Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday Inspiration~ January

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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Inspiration~ January 21, 2024

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Inspiration~ January 14, 2024

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Sunday, January 7, 2024

Sunday Inspiration~ January 7, 2024

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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Saturday Scents~ Happy Valentine's Day

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Good Morning, Friends! So I've decided to share all about my favorite Scentsy products on Saturday. I rejoined this past fall. I love their products and enjoy sharing their products even more! So today, I thought I'd share all about the Valentine's Day Collection that is launching on Monday, January 8th! It has so many cute goodies and some amazing scents.

Two new mini warmers......

The Valentine's Day Collection Scentsy Wax bundle...

I Pick You
Pear-fectly Cute
Simply the Zest

A Toad-ally adorable buddy clip...

A cute charm clip...

Two stunning floral fragrance flowers. One is even a tiny bouquet!

Not a wax fan... no worries. We have two mini fan diffusers with twin pod bundles.

And last but not least is this handsome little guy! Say hello to Adore-a-saurus. Isn't he just the scariest dinosaur you've ever seen!

Don't forget, we have the Warmer of the Month and the Scent of the Month too. 

The Sweet Heart Warmer is stunning. You'll fall in love with the intricate design on this pretty-in-pink, heart-shaped warmer. Now I want to go watch Pretty in Pink with Molly Ringwald. I love that movie. 

Candy Orchard smells so good. It's a cloud of spun sugar mixed with sweet raspberry and warm vanilla in a candy-coated fantasy. 

The best part, both are 10% off this month!!!

Any questions, just let me know. I'm here to help. 

You see all these and more on my website, Happily Wildcat Hollow

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Friday, January 5, 2024

Welcoming a New Year!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I can't believe another year has come and gone. I swear one minute you're rocking your newborn baby to sleep and the next you're watching them head off to work! The years have flown by. It seems like time flies by faster when you have kids. It could be because we have something to judge time by. Who knows? I just get a little reflective on things when the new year starts. I ponder how the year went, whether I did the things I needed to do, what did I not accomplish, and what can I do to change things this year. I always look back at my family and wonder if I made them feel loved and valued. Let's face no family is perfect. We all make mistakes. I just want them to know that they are the most important thing here on earth. 

I know I haven't posted in a while. I think my last post was in October. Since the kids graduated, things here have been a little different. It's taken me some time to get used to this new role in the family. Essentially, I lost a major job in our home. It's hard to shift gears sometimes. I went from planning all their lessons, scheduling the lessons, teaching, and grading to sitting on the sidelines. I won't lie it left a giant hole.  Like so many of us parents, I had to mourn that part of our lives. The part from when we are there constantly for them to being there when they need us. Letting them go to spread their wings is hard. I'd take the "terrible twos" back any day. No one tells you that the hardest part of motherhood is letting your kids grow up. 

Source~ Pinterest

O.K., enough reflecting for now.  I hope y'all are having a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic start to the new year.  So I have a few goals set for this year!

1. Blog More

This I have toyed with for months! Do I just stop? What do I post about? I finally decided to give it a go. I just needed to figure out what I wanted to share since I'm no longer homeschooling. I think I've figured it out at least a little bit. I fill y'all in later on. 

2. Get Healthy

This has quite a few components to it. I want to lose 25 pounds so that I am in a healthier weight range for my height. I also want to build my strength back up after my torn rotator cuff. I've also noticed that I've lost some muscle mass and lots of flexibility as I've aged. Being almost 50 and perimenopausal is not fun. The hot flashes at night are horrific. So I'm watching what I eat and exercising. I'm just using exercise videos and weights. and the Lost It app on my phone. I'm also following a few ladies on Instagram for exercise advice. 

3. Spend More Time in Scripture Study

This one is pretty easy to do as long as I make the time and effort. I have a wonderful collection of books I can read on my shelves. When I've seen a book I'd like to read at the thrift store or used book sale, I'd pick it up. I also joined our women's bible study group again this year. We'll be starting Beholding Your King from Walking With Purpose. I'm also joining in on the Women Living Well's bible study, The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah: One Chapter a Day. This one I can do on my own.

4. Start Sewing Regularly

This is one I've been saying for the past two years. I have started to really organize the sewing/craft room (the old school room). I officially got rid of all the kid's school books. I packed away what we wanted to keep and donated the rest. I organized my fabric. I'm using our old china hutch. It works perfectly. My goal this month is to organize and clean the sewing/craft room so I can start sewing in February! My plan is to start sharing sewing techniques and projects. 

5. Get My House in Order

This one is pretty self-explanatory. My goal is to purge unnecessary items, organize the rest of the items, and keep the house neat and tidy. I started purging the basement in November and then stopped when the holidays started. I need to finish that area. We'll be starting a master bath remodel in the next month. Our sick is cracked, the old vanity is falling apart, and the shower leaks water that is destroying the wall. We've held out as long as we could. We are still in the "designing" phase, but I'll keep you posted. There are so many options out there. Now, we just need to find what we like within our budget. Yesterday while searching for bathtubs, I saw a bathtub for $12,000. It was beautiful, but that is crazy!!

See ya soon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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