Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Reworking Our Homeschooling Schedule

The past few months have flown by. I am glad to say for the most part, we  are on schedule for our lessons. We started following Mater Amabilis this year. We added it to our already busy lessons. I have enjoyed it but we have found the work to be time-consuming. So I have been reworking our lessons for the second half of the year. We will officially end our 1st semester the second week of December. The only subject Lego Man is behind in is math, so he will have to continue working on it during our winter break. We take off 3 weeks in December/January to focus on Advent and Christmas.

So our second semester will begin December 7th after the Epiphany.

So here is our new schedule...

Monday~ Our Classically Catholic Co-op

Tuesday~ School from 8:30-1:00

Wednesday~ School 8:30-10:00,  violin lessons and then school from 1:00-3:00

Thursday~ School 8:30-1:00, Choir

Friday~ School 8:30-1:00, Church group 1st and 3rd Fridays

Afternoons are filled with art projects, chores, practical skills, science, and fun stuff

I am still finalizing the subjects and lessons we will be using .

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