Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Homeschool Review~ Accountable2You Family Plan

Like most parents of young adults, I worry about the amount of time my kids spend on their computer and tablets. Trying to keep our children safe is a priority. I also worry about what my kids may be exposed to while they search around on the internet. I was thrilled to sign up for the Family Plan from Accountable2You. This company offers a plan for everyone... an Individual Plan, a Family Plan,  a Group Plan (homeschool co-ops), and a Small Business Plan.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}
So What is Accountable2You?
Accountable2You is a Christian company that offers families and businesses an internet accountability program.  It basically monitors your internet usage. Their philosophy is you can build character by accountability. They want family members to build strong relationships with each other. What better way to do this than by having them be accountable to each other with their internet usage. We spend so much time on our devices now a days that families spend less and less time together as a family. We can get so wrapped up in our online world that we may even start to do things that may be questionable and would never do in real life.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17

Accountable2You believes that we can help keep each other on the clean and narrow path by having to answer to someone for our actions. If we know someone else can see what we are doing helps us do the right thing. Just think about it. A small child will not take a piece of candy if they know mom or dad are watching, but they may sneak a piece if mom and dad eave the room.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

So What Does Accountable2You Offer Families?
Simple and Easy Device Management
Each device has its own accountability partner chosen by you. I was the accountability partner for my children's devices. The software is easy to install on all your devices....computers, tablets, laptops, phones, etc.  
Real Time Alerts
You can receive instant text alerts for highly questionable activity. This is great for the teens when they may be home alone. For regular questionable activity, reports can be generated hourly and are easily accessible on the online dashboard. Easy for parents to keep track. You even have the ability to adjust the rating setting for each device. This allows you to have stricter guidelines for younger children, but allow teens and adults to have a little more freedom. The ability to adjust the rating system allows parent to put in key words that will trigger a report. The ability to add your own words is so much easier than having to use a standard list. You can create your own list of objectionable or non-objectionable word lists. 
Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}
Full Activity Reports
The full reports will show all the activity on the devices signed up. The reports will show any activity including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat. The reports will not capture images though. The full report even shows all the browsing history too. Now you can really see what your children are looking up when you are not around. You can see the full reports online all the time. They are stored for 15 days. If you want to keep them for longer, you can download them to excel. You can also receive daily emails with your reports.
GPS Tracking
If you have teens that work or head out with friends at night, you can track them with GPS tracking through their devices. All you have to do is install the app and you are good to go. You can view their current location, or see a map with all their history locations plotted out on it. You can now see if they are heading straight to work or taking a small detour. This service is available for iOS and Android devices.

Time Limit Alerts

A time limit alert allows parents to set time limits for devices. So for example, if you don't want your kids to use their devices between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. you can set up an alert. If they sneak and use their devices, parents will get an alert and will be able to see ALL the activity that occurred during that time.
So What Did I Think of Accountable2You?
I was excited to give this monitoring service a try. I had never head of this company before, but had look at other internet monitoring services. I have two kids, one is a preteen and one will be officially a teenager this month. Ugh...where has time gone! 
Up until a few years ago, I never had to worry about what my kids were doing online, because they weren't online. Now, they get on the computer for school and for fun. They both have tablets where they get online, listen to music, and play games. I trust my kids and am usually right there when they are working on their computer, but I still worry about what might pop up. I know kids can easily misspell a word and suddenly pornographic images can pop up. Even them searching for innocent topics can cause undesirable pages to appear as links. We are in a fight for our kids and their safety. 
I love how Accoutnable2You allows parents to give children a little more freedom, but also keeps them in line. I no longer feel like I have to stand over them while they research topics for school. It reminds me of a saying I tell my kids....God is everywhere and sees everything!
Just having them know I can see what they have been up on their devices gives me an ease of mind and makes them accountable for their own behavior and choices. 
They do not have phones, so we did not use the GPS tracking service. This service would be very helpful if they were older and working. 
I would recommend this service to families, especially families where both parents work outside the home. As a stay at home homeschooling mom of two, I am lucky to usually be around my children when they are online. We limit their time on their devices and do not allow them in their rooms at night. If I worked outside the home, this service would give me peace of mind. I would easily know what my kids were up to and easily see if they were doing something I didn't improve of online.
Want to see if Accountable2You is right for your family? They offer a a 10 day free trial. The service is reasonable in price and if you find it not working for your family or business, you can cancel at any time.
Interested and want to find out more about Accountable2You and the internet monitoring service they offer?
Stop by and read other reviews posted by the homeschool review crew.
Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}
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