Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Review~ Teaching Textbooks Math 4.0

Disclaimer~ I received a Complementary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

 After years of homeschooling, I swear we have tried just about every math curriculum out there trying to find the right one for both Michael and Therese. As a homeschooling mom, I wanted to find the best curriculum for them so they would master and understand math. Oddly, math has been the most challenging of subjects to find just the right curriculum. What worked for one student definitely didn't work for the other one. One of the nice things about homeschooling is the ability to find the curriculum that works best for your student. I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to review Teaching Textbooks Math 4.0 from Teaching Textbooks

Teaching Textbooks is a well-known math curriculum company in the homeschooling world. Almost every homeschooling parent will stumble across Teaching Textbooks within their first few years of homeschooling. It is well known and extremely popular among many families. The biggest reason that Teaching Textbooks is so popular is that this particular program teaches the subject and grades all the work. Everything is done for mom or dad. It is like having a math tutor come into your home each and every day. There goal is be make math learnable and somewhat enjoyable. Most parents do not hear their kids say they love math, but they often hear that the kids like using Teaching Textbooks.

What is Teaching Textbooks Math 4.0?

Teaching Textbooks 4.0 is an app-based program. To use the program, families will need a Teaching Textbooks account and download the app. The new 4.0 app can be used on a variety of devices: Computers (Windows or MAC), Android phones and tablets, iOS, and Kindle Fire.

 that teaches all the math concepts to the student and grades all the work. The program provides instructional lessons for the student to watch, assignments for the student to complete, and each unit includes a test at the end. The program allows students to work independently with little to no help from mom or dad. This is prefect for parents who may have struggled with the higher math courses. If a student is struggling, the company does offer a free helpline for students to call. 

Teaching Textbooks 4.0 provides math courses for grades 3rd through 7th, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Pre-Calculus.

Students are given a twelve-month access to their course, while parents have a lifetime access to the gradebook. Parents can pick the day when they would like their students to start the course allowing for lots of flexibility. One of the nice features that Teaching Textbooks offers is a 3 month pause period. The pause time is set by parents and must be done in 7-day increments. The pause time does not count against the 12-month access period. 

Course enrolment is for one student only and only one level. So, if a student finished one level before the 12 month period, the next level would have to be purchased. 

Teaching Textbooks teaching math using the spiral method. Concepts are reviewed in later lessons. This approach allows students to build on their math skills and helps them retain the information. This is essential for success!

How Did We Use Teaching Textbooks 4.0?

When we were assigned this review, we started out using the 3.0 version. We were to use the 3.0 version for a little bit and then switch over to the 4.0 version. The switch over hit a few bumps along the way (to be expected with a big change) and we ended up using the 3.0 version a little longer than planned. Therese was signed up for Algebra 1, while Michael was signed up for Geometry. 

The initial account set up was fairly simple. Any questions I had were answered quickly, politely, and resolved any of the issues I had. Teaching Textbooks has amazing customer service!

Set up for the 4.0 version was a little more work. We had a few issues with the app downloading, but we were doing it in the middle of the companies switch over. Everything was corrected and fixed with in a day or two. Again, the customer service department is fantastic! 

I download both levels on to my computer, while the kids download their specific level to their own computers. This was easy once the kinks were worked out. Each level has their own icon. Algebra 1 is A1 and geometry is GEO. This allows for me to quickly see what level I want to click on!
Since the App is downloaded, we don't have to worry about our internet connection as much as we did with the 3.0 version.

When the program is opened there are two options given for log in: parent or student.

The parent log in allows me to check the grade book and make any changes I may want to make. I can change the assignments, allow for the student to personalize their screen and turn off sound effects. This is where I can pause the course to. I love the pause feature. My only complaint is that parents can pause the course but can not unpause it if they need to. I paused Michael's geometry course because of a few things going on here. I chose a later date (more than the 7 days required), but when I decided we could get back to the course; there was no way to unpuase it on my end.  I had to contact customer service. They were wonderful and helped me resolve the issues that day. It would be nice if parents had that feature. Sometimes unexpected things come up and the flexibility to pause and unpause the course is a tremendous help to use homeschooling mamas.

Under the student log in, students can customize their page. Students can choose their wallpaper, graphic stickers, and sound effects. I know Therese customized her wallpaper, but Michael was not overly concerned with that feature. Having the option might make math more appealing to some

How Do the Lessons Work?

Each lesson starts off with audio instruction. Therese would love to know how long these instructional lessons are, so she can better plan her day and schoolwork. During the instructional part, key points are presented on the screen for the student. Problems are presented on the screen and students are shown how to compete them. Practice problems do require student participation, just they would in a regular classroom setting.
Students do have the option to skip the lesson if they want to. Obviously, this is not recommended, especially if the student is learning about a new topic. I know Michael has used this feature if he already understands the topic being taught.

A new feature that the 4.0 app offers is the scratch pad. This feature works well on tablets. It doesn't work that well on a computer. Trying to use the computer mouse just doesn't work out that well. Therese has a computer than can be a tablet too. She tried the scratch pad a few times, but decided it wasn't for her. She refers to use a notebook for her work. This way she can go back and look at if she needs to. 

What Did We Think of Teaching Textbooks Math 4.0?

I have just three complaints. First, your log in information can't be stored and you must log in each time. This is a little annoying. Second, the students grades are  stored in two different places. I have to log into both apps to record their grades. With the 3.0 version, it was located in one area.  Third, parents can't unpause the course. Other than those three issues, I have no complaints. The program teaches students well, provides a good amount of practice, and the cost is reasonable. 

Michael (Geometry) is a huge fan of old-school book and paper. He hates online lessons. The switch over for geometry was a little later than other levels and he became a little annoyed with the program. During the switch over, the company was nice enough to send the 2.0 version for students to continue to work through their lessons. Michael actually found that version more appealing. 

Therese (Algebra 1) is enjoying the 4.0 version. She found the switch from 3.0 to 4.0 rather simple. She said she really didn't notice to much of change. She mentioned they added more stickers and wallpapers, but she said she really hasn't explored all that. She said younger students would probably enjoy that more. Therese has been using Teaching Textbooks for a few years now. We switched to them when she was in 8th grade. She loves the program. She learns from the lessons and has done well in math ever since. Teaching Textbooks has allowed her to understand math, catch up to grade level, and excel in math. This program has made her enjoy math and that is a huge bonus to this mama!

After using a variety of math curriculums over the years, Teaching Textbooks is one our favorites. For high school math, it tops at number one! We highly recommend this program to other families looking for a math curriculum. 

Learn More About Teaching Textbooks

Want to learn more about the other levels offered from Teaching Textbooks?
Click the link below and check out some more reviews!

Till Next Time,

Monday, April 26, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ April 26, 2021

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

Good morning, dear friends! I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!  It has been too long since I joined in on the Happy Homemaker Monday, almost 2 months now. Time is flying by!! Things have been busy here with the home repairs, remodeling, and of course Easter. This past month was filled with birthdays and anniversaries. My baby girl turned 16. My hubby and I celebrated 20 years of marriage. He surprised me with a few days away. We hadn't taken a trip by ourselves since our 1 year anniversary. Time flies when you're raising babies and kids. 

The weekend went by quickly too. Therese had a few friends over for her birthday on Friday night. After dropping her friends off on Saturday, we headed to the farm store to get bedding and feed for the chickens. I hoping we get a some babies this year since none survived last year. On Sunday, I subbed for religious education again. I'll be filling in next Sunday too. Next Sunday, is the May crowning. I've already made the crown for the outdoor Mary statue.  I'm trying to decide if I will continue teaching next year. I missed the kids this year, but enjoyed my free time too. Decisions, decisions, decisions. 

Let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join the beautiful Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

On my goodness, it's going to be such a beautiful week here. Last week was down right chilly. It got down into the 30's again at night. This week we'll be in the high 60's and love 80's . I'm so thrilled. 

Monday~ Sunny, 63*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 81*
Wednesday~ Mostly Sunny, 82*
Thursday~ Cloudy, 81*
Friday~ Scattered Showers, 66*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 60*
Sunday~ Sunny, 68*

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the onslaught of cicadas that are coming. Yucky! I will not want to go outside with them all up in the trees.

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

I'm feeling pretty good today. My allergies are still being a pain in the behind. My arm/shoulder is better but not perfect yet. I can raise my arm above my head, but still can't get it straight up and I can't sleep on that arm or shoulder. From what I have read it can take up to two years to heal. It'll be a year in July. My sleep is still not good at night. Insomnia sucks. I have started drinking some night time tea to help. 

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

Yoga pants, a t-shirt, flip flops, and a hoodie at the moment. It's colder in the house than it is outside.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

Laundry, laundry, and more laundry! The washer broke a little over a week ago. It stopped spinning. Hubby had to order a part for it, so he could fix it. The part came in Friday, so now I have to play catch up. I already had to play catch up with being going for our anniversary trip. We were gone for 5 days and no one washed the sheets or towels. So now I have almost 3 week of laundry to do. Fun times!!
The laundry room remodel is not completely done. My dear hubby still needs to put up trim along the floor. I have found a few decorations to add to the decor of the room. I'll have to take a few pictures once  mountain of laundry is gone. 

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly, all the things I need to get done around here. It's crazy how our minds panic and go into overload when we have so much to do. When our lists get long, it's like our brains take a vacation and want to shut down. You're standing there staring at the list and have no clue where to start. When all we need to to do is start at the top and work our way down. One step at a time. Why do we like to stress ourselves out? Why do we like to make things bigger then what they really are. It's hard to appreciate all the little things when we feel anxious and taxed. 

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

They are in their final quarter of  school for the year. I can't get over how fast this school year has gone. They're busy with youth group, practice, and preparing for work camp this summer.

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

A half a cup of Coffee (my IBS is acting up) and a gluten free English muffin.

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I currently have a few books going....

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

The kids just finished up Animal Farm. They've been reading it slowly while working through the Animal Farm Study guide from Progeny Press.

 ❀❀~What I'm Watching on TV~❀❀

Well, we now have Netflix. Yup, we joined the modern world. Actually we finally found a internet service that would allow us to stream Netflix and not use up all all our internet. The kids are thrilled.
I've been watching the Virgin River series, Sweet Magnolia's series, and Criminal Minds from the beginning.

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

I found fabric while we were in Tennessee for our anniversary trip. The fabric has chickens and roosters on it. I plan on making some placements for the kitchen.  I'm hoping to start working on a few Christmas tree skirts too.

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 Ugh...it's messing again. What's that saying...appreciate the mess now, because before you know it the kids will be all gone. I need to organize and do a deep spring cleaning. It's been raining here, so the floors are yucky no matter how often I mop them. I need to organize the upstairs and down stairs pantry. They are a mess. 

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Clean chicken coop
Catch up laundry
Organize the pantries
Clean the master bedroom and bathroom
Mop the basement floor
Plants my flowers
Clean up the back porch
Clean up the side porch
Organize the sewing room
Write 3 reviews
Schedule business posts

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

Auto correct drives me batty!

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~ Chicken Sausage and potatoes
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I have to sit down and plan meals that are a low FODMAP diet. My IBS has been horrible lately. It's one of the fun things about having Celiac disease. I swear I'm going to just drink protein shakes. I miss being able to eat whatever I wanted and not have to worry about the consequences. 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

My dear friend and her family. She's still struggling with the loss of her mother
A easy end of the year for the kids as far as school goes
Our country
A friend who is pregnant with her first baby
My niece as she graduates high school
A friend's daughter who is struggling
My great aunts who have been in the hospital

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Love this quote. A friend shared it on Facebook.

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ April 25, 2021

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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ April 18, 2021

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Friday, April 16, 2021

Review~ Beginner Level Art Core 2, Painting with Watercolor Pencils from ARTistic Pursuits

Disclaimer~ I received a complementary copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Art! Art! Art! We all scream for art! At least that is how it felt when the kids were little. Art class was like getting ice cream. It was fun and it brightened up their day. Art class has always been an important part of our homeschooling journey. Therese and I are thrilled to be sharing with you today all about Beginner Level Art Core 2, Painting with Watercolor Pencils from ARTistic Pursuits!

ARTistic Pursuits is a well-known art curriculum in the homeschooling world. Over the years we've used quite a few of their books to satisfy our fine arts curriculum. I love how Artistic Pursuits teaching everything needed in a fine arts program. Students learn all about art history, study art instruction, and learn about the various art techniques used while creating art.

For this review, we received a physical copy of Painting with Watercolor Pencils which is part of the Beginner Level series geared for fourth grade students and up. This is the second book in this series. The first book is Drawing with Graphite Pencils.

The textbook comes with a Blue Ray disk and two DVDs.  However, none of the art materials are provided. Parents will need to purchase these items separately. Students will need one set of watercolor pencils (set of 12 or more), a vinyl or plastic erasure, a handheld pencil sharpener, 40 sheets of watercolor paper sized 9 x 12, various paint brushes, a plastic square, and a drawing compass. 
All these items can be purchased online or at your local art store. I would recommend buying quality products. When it comes to art materials, you get what you pay for. Cheap art materials just make the projects harder to complete and sadly, they often don't work the way they should. 

Painting with Watercolor Pencils introduces students to the media of watercolor pencils. Students will explore color theory. They will experiment with mixing colors, different color combinations, and learn various painting techniques.
The book contains 36 painting lessons. The lessons are broken up into nine units.

Unit 1~ Primary Colors
Unit 2~ Secondary Colors
Unit 3~ Tertiary Colors
Unit 4~ Complementary Color Pairs
Unit 5~ Neutral Colors
Unit 6~ Color Tints
Unit 7~ Color Values
Unit 8~ Monochrome Colors
Unit 9~ White Space

Each unit is broke up into 4 lessons. 

Lesson 1
Art Materials: Video Lesson
Video Instruction and the First Page of the Unit

Students will watch the 6-10 minute video and then try using the materials and applying what they have learned.

Lesson 2
Creativity: Building a Visual Vocabulary
Second Page of the Unit

Students are given a topic to focus on. This topic is explained in words(vocabulary) and pictures. Students are encouraged to look for the topic being taught in their own environment and to make real-world connections. They then will create a work of art using their observations.

Lesson 3
Art Appreciation and History: American 
Third & Fourth Page in the Unit

This is where students are shown how the current topic being taught is used in a master work of art. Students will learn about a particular artist and the time that they lived. They will complete this lesson by applying their new knowledge to a work of art that they create.

Lesson 4
Master Lesson: Assimilating Knowledge and Skills
Fifth & Sixth Page in the Unit

Students will complete the unit by creating a work of art by applying all that they have learned about the topic presented in the unit. They will use a variety of sources (still life objects, landscapes, photographs) as they create a work of art. Students will choose a subject matter that is of personal interest to them. 

For a semester course, each unit will cover two weeks. This gives he students two class days to work on the lesson and other days throughout the week to work on their projects.

What Did We Think of Painting with Watercolor Pencils from ARTistic Pursuits?

I love that this new program comes with the DVDs to watch at home. Living out in the country can wreak havoc on our internet connection. Sometimes it's amazing, while other times nothing will load. 
This new series from ARTistic Pursuits lives up to the same standards as all their other books.
I love how it brings in art history, art appreciation, and techniques. I love how both my kids have been exposed to various artistic media over the years.

Painting with Watercolor Pencils is a wonderful semester course. The lessons are clear and concise. The language is simple, and everything is explained extremely well. 
I simply created a semester course for Therese. I assigned two days a week to her schedule.
I choose Monday and Wednesday. This gave her plenty of time to work on and complete the projects. I made the final project due the following Monday. This allowed her to have extra time to complete the final project.

I will admit we have fallen behind this semester. Therese and I both got sick and were down for three weeks, then we headed out of town for a funeral of a friend's mother, and this was followed by Easter break, Easter, and a visit from the grandparents. I swear it feels like we've been out of school more than we've been in. So, she is barely completed any lessons, but she's enjoying the book and plans to dig back in this week. She's perfectly fine working through this course into the summer. It's like I said before... ART, ART, ART, we all scream for ART! 
Art class is like enjoying eye cream on a hot summer day!

Here are the other books we reviewed from ARTistic Pursuits over the years.

Learn More About ARTistic Pursuits on Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArtisticPursuitsInc
Twitter: @ARTisticPursui1
Instagram: @artisticpursuitsinc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk75eIpDhZUqbr1On5xEQJQ

Be sure to check out all the other great books the crew reviewed from ARTistic Pursuits.
K-3 Program: Kindergarten and Elementary Art and the first book in the series we reviewed, Drawing with Graphite Pencils.
Just click the banner below and discover a wonderful new set of books to add to your homeschool collection!

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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ April 11, 2021

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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Review~ Mastering the TI- 30Xa Scientific Calculator from Triad Math, Inc.

Disclaimer~ I received a complimentary product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

Good Morning, dear friends! 
It's been a while since; I posted a review. Today, I get to share with you a wonderful product for middle and high school students. Triad, Inc. makes using a scientific calculator easy with their Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students workbook.

For this review, we received the Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students workbook, access to online lessons, and a scientific calculator. This entire program $15, plus shipping and handling. It is a fantastic deal for a strong understanding of how to use a scientific calculator. 

The Mastering the TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator: Augmented Intelligence for all 21st Century Students workbook is not just a workbook. Students will log in into their online lessons on Moodle (online learning management system) This will allow students to view the video lessons that go along with the lessons in the workbook. 

The workbook contains twenty-five lessons. Each online lesson includes a pretest, notes from the workbook (pdfs that can be downloaded), a video lesson, exercises from the workbook, answers to the exercises, a post-test, and a forum.

Lesson 1~ TI-30Xa Introduction
Lesson 2~ On/Off  FIX DEG M1 M2 M3
Lesson 3~ Real Numbers: Add Subtract Equal
Lesson 4~ Negative Numbers
Lesson 5~ Multiply Divide
Lesson 6~ Percentage
Lesson 7~ Memory M1 M2 M3 STO RCL
Lesson 8~ Square
Lesson 9~ Square Root
Lesson 10~ Reciprocal "Flip It"
Lesson 11~ Fractions
Lesson 12~ D/C Proper/Improper Fractions
Lesson 13~ Fraction to decimal Conversion
Lesson 14~ Exponents
Lesson 15~ FLO SCI ENG Formats

Lessons for Trigonometry Students
Lesson 16~ DEG RAD GRAD Three Angle Measurements
Lesson 17~ SIN  SIN- ARCSIN
Lesson 18~ COS COS- ARCCOS
Lesson 19~ TAN TAN- ARCTAN
Lesson 20~ DMS Degrees Minutes Seconds

Lessons for STEM Students
Lesson 21~ Polar Rectangle Coordinates
Lesson 22~ Units Conversions Wolfram Alpha
Lesson 23~ Density= Weight/Volume
Lesson 24~ Prefixes 
Lesson 25~ Technician's Triangle

What Did We Think of Triad, Inc.?

I loved the idea of this course! I remember using a scientific calculator in high school and college, but it has been a few years since I used one. I knew the basics on how to use one, but I certainly did not remember all the ins and outs of how to use one. I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to review this workbook. I knew both my kids would need to know how to operate a scientific calculator and I wanted them to have confidence in their ability in using one. Michael had used one a few times before but was still unsure about all the functions. Therese had not used one before, so this was perfect for her. 

We started at the very beginning and worked on way through the lessons. I figured a little bit of review for Michael was not a bad thing. We are still working through the lessons since we had a few setbacks and breaks over the past few weeks. 

Michael felt the first few lessons were easy, but they were review for him. He did like Dr. Del. He liked how he got to the point. He was clear and concise. Michael does not like jokes, funny stories, or extra bells and whistles when he is listening to a lesson. He likes the instructor to be clear and to get his point across in a simple, quick way. This was the perfect lesson/workbook for him. 

Since this was all knew for Therese, she did not mind the repeat of information she had learned in Algebra 1. It was a great refresher according to her. She also enjoyed the clear way the Dr. Del delivered the lessons. She usually prefers to read her lessons unless she needs a little more understanding of a topic. Dr. Del was an excellent instructor and was precisely what the kids needed and wanted.

Discover More About Triad Math, Inc. on Social Media

Want to read some reviews about Triad Math, Inc.?
Click on the banner below and see what the rest of the crew members had to say!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wordless Wednesday~ Spring Flowers

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Have a Happy Wednesday!

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