Monday, May 1, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday~ May 1, 2023

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Happy Monday, dear friends, and Happy May! I can't believe it's already May. I'm not complaining though. I am ready for sunshine and warm temperatures. They seem to be taking a little while to get here though. We are in for a few chilly days here. 

Did you all have a wonderful weekend? Our weekend was filled with rain, so not too great. We couldn't do too much outside. Hubby did get to burn our brush pile. On Sunday, I had Mass and Sunday school. We only have one more class for the year. 

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~
We've had a few rainy, dreary days and now we have cooler temps. We are in the high 40s this week. I am not liking this weather. I'd really love to see some sunshine, but it doesn't look like we will for a few days.  Mamma Kitty and I are ready for some sunshine. 

Monday~ Scattered Showers, 49* (Way too cold for me)
Tuesday~Cloudy, 46*
Wedenesday~ Cloudy, 46*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy, 52*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny, 57*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 59*
Sunday~ Mostly Sunny, 65*

As I Look Out My Window~
It's gray and cloudy outside. The rain has stopped at least for a bit. They are calling for some afternoon showers. After three days of rain, I'm ready for a break.

When I went out to feed the girls, the birds were singing and chirping away. I think they were happy to have a reprieve from the rain too. 

Right Now I Am ~
I'm typing up this post and working through some laundry. I got a little behind because our dryer broke. Some my dear, sweet hubby bought me a new set! We got a front loader this time. This is the first time I've had one. I like the set. The washer seems to wash the clothes better and the dryer actually dries the clothes!

Thinking and Pondering~
Flowers, Flowers, and Flowers! I can wait to get some new flowers this year and plant them. So far the flowers I bought last year have not returned. They were supposed to so I'm definitely disappointed.
I'm also thinking about baby chicks. I'm eagerly awaiting Marigold, our broody hen, to go broody so we can swap out her eggs with babies. She did great last year. 

How am I Feeling~
I'm feeling pretty good. I had a few weeks of bad allergies. Now all I have are itchy eyes. Not too bad, so I'll take it. I think we all had a little cold a few weeks ago but we're better now. 

What's for Breakfast~
 I had coffee and eggs I collected from the girls this morning. I have to collect the eggs regularly because I have a hen that is eating the eggs. I've caught the little thief red-beaked so now I have to break her of the habit. 

Looking Around the House~
I vacuumed and mopped on Saturday but it needs to be vacuumed again. With all the pets losing their winter fur right now it's crazy around here. I need to put clothes away and straighten up the master bedroom. Everything else just needs a little cleanup. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 
Make Mary's crown for the May crowning
Drop off donations
Clean the house
Sand and prime the hutch
Weed the flower beds
Make a few wreaths

On My Reading Pile~
The Witch of Tin Mountain by Paulette Kennedy
When Never Comes by Barbara Davis

On TV this week~

The Good Witch
Ginny and Georgia

The Best of Me..... I watched this on Saturday. It was a book by Nicholas Sparks. Now I want to read the book. 

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Tuscan chicken, zucchini, pasta, and salad
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ Son's of Italy dinner with my parents
Sunday~ ??

I'm working on meals today

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will~

Pray the Rosary
Paint my toenails
Start my May bible study

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
~ Joshua 1:9

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Till Next Time,
