is so much more than simple coding. The curriculum covers photography, coding, website building, apps, and so much more. Teens of all ages will find a topic they are interested in and easily work through the lessons. Simply Coding is a great way to prepare students for the computer world we live in!

Learn more about Simply Coding

Be sure to check out the rest of the reviews that the other Review Crew members have shared!
Click the image below and your all set.

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