Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Teaching Tuesdays~ Moses and the Burning Bush
This past Sunday, we continued our journey with Moses. We picked up with Moses when he was a young man. He sees his people suffering, He sees an Egyptian kill a Hebrew man and Moses does the unthinkable. He gets so angry, he beats the Egyptian to death and buries him in the sand. Moses flees in fear and settles in Midian. Years passed and Moses rebuilt his life until one day God speaks to Him. God decides to speak to Moses through the burning bush. He asks Moses to free his people. He asks Moses to return to Egypt.
This story always shocks the kids. They can't believe that Moses killed someone. They also know that Moses would be afraid to head back to Egypt.
I give each child a coloring page to color while I read the Bible story to them.
After we finished the story, the kids worked on their burning bush craft.
Supplies Needed~
Each child colored Moses and then cut him out. They traced one hand onto the blue construction paper to be the burning bush. We used brown markers for this task. They glued Moses next to the bush. To make the bush look like it was burning, the kids glued pieces of red, orange, and yellow tissue paper to the bush. This is the fun part.
Next week we'll learn about Moses and the 10 plagues!
Monday, February 3, 2025
Happy Homemaker Monday~ February 3, 2025
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Good Morning, y'all! Happy February. It's finally here. I swear January always feels like the longest month. This year it was the worst. We got snow and the temperatures were freezing here. We usually get a few freezing days, but this year we had a few weeks. So, I for one am glad January is over.
Puxatawny Phil saw his shadow, so that means 6 more weeks of winter. I think he's right though. We have two more winter storms headed our way according to the weather apps. I'll be glad when spring gets here.
Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.
The Weather~
Yesterday was chilly, but today we're supposed to get up to 56. Virginia weather can be a little crazy like that. I don't mind though. I'll take the warm days. The constant up and down can be a little annoying.
Monday~ Cloudy, 56*
Tuesday~ Partly Sunny, 49*
Wedenesday~ Cloudy, 33*
Thursday~ Rain, 52*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 51*
Saturday~ Snow/Rain, 37*
Sunday~ Partly Sunny, 48*
As I Look Out My Window~
The snow is finally gone! It's only 29 out right now, so it's a little quiet outside. No birds sprinting around or chirping happily. The sky is gray and overcast so not very pretty out.
Right Now I Am ~
I am typing this post up. I'm sitting on the couch with Maddie curled up next to me. Ruby is sleeping on the loveseat. She's tired since she got up at 5 this morning. All the animals have been fed. Their bellies are full and they are happy and content for the moment.
How am I Feeling~
I've had a migraine the last few days, so that sucks. They seem to be picking up again. I read somewhere that that can happen during perimenopause/menopause, so that sounds fun. I need to call my general physician and get a referral for a neurologist. I'm still having some stomach issues and gallbladder pain. I have an appointment next month for my yearly physical so I'll bring that up too. I tell getting up is not for the faint of heart.
What's for Breakfast~
So far I've had coffee with almond milk. It doesn't bother my stomach that way. I'll have a protein shake after I exercise. I'm trying to get my stomach back under control. I had a spicy rice bowl from Chipotle and it did a number on my stomach.
Looking Around the House~
Everything needs a good cleaning. The floors have muddy footprints from the rainy day. I need to vacuum and dust. The woodstove causes so much more dust. I love the warmth it provides, but hate the added dust. We have our Valentine's Day decorations out, so we are ready for February. I need to change my wax out. FYI... this month is transition month at Scentsy, so if you need some wax the fall/winter scents are on SALE. You can check it out here.
On the To-Do List This Week~
Dust the living room
Clean the bathrooms
Clean out the fridge
Organize the rest of the pantry
Wash the sheets- I had to change them yesterday because a certain red dog jumped on the bed with muddy paws.
Start a few quilt squares~ I picked up the rest of the fabric I needed. I love the quilting store we went to. It's a good thing it's not closer. I'd have no money. The selection they have is amazing!
On My Reading Pile~
I'm still working on the same pile of books.
The Mirror by Nora Roberts
Wrapped Up In Christmas by Janice Lynn
I'm still working through Discovering Your Dignity
I'm still starting up my Bookstagram page. I've added a few quotes and a few kitty photos. I have one book review. You can find me at MoniquesBookNook.
Come find me!
On TV this week~
The Resident
Call the Midwives
Virgin River
The Night Agent
Designated Survivor
Crochet Videos
Quilting Videos
On the Menu this Week~
Monday~ Herb Chicken with wild rice
I need to see what we have in the pantry and then meal plan for the week.
If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~
I will start sewing the quilt squares for the quilt along. The fourth square comes out this week and I haven't done any, so I have 4 to do this week. I'm glad I have all my fabric now and I can't wait.
I also plan on making my Valentine's Day wreath for the door. I have all the supplies.
One of My Simple Pleasures~
I love it when all my babies are feeling better. Baby's surgery went well. She ended up having to have 3 teeth pulled. My poor little girl. She's on a soft food diet for 2 weeks. She's getting special treats, so I don't think she minds. She seems to be doing great!
From the Camera~
Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~
Source~ Facebook
Praying For~
My dad and his health
My Aunt Betty
My health
Our country
Friends and family
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~ February 2, 2025
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Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Wordless Wednesday~ January 29, 2025 ~ SNOW edition
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Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Teaching Tuesdays~ Baby Moses
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Good Morning, friends! It's been a few weeks since I shared one of my Sunday school lessons. We did miss class one Sunday because of snow.
We are currently learning about Moses. I break up the stories about Moses over a few weeks. He was so important and did so many things that it's hard to cram all of his life into one lesson, so I spread it out.
Week 1~ Baby Moses
Week 2~ Moses flees and the Burning Bush
Week 3~ The 10 Plagues
Week 4~ The Red Sea
Week 5~ Moses and the Ten Commandments
Before the kids arrived for class, I hid a small baby in the classroom. I use a Barbie Baby from a set Therese got as a child. I need to find a small basket to place the baby in. After we read the story of Baby Moses, I have them search for Baby Moses in the classroom.
The story I read was The Story of Baby Moses from the Alice in Bibleland series. I love all the stories in this collection and the kids always enjoy the stories too.
After Baby Moses was found, we worked on a craft. I found this cute Baby Moses Handprint craft online.
Source~ NonToyGifts
The kids had a blast painting, tracing their hands, and putting the pieces together. This year's class loves crafts and playing Bingo.
Once the craft was done, we worked on our prayers, added a few good deeds to our good deeds jar, and had a snack.
We finished up class by saying the Glory Be and Guardian Angel prayers. Since this past Sunday was the last Sunday of the month, the kids got to choose a prize from the Prize box.
Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 27, 2025
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Good morning, dear friends. Well, it's been a few days since I posted last, so I've already slipped in my goal of posting daily. A new week and new goals. We've had a few things go crazy here: sickness, a car breaking down (luckily my awesome hubby can fix it), more sickness, a sick cat, snow, and freezing cold temperatures. We are just now seeing some grass again. The poor hens have not been happy at all.
I hope y'all have been doing well.
Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.
The Weather~
Cold, cold, and cold. Snow, snow, and more snow! It's been so cold here, I have not wanted to go anywhere. Teens during the day and single digits at night. Not fun at all. Thankfully this week brings a warm-up. The snow is finally melting and it actually feels warm outside. The 40s and 50s feel like the tropics after the weeks we've had.
Monday~ Sunny, 35*
Tuesday~ Sunny, 46*
Wedenesday~ Cloudy, 52*
Thursday~ Sunny, 49*
Friday~ Rain, 50*
Saturday~ Partly Sunny, 43*
Sunday~ Partly Sunny, 42*
As I Look Out My Window~
Snow is still on the ground, but is starting to melt. The birds are flying around and chirping. I think they are enjoying the warmer temps too. It's been miserable here. I honestly don't know how people live with temps like this. I much prefer temps in the 60s and up.
Right Now I Am ~
I am typing this post up. I have a load of towels in the washer. I'm sitting on the couch with both dogs curled up next to me. All the animals have been fed, so everyone is happy at least for the moment.
How am I Feeling~
I'm feeling pretty good. My UTI is gone. I had my lady friend right after, so that was fun. Perimenopause is so much fun. I'm actually feeling back to normal so I'm pretty happy. I am a little stuffy but that's from the wood stove running. Therese is now sick. She missed the first few rounds of sickness before and after Christmas, so I guess she was due.
What's for Breakfast~
So far I've had coffee with almond milk. I'll probably have an egg and cheese sandwich.
Looking Around the House~
I need to vacuum and mop, of course. Miss Ruby is shedding like crazy. I think the warmth from the woodstove is making her shed more right now. I have to run Rosie every day. I still vacuum every few days, but Rosie helps keep the hair under control. It's not an easy thing to do with 2 dogs and 3 cats.
On the To-Do List This Week~
Surgery for Baby. She has a bad tooth. We're going to a non-profit to get her tooth removed and have the rest of the cleaned. Our regular vet gave us a quote of $1900 which was not in our budget at all.
Clean the bathrooms
Clean out the fridge
Organize the pantry. I ordered some gray baskets to help get things organized.
Start a few quilt squares~ I'm joining in on a weekly quilt sew-a-long. I'm pretty excited. I need to get a few solid cotton fabrics to go along with the other fabrics I have. I'll pick them up at a wonderful quilt store tomorrow after we drop Baby off. I love this fabric store but I only get there once or twice a year since it's almost 2 hours away.
On My Reading Pile~
The Mirror by Nora Roberts
52 Weeks in the Word~ I started this last year and never got past the first week, so I restarted it this week.
Wrapped Up In Christmas by Janice Lynn
I'm still working through Discovering Your Dignity with our church's bible study group for women. We just finished reading and learning about Tamar.
I started a Bookstagram page to post about my book finds and reviews.
You can find me at MoniquesBookNook.
Come find me!
On TV this week~
The Resident
Call the Midwives
Virgin River
The Night Agent
Designated Survivor
Crochet Videos
Quilting Videos
I'd like to find a few homemaking vlogs to watch but don't know where to start. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.
On the Menu this Week~
Monday~ Honey mustard chicken, tater tots, and zucchini
Tuesday~ Leftovers
Wednesday~ Dinner out since we won't be home
Thursday~ Cheesy taco rice
Friday~ Pizza
Saturday~ Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas
If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~
I need to catch up on Discovering Your Dignity. I'll finish setting up my planner. I ordered one from Prayerful Planner. It arrived last week and I love it.
One of My Simple Pleasures~
Creating things. I've missed creating new things. I have no one to blame but myself. I finally have the front room cleaned up so I can get back to having some fun.
From the Camera~
Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~
Grant me, O Lord my God,
a mind to know you,
a heart to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
conduct pleasing to you,
faithful perseverance in waiting for you,
and a hope of finally embracing you.
Praying For~
My dad and his health
My Aunt Betty
My health
Bbay's surgery
Our country
Friends and family
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~ January 26, 2025
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Sunday, January 19, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~ January 19, 2025
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Sunday, January 12, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~January 12, 2025
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Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Teaching Tuesday~ Teaching About the Ephinay
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Good Morning, friends! It's been a while since I've shared one of my Sunday school lessons. I think things are finally settling down around here.
Yesterday was the Ephinay. The day the three Wisemen visited baby Jesus. I always teach the little ones about the Ephinay the first class we have back after Christmas.
Before the kids arrived, I had the three Wisemen and their camel in the classroom. They belong to my kid's old Fisher Price Nativity set. As they find them, the kids add them to the Nativity I have set up in the classroom. This is a fun activity that makes the kids excited every year.
We read the story of the Nativity. I either use the kid's Bible or I read a storybook about the Nativity. One of my favorite books is The Little Golden Book The Christmas Story.
After our story, we talked about the three Wismen and the gifts that they bring. I have pictures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to share with the children.
We followed our lesson with a fun Nativity craft. I bought mine at Hobby Lobby, but here is a similar craft I saw online. They had fun recreating the scene. it's simple, easy, and can be done in a short period of time.
After our craft, we had story and snack time. While I read, The Last Straw, the kids snacked on popcorn and juice boxes. The Last Straw by Frederick Thury. The story is about an old camel who is backed to carry gifts for the newborn king. He's not happy about it, but as he walks the journey he starts to see a few amazing things.
We finished up class by working on our prayers. We are currently working on the Our Father.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Happy Homemaker Monday~ January 6, 2025
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Hello 2025~ A new year, a new start! It's been a chilly start to the new year. We have been in the low teens at night and in the high 30s during the day. We spent the weekend preparing for the snow that was coming today. Yesterday, we went to Mass and I taught my Sunday school class. We learned all about the Ephiany.
Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.
The Weather~
Cold, cold, and cold. It's not so bad when the wind isn't blowing. Now we have snow! We have a chance of snow later this week too.
Monday~ Snow, 25*
Tuesday~ Cloudy, 30*
Wedenesday~ Sunny, 29*
Thursday~ Partly Cloudy, 27*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 31*
Saturday~ Snow, 32*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 35*
As I Look Out My Window~
Snow!! It's lightly snowing. We woke up with the grass, deck, and cars covered. We're going to get a break for a bit then another band of snow will make its way in. They were calling for 12 inches, but I think we'll only get about 8 this time.
Right Now I Am ~
I am typing this post up. I have a load in the washer. I'm curled up on the couch watching Little Women with my sweet Ruby girl.
How am I Feeling~
I'm a little stuffy. I'm currently fighting off a UTI. It's so much fun being a woman at times. I haven't had one in a while. I did read recently that they are more common when a woman is going through perimenopause/menopause. Isn't that so nice? You would think after all women go through we could get a break once we reach menopause. I did find a kit at CVS to help until I can get to the doctor.
What's for Breakfast~
Michael made me an egg and cheese sandwich on a gluten-free English muffin. I had Herbal tea. No caffeine right now thanks to my wonderful UIT.
Hair appointment
Clean the bathrooms
Vet appointment for a kitty
On My Reading Pile~
The Mirror by Nora Roberts
A Seaside Bookshop Christmas by Jennifer Faye
On TV this week~
The Resident
Call the Midwives
Missin You
On the Menu this Week~
Monday~ Spaghetti with meat sauce
Tuesday~ Chicken al Pastor
Thursday~ Tator tot casserole
Friday~ Pizza
I need to see what Michael wants to eat on Wednesday. He's getting his wisdom teeth out on Thursday so his food options will be limited after that.
If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~
I'll work through my Bible study book. We took a few weeks off for the Christmas holiday. We meet back up next Thursday.
One of My Simple Pleasures~
Sitting on the couch reading a book while my sweet kitty curls up in my lap.
From the Camera~
Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~
Praying For~
My dad and his health
My health
Our country
Friends and family
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~ January 5, 2025
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Saturday, January 4, 2025
Saturday Scents~ January Whiff Box
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Happy Saturday! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend.
Let me tell y'all about January's Whiff Box! It's a good one.
This month's whiff box is packed with amazing goodies, including not one, but TWO exclusive items you can't get anywhere else.
Isn't she the cutest! She's perfect for Valentine's Day. You can order the January Whiff box on my site.
The box has a value of $46 but only costs $35.
Thursday, January 2, 2025
My Top Ten Reads Fom 2024
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Good morning, friends! Today, I'm going to share what my top ten favorite books were that I read in 2024. Last year, on Goodreads, I aimed to read 100 books. I actually read 103.
So let me tell y'all about them...
1. Moonlight Over Florence by Peter Palmieri
Fifteen years ago, David Bigelow had the perfect summer fling as a college student in Florence, Italy. Now, he's a best-selling author with a serious case of writer's block. When a shocking discovery calls him back to Italy, David is determined to find the one woman he could never forget.
2. It Ends With Us by Collen Hoover
This book is now an award-winning movie. Lily's life hasn't always been easy, but she's worked hard. She's come a long way from the young girl she was in her small town. When she meets Ryle Kincaid, she feels a spark and life seems too good to be true. She then gets a surprise from the past. Happiness and life is not always what it seems to be,
3. It Starts With Us by Collen Hoover
The story picks up right where It Ends with Us ended. The story switches between the perspectives of Lily and Atlas. We learn more about Atlas's past and see how Lily's handling her second chance at life and her second chance at love.
4. Identity by Nora Roberts
Former Army brat and bartender Morgan Albright has finally found her forever home and set up roots in a quiet neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland. Her friend and roommate, Nina, host a fun dinner party. In attendance is Luke, the flirtatious IT guy who started chatting her up at the bar. Her carefully built world is suddenly shattered. The girl's back door is shattered, cash and jewelry are missing, her car is gone, and Nina is lying dead on the floor. Her whole world crashes down and is changed in an instant.
5. The Cottage by the Loch by Kennedy Kerr
"The cottage stood alone on a rocky outcropping at the edge of the loch. Standing in the garden amongst the wildflowers, she felt the weight of the tattered envelope in her hands. Maybe there was something keeping her here in Scotland, a secret waiting to be uncovered…"
New Yorker Zelda Hicks has lost her mother and the only thing she knows about her father is he was from Scotland. A work trip to the Scottish village of Loch Cameron couldn't come at a better time. Maybe a vacation in the rolling hills of heather will help her reconnect with her roots and recover from the grief of losing her mother.
6. Mind Games by Nora Roberts
Thea Fox has the life she's always wanted. She's a video game designer, a job that has allowed her to move back home to her childhood home in Redbud Hollow, Kentucky. She lives in a cozy cottage and lives down the road from her grammie and the house where she grew up. She gets a new neighbor and discovers he is her childhood crush.
7. Summer at the Saint by Mary Kay Andrews
The perfect summer read! This story is fun, heart-warming, and intriguing. Welcome to St. Cecelia, a historic hotel on the coast of Georgia. The traditions run deep and the scandals run deeper. The story is filled with friendship(old and new), a budding romance, and mysteries that need to be discovered.
8. The Sister Effect by Susan Mallery
Finley is determined to make sure the niece she's raising always feels loved and wanted. This story is emotional, witty, and heartfelt. The story explores the complex emotions of a broken family as they strive to heal.
9. Run For Your Life by C.M. Sutter
This was a free read with my Amazon Prime membership and it was a thriller. This story is heart-pounding and will leave you breathless. Homicide Detective Mitch Cannon's weekend plans are changed when his sister disappears without a trace. Then his partner disappears. His only clue was a chilling phone call from a blocked number. Mitch races against the clock to discover the truth and find his sister and partner.
10. Natural Selection by Elin Hilderbrand
When her boyfriend bails at the last minute, Sophia Othonos embarks on a couple's only cruise to the Galapagos Islands. It wasn't her first choice for a vacation, but eight days in the wild beauty are enough to make anyone reevaluate their life. These islands are all about adapting to your surroundings and change is just what Sophia needs.
Bonus Books~
The Knockemout series from Lucy Score was my first 3 reads of 2024 and I enjoyed all 3 books.
Book 1 follows the bearded, bad boy Knox who's a barber in a small town. Know prefers to live his life like he takes his coffee, alone, unless you're his Bassett hound, Waylon. Know doesn't like drama, even if it comes from a runaway bride. Naomi isn't just a runaway bride. She's a sister running to the aid of her twin sister. Thanks to her wild sister, she's now stuck in a town with a niece she never knew.
Book 2 follows Knox's brother Nash. He's always been known as the good brother. The brother that does no wrong. His neighbor, Lina, has her own secrets. If Nash finds out why she's really in town, he'll never forgive her.
Book 3 follows Lucian Rollins. Lucian is the best friend of Nash and Knox. Lucian meets the feisty, small-town librarian, Sloane. Sloane doesn't care for Luciam and doesn't trust him. When their bickering turns to foreplay. the two can't put out the fire.
This year, my goal on Goodreads is 105. Do you have any reading goals? What were your favorite reads from last year? I'd love to hear about them and maybe get some new ideas for the new year.
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