Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goodbye 2024

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Goodbye 2024! 

It's hard to believe it's the last day of 2024. 
Can you believe it's already the very last day of the year? 
It doesn't seem possible. 

When we're children it seems like the years go by so slowly and that you'll never be a grown-up and do whatever you want whenever you want. Oh to be young and naive again! As I've gotten older (and hopefully a little wiser), the years seem to be passing by quicker and quicker. Children have grown up, friends have moved, and loved ones have passed on. The things we held so precious we find our not as important as they once were. The things we took for granted seem to be what we value the most now. It's funny how as we age our perspective of what is important changes. The little things matter the most. Our family, friends, and faith seem to become the main focus of our lives. We chose to leave the drama and negativity behind. 

As I look back at 2024, I am so thankful for the life I have been given. I am blessed with all that God has given me. As I sit at my kitchen table and sip my English Breakfast tea, I ponder and reflect on all the wonderful experiences, challenges, and growth I've had over the past year. Sure, there have been ups and downs over the year, but they have all given my life purpose and meaning. I can feel proud of all the things my family and I have accomplished. I love looking back and thinking about the times I've spent with my husband, my children, and my friends. Just sitting here listening to the dog snore brings a smile to my face. 
So as I say goodbye to 2024, I'm thankful for all the memories I made over this past year. I look forward to all the new, amazing opportunities that are waiting around the corner. Here's to hope and new beginnings in the new year!

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ December 30, 2024

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (well almost). I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas. We spent the holidays here. I cooked Christmas dinner, so we had my siblings and their families over. My mom and dad were able to make it. Thankfully, my father's health had improved and he was able to travel. I feel blessed that he was able to be here for Christmas. We had all the traditional holiday foods. I did make a gluten-free gingerbread cake with a butterscotch sauce. It was delicious. 

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.

The Weather~

The weather is warmer than normal for this time of year. We had some nice days in the 50s. The only drawback, it's been cloudy and rainy. We do have some cooler temps coming in later this week. 

Monday~ Partly Sunny, 56*
Tuesday~ Rain, 52*
Wedenesday~ Partly Sunny, 44* 
Thursday~ Partly Sunny, 38*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 38*
Saturday~ Partly Sunny, 30*
Sunday~ Partly Sunny, 31*

As I Look Out My Window~

It's overcast outside. The sky is gray and it looks rather dreary. I would love to have a day with full sun. I miss the sun. The ground is a little muddy after all the rain. The chicken pen is a mess. The dogs have been tracking in mud when they go out. I have a path of paw prints that need to be mopped up daily. 

Right Now I Am ~

I'm typing up this post. I've already walked on the treadmill. I started my New Year's resolution of getting back into my new healthy self a little early. I was doing really well until our trip out west back in September. I just never got back into it since then. 

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm getting ready for the new year and all the things I want to accomplish. I definitely want to get back to getting healthy and changing my life. Turning 50 has been no joke. I want to focus on losing weight, feeling better, and growing a stronger relationship with God. 

How am I Feeling~

Pretty good right now. Before Christmas, I caught a cold somewhere. I felt like crap for the 2 weeks before Christmas. Thankfully, I started to feel better 2 days before the holiday. It made for a few crazy days. The mad dash to get everything ready was real. I didn't even have Therese to help out since she started her new job. 

What's for Breakfast~

A cup of tea and a protein shake. 

Looking Around the House~

I need to vacuum. That's a daily occurrence here. I need to catch back up on laundry. The house is still decorated for Christmas. We'll keep it festive until February. I love how the house looks and feels at Christmas time. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Today, I'm heading out to lunch with my sister for her birthday. She'll be out of town for her actual birthday so we're getting together beforehand. 

Clean the bathroom
Clean the fridge
Organize the pantry

On My Reading Pile~

I'm currently reading The Mirror by Nora Roberts, it's book 2 of The Lost Bride trilogy. 
I'm also reading...

I'm currently halfway through my Bible study book, Discovering Our Dignity.

On TV this week~

I finished Lost while I was sick before Christmas.

Call the Midwives
The Resident

On the Menu this Week~

Tuesday~ New Year's Eve

I have no plans yet. We've been eating leftovers the past few days. I need to sit down and work on the menu for the next few weeks. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

I need to alter a few skirts for Therese and she has a top that needs to be stitched.

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

I love spending time with my kids. Even though they are older I enjoy the chats we have, the laughs that happen, and the bond we have. 

From the Camera~

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Twenty-Six Lists~ Holiday Ornaments and Memories

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Good morning, y'all! Happy Wednesday. December is here! We're in the second week of Advent and Christmas will be here before we know it. It truly doesn't seem possible!

Today's topic is Holiday Ornaments and Memories. 

Holiday Ornaments and Memories~

I love this topic. Christmas and all the other holidays are so special. Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year. It's my favorite holiday and season. We decorate our homes with beautiful items from our childhood and children's childhood. For years now, I have been blessed to have my daughter help me decorate the tree and the house. When both kids were little, they both would help, but as my son got older he didn't find it as fun as it once was. He did decorate his "apartment" last year. He has a family room and a bedroom in our basement. It was nice to see him decorate it, but he doesn't help decorate much upstairs. 

My daughter on the other hand helps with everything! The trees, the decorations that go in all the rooms, and even the bathrooms get decorated. She helps with the outdoor lights and the decorations that get put out there. We even decorate the chicken coop. You can say we go all out for Christmas. We start around Thanksgiving and all the Christmas love stays up until February 2nd, which is the Presentation of the Lord. 

Over the years, we changed and added a few items to our Christmas collection. No matter what I do, I'm definitely a traditional Christmas girl. No sad beige, no weird colors, no Grinch Christmas. 

Quite a few years ago, my dad passed down the Nativty that was his mother's. I love placing it out every year. It reminds me of my grandmother and all the special memories of visiting her house at Christmas. She was a small, feisty Italian lady. She always had some delicious cookies to share and a warm cozy hug. We added a new piece to it this year, a vintage angel my husband found on eBay. I'd like to continue that tradition going forward. I know my kids already cherish it. 

My grandfather on my mom's side was a huge train collector. When we were little, he had a whole train village set up in the attic at his home. He would use the ceramic Christmas houses to create the village. When passed, my son inherited a few trains and we got all the ceramic houses, stores, churches, etc. I now use them to decorate the top of my china hutch, Yes, I do have China. Rarely use it, but it looks pretty in my hutch.

I also use the houses to decorate the top of our built-in coat rack and my 3 tiered tray that sits on our breakfast nook. It makes me feel like he's still here. When I was little and after my parent's divorce, we lived with my mother's parents for a few years. Having pieces of their stuff up reminds me of them and all the love they gave us. 

I even added a Victorian-inspired house warmer to the counter a few years ago. I can fun holiday scents and really bring the Christmas feeling to life. 

Our tree is a combination of Hallmark Ornaments, gifts, and handmade ornaments from the years. I even have a few glass ornaments from a classmate from middle school. For a while, I had vintage glass balls my mom gave me when I first started out on my own. Sadly, I have 3 left. They had some help getting broken when a certain kitty climbed the tree and toppled it. 

I have one Hallmark ornament that I collect that I absolutely love. It's the Nostalgic Houses and Shops. My mom got me the very first one back in 1983. I've added the collection most years and a few years ago, I started searching eBay for the few I didn't have. I now have only 2 from years past that I need, a Gazebo and a library. I will admit when they tried to do a few houses and shops in the 50s style, I was not happy. I don't think a lot of people were because they changed the style back. I love the Victorian, classic Christmas style. 

I also collect Mary's Angels and the Puppy collection. Those 2 series, I buy if I think they are cute. 

My wooden angel from Germany

Do you have a special ornament or decoration? I'd love to hear about it!
Merry Christmas!

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday~ December 9, 2024

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Happy Second Week of Advent! I can't believe that it's already December 9th. I'm still trying to figure out where September, October, and November went. The months seem to be flying by. Oh well, I guess that's how life goes at times. It's been a while since I posted and I apologize for that. Life's been a little crazy with house renovations and a trip to Maryland to see my dad because he was in the hospital. And of course, Thanksgiving fell in all of that too. Busy, Busy, Busy! I hope y'all have been healthy and happy. 

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.

The Weather~

Oh my, it's been cold here. We've had quite a few nights in the teens. During the day, it's been very windy making it feel even colder. We're currently in a little warm-up, but the temperatures will be dropping back down soon. Not as cold as last week.  I guess old man winter is coming to stay. 

Monday~ Rain, 56*
Tuesday~ Cloudy, 56*
Wedenesday~ Rain, 54* 
Thursday~ Partly Sunny, 36*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 36*
Saturday~ Partly Sunny, 40*
Sunday~ Rain, 41*

As I Look Out My Window~

It's cloudy! The morning rain has stopped for now. According to my weather app, it actually has stopped for the day which is better than a day of all rain. The trees are bare. Now that the rain has stopped, the squirrels have begun to scamper about. 

Right Now I Am ~

I'm sitting on the couch with my two favorite girls typing this up. We are enjoying the pretty lights of the Christmas tree. The house is quiet since I'm the only one at home. 

Thinking and Pondering~

Honestly, I'm trying to figure out how to keep things smooth and happy here at home. Things have been a little stressful here and it's added a lot of stress to everyone in the household. I'm praying that we can find some peace and contentment with what we have and relax a bit. We need to trust in the plans God has for us. I really wish it was easier than it is. Why do we fight it so much? Why do we feel the need to be in control all the time? 

"Pray, hope, don't worry." ~ Padre Pio

How am I Feeling~

My gallbladder has been acting up, so that's not fun. I'm still having some stomach issues. Things really haven't gotten back to normal since our trip out west in September. I keep forgetting to take my enzymes and probiotics so that's not helping I'm sure. I also need to get back into walking and exercising again. I have slacked big time since we've been back. I can tell a difference and I've put back on 5 pounds...ugh! I really do feel better when I'm exercising and eating better. 

What's for Breakfast~

I had a cup of coffee this morning and a mandarine orange. 

Looking Around the House~

I need to vacuum. The dogs are still shedding like crazy, especially Miss Ruby. She also destroyed a toy so there is stuffing everywhere. I need to mop but we're getting more rain on Wednesday, so I'll mop on Friday because I know I'll have muddy pawprints throughout the house. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Work on a few new wreaths
Clean the master bathroom
Cleanout the fridge
Vacuum and mop on Friday
Head to the store to get a gift for the little girl I took off the Christmas tree at church
Last-minute Christmas shopping

On My Reading Pile~

I'm finishing up Cold Nights, Warm Hearts by Nora Roberts. When that's done, I have the new Nora Roberts book, The Mirror, to start. It came out last month and is part of The Lost Bride Trilogy. It's book 2.

I'm still working through my book for my women's bible study. We are studying the women of the Bible this year. We are currently reading about Abigail. The book is called Discovering Our Dignity and can be found on the Walking with Purpose website. 

I just downloaded a new Kindle book. It was recommended in our Bible study book. From Anger to Intimacy: How Forgiveness Can Transform Your Marriage by Dr. Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham. I haven't started it yet. I downloaded it this morning, so I'll let you know more later. 

On TV this week~

Call the Midwives
Christmas Movies!!!!

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Homemade Meatballs and spaghetti, salad, and bread

I have to figure out the rest of the week. It's a little crazy trying to plan dinners, I have to see who is working, and who will be here.  I'm going to sit down later this afternoon to meal plan for the next few weeks.

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Work on two new Christmas wreaths

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Curling up next to the woodstove with a cozy blanket, a good book, and a warm cup of tea. 

From the Camera~

The girls have matching Christmas bandanas. We got them at LunaPupsCo on Etsy.  If you would like to make your pups as cute as our girls. Head on over and pick out a few. Be sure to use MaddieRuby15 to get 15% off your order. They are well-made and so cute. 

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
James 1:2-4

Praying For~

My dad's health
My family and friends
A joyous, happy Advent season and Christmas

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