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Good Morning, y'all! I hope you've had a fantastic week. Are y'all ready for the weekend? I know I am. I do think we're supposed to get some snow though and I'm not happy about that. Today, I'm sharing my January reads!
Here's how my book recap goes.
~I have included pictures if I have them and have provided links to them on Amazon so you can find out more about the books before you buy or check them out at your local library.
~ If I left a more detailed review for a book, I'll include the link under the book so you can check it out. I leave reviews for books I really like or have received for reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, and this blog.
~If I receive a preview book, I'll include the release date for you.
~ Each book will have a rating in bold. I rate each book with a numbered star.
The rating system I use is as follows ~
*5 This book was amazing! I couldn't put it down. I loved the book so much that I either bought the book or planned to buy it to add to my ever-growing collection so I could reread it.
*4 This means the book is definitely worth reading. I really enjoyed the book. I liked it, but not enough to buy it and add it to my collection.
*3 This book was good. It wasn't the best book I read, but I did enjoy it. I wouldn't need to read it again.
*2 This book was okay. I finished it but had to force myself to. I probably didn't like the plot or the characters. The story just didn't work for me.
*1 This means I didn't like the book at all and I couldn't finish it.
This month, I read 10 books.
I love Nora Robert's books, so I'm probably biased on this.
This is a whole series of books about different stories from the Bible. My kids loved them and now I share them with my Sunday school class. I highly recommend trying to find them all.
This is an MC series. If I start a series. I feel like I have to finish it. This series is considered erotic/romantic/risky. Just a little FYI.
I'm a sucker for Christmas-themed romance stories.
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