Sunday, May 26, 2013

Have a wonderful Memorial Day

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day spending time with your friends and family.
While you are enjoying your day, please remember why we are able to celebrate this day.

May God Bless all those that have served or are serving!

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In my life this week......Sunday was Princess P's First Holy Communion. It was an exciting day and she was very eager to start her day. Lego Man had a make up soccer game this week.

It was brutal. The other team was much more advanced. I'm still trying to figure out how our park and recs program divides up the kids. It seems like some teams/coaches are stacked extremely well with players while others have all the newbies. Somehow it just doesn't seem quite right. We had a tornado warning in our county yesterday. I did notice a very eerie haze for a little bit, but thankfully we were safe. After all the dress making cleaning, and party prepping, I have been enjoying my down time.

In our homeschool this week....back to school! Last week was a mini vacation for the kids. Mama had way too much to do! We are slowly finishing up our lessons.We will continue with Math, English/Grammar, and Reading. I need to start preparing the unit studies that the kids want to learn about. First I need to find the library cards that are missing! Oh where, oh where have my the library cards gone?  Saint Anthony, we could use a little help with that.

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may my library cards which has been lost.
At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God.
 We have finally finished our Georgia state study. I did make a peach pie, but we passed it onto the grandparents. We are not big peach pie eaters here. We like cherry better. We are finishing up our Ancient Roman Empire study. My goal is to be done with that next week.

What I am reading....nothing! I need to get to the library for more books.

What the kids are reading.... Lego Man is reading Pinocchio. 

We found a wonderful copy at from our used library sale. It was published in 1955 and has wonderful sketches in it. After Lego Man started reading the book, he came to me and said that Pinocchio is like a little boy that doesn't listen. he's going to get into a lot of trouble. Hmmm... a wonderful lesson to learn!
Princess P is reading the Magic Tree House books. We have the entire series thanks to thrift stores, library sales and grandma.

Now that she has her glasses reading isn't as difficult for her. Yeah!

What I am working on.... I am still trying to locate a location for our Catholic CCM homeschool co-op. I have contacted the churches in our area and so far we have received no from all but one. The church that said yes was so nice but they are too small for our group. I am contacting our catholic church again and praying we will be able to use the hall. I would appreciate your prayers!

What Princess P and I are working on.....Princess P made her first skirt all by herself. Now she has been bugging to make another skirt. She even suggested starting a business making skirt and dresses for girls. I have been debating on having a giveaway  on the blog with one of her skirts. Do you feel there is a need for modest girls skirts?

What I am praying for...our country that we may find our way back to God, the families in Oklahoma as they begin their long journey to recovery, and our facility search.

Linking up with....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, 7 Quick Takes, Friendship Friday, No Ordinary Blog Hop, Friday Flash Blog, Homeschool Review, and Live and Learn

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In my life this week......Sunday was Princess P's First Holy Communion. It was an exciting day and she was very eager to start her day. Lego Man had a make up soccer game this week.

It was brutal. The other team was much more advanced. I'm still trying to figure out how our park and recs program divides up the kids. It seems like some teams/coaches are stacked extremely well with players while others have all the newbies. Somehow it just doesn't seem quite right. We had a tornado warning in our county yesterday. I did notice a very eerie haze for a little bit, but thankfully we were safe. After all the dress making cleaning, and party prepping, I have been enjoying my down time.

In our homeschool this week....back to school! Last week was a mini vacation for the kids. Mama had way too much to do! We are slowly finishing up our lessons.We will continue with Math, English/Grammar, and Reading. I need to start preparing the unit studies that the kids want to learn about. First I need to find the library cards that are missing! Oh where, oh where have my the library cards gone?  Saint Anthony, we could use a little help with that.

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may my library cards which has been lost.
At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God.
 We have finally finished our Georgia state study. I did make a peach pie, but we passed it onto the grandparents. We are not big peach pie eaters here. We like cherry better. We are finishing up our Ancient Roman Empire study. My goal is to be done with that next week.

What I am reading....nothing! I need to get to the library for more books.

What the kids are reading.... Lego Man is reading Pinocchio. 

We found a wonderful copy at from our used library sale. It was published in 1955 and has wonderful sketches in it. After Lego Man started reading the book, he came to me and said that Pinocchio is like a little boy that doesn't listen. he's going to get into a lot of trouble. Hmmm... a wonderful lesson to learn!
Princess P is reading the Magic Tree House books. We have the entire series thanks to thrift stores, library sales and grandma.

Now that she has her glasses reading isn't as difficult for her. Yeah!

What I am working on.... I am still trying to locate a location for our Catholic CCM homeschool co-op. I have contacted the churches in our area and so far we have received no from all but one. The church that said yes was so nice but they are too small for our group. I am contacting our catholic church again and praying we will be able to use the hall. I would appreciate your prayers!

What Princess P and I are working on.....Princess P made her first skirt all by herself. Now she has been bugging to make another skirt. She even suggested starting a business making skirt and dresses for girls. I have been debating on having a giveaway  on the blog with one of her skirts. Do you feel there is a need for modest girls skirts?

What I am praying for...our country that we may find our way back to God, the families in Oklahoma as they begin their long journey to recovery, and our facility search.

Linking up with....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, 7 Quick Takes, Friendship Friday, No Ordinary Blog Hop, Friday Flash Blog, Homeschool Review, and Live and Learn

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up

In my life this week......Sunday was Princess P's First Holy Communion. It was an exciting day and she was very eager to start her day. Lego Man had a make up soccer game this week.

It was brutal. The other team was much more advanced. I'm still trying to figure out how our park and recs program divides up the kids. It seems like some teams/coaches are stacked extremely well with players while others have all the newbies. Somehow it just doesn't seem quite right. We had a tornado warning in our county yesterday. I did notice a very eerie haze for a little bit, but thankfully we were safe. After all the dress making cleaning, and party prepping, I have been enjoying my down time.

In our homeschool this week....back to school! Last week was a mini vacation for the kids. Mama had way too much to do! We are slowly finishing up our lessons.We will continue with Math, English/Grammar, and Reading. I need to start preparing the unit studies that the kids want to learn about. First I need to find the library cards that are missing! Oh where, oh where have my the library cards gone?  Saint Anthony, we could use a little help with that.

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may my library cards which has been lost.
At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God.
 We have finally finished our Georgia state study. I did make a peach pie, but we passed it onto the grandparents. We are not big peach pie eaters here. We like cherry better. We are finishing up our Ancient Roman Empire study. My goal is to be done with that next week.

What I am reading....nothing! I need to get to the library for more books.

What the kids are reading.... Lego Man is reading Pinocchio. 

We found a wonderful copy at from our used library sale. It was published in 1955 and has wonderful sketches in it. After Lego Man started reading the book, he came to me and said that Pinocchio is like a little boy that doesn't listen. he's going to get into a lot of trouble. Hmmm... a wonderful lesson to learn!
Princess P is reading the Magic Tree House books. We have the entire series thanks to thrift stores, library sales and grandma.

Now that she has her glasses reading isn't as difficult for her. Yeah!

What I am working on.... I am still trying to locate a location for our Catholic CCM homeschool co-op. I have contacted the churches in our area and so far we have received no from all but one. The church that said yes was so nice but they are too small for our group. I am contacting our catholic church again and praying we will be able to use the hall. I would appreciate your prayers!

What Princess P and I are working on.....Princess P made her first skirt all by herself. Now she has been bugging to make another skirt. She even suggested starting a business making skirt and dresses for girls. I have been debating on having a giveaway  on the blog with one of her skirts. Do you feel there is a need for modest girls skirts?

What I am praying for...our country that we may find our way back to God, the families in Oklahoma as they begin their long journey to recovery, and our facility search.

Linking up with....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, 7 Quick Takes, Friendship Friday, No Ordinary Blog Hop, Friday Flash Blog, Homeschool Review, and Live and Learn

Thursday, May 23, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment of everyday life~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken



Princess P made her First Holy Communion last Sunday. She was very excited and looked beautiful. Of course, I am a little biased. She was thrilled with her dress. I am so glad she liked it. It was a collaboration. She said what she wanted and Mama made it.
I couldn't be more proud of my sweet little girl.


Spring has finally settled in here. Actually in the past few days, summer has hit. We decided to take the kids fishing on one of these wonderful spring days. I guess I should admit it was my husbands idea not mine. I don't fish. I just go and watch.

Lego Man fishing. he was trying to avoid 3 HUGE snapping turtles that were swimming nearby.

Here is a picture of one of the snapping turtles. 

Princess P caught this fish all by herself. She was very excited.
Lego Man didn't catch anything, but daddy caught a trout.


Our kitty had surgery so he has been stuck inside ALL week. He has not been very quiet about his dislike for this fact. He even tried to wake me up at 5:30 by meowing in my face. I think he was hoping I would walk to the door and let him out in a sleepy state. 
Thankfully, I am smarter than him.
He did trick Lego Man though. He took the cat outside for a walk on a leash and the cat got away. He entered a whole too small for Lego Man to fit through so he let the leash go. Mr. Kitty saw his opportunity and seized it. He bolted. Luckily, Lego Man caught him. We thought it was funny that he was outsmarted by a cat.


The kids have been studying Ancient Rome the past few weeks and yesterday we talked about Pompeii.
After our lesson, the kids asked if they could make a small volcano Lego Man got in a science kit.

Linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter, Thankful Thursday, and Proverbs 31 Thursday

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

First Holy Communion

This past Sunday was Princess P's First Holy Communion. She was so excited that she was wide awake at 5:30 in the morning. This is huge since she normally wakes up between 8:30 and 9:00 in the morning. She is my night owl. She couldn't wait for her big day! She wanted to eat and get dressed right away. She was very unhappy when I wouldn't let her.

Princess P waiting patiently for Mass to start.

Standing in front of Mary.

Posing for the camera, so Mama can get a picture of the back of her dress.
She picked out the lace and loved it.
When I finished the dress, she squealed and said "I LOVE IT!"

I am so proud of my sweet little girl. She was thrilled to be receiving our Lord for the first time. She was the only child to receive communion by mouth. She is becoming quite the traditionalist. She is now asking for a veil.
After Mass, we headed home for a small party with family.

She wanted a tiered cake, but Mama didn't have that much time to create since I was busy sewing her dress!

Crowning of Mary

In the beginning of May, our homeschool group held our annual crowning of Mary celebration. The first communicants lead the processions and usually the tallest girl gets to crown Mary. Princess P got that honor this year. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera that day so I have no pictures of her crowning Mary.
I did get a picture of the crown during Princess P's First Holy Communion.

Here is am up close picture of the crown we made for the Mary statue that is inside the church.

Here are pictures of the crown we made for the smaller Mary statue that is outside.

The crown the church had used in the past had been thrown away when an older parishioner passed away. One of the members of the ladies group asked if they could keep the crowns at the church so that they would be able to use them again next year.
 I was honored!
 I was so worried while making them  that they weren't right, but everyone raved about how beautiful they were.
Princess P was extremely happy that our crowns would be used again and again to honor our Blessed Mother.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap

In our homeschool this week.....Cleaning! On Monday, the kids spent their day cleaning their rooms. It amazes how long they can take to clean a room. Better yet, it amazes me how messy they can get their rooms withing 2 days. As a treat for all their hard work, I made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert that night. Tuesday, we finished our Georgia scrapbook page. We read about George Washington Carver since Georgia is known for peanuts. We went on our last field trip for the year with our co-op. We visited an animal park nearby.

After 2 days of rain, we enjoyed the sunshine. They kids loved seeing the animals and hanging out with their friends. Thursday, we studied about the ancient Roman empire and plants some of our seeds for the garden. Our strawberry patch is starting to get blooms. The kids are looking forward to eating them. Friday, we headed to the eye doctor to pick up Princess P's new glasses.

In my life this week.....Rain and migraines. Yesterday was my third day of a migraine. Thankfully it seems to be slowly ending!

What I am working on.......laundry as usual. I have started working on Princess P's First Communion dress. She is so excited and can't wait to have it finished.

Mama has a lot of work to do. Her First Communion is in 2 weeks. We played around today with her hair trying to figure out how she wants to wear it. She is still debating on gloves.

What the kids are working on......Lego Man has been building a Lego dog house for a Lego contest he saw in a magazine. He could win a $100 gift card, something he would love to have! Princess P is finally working on a skirt.

She cut the pattern and fabric out all by herself. She has finished sewing about half of it. Her goal is to finish it this weekend. She wants to wear it to our end of the year party for co-op.

What we are reading.....I am not reading much of anything. I have been making list of the books I need for next year and finding them online to fit our budget.
Princess P is reading the McGuffey Eclectic Readers set I just bought from a very nice lady.

We are using them with our co-op next year. We started them now to see where they needed to be for the fall.
Lego Man is finishing up Treasure Island.

He says it's O.K., but he liked Swiss Family Robinson better. I need to find some more "boy" books for him to read. The current books out there are filled with too much junk! If you have any suggestions for a 9 year old that reads at a 6th grade level, let me know!

What is occupying my time.....end of the year! We are trying to finish up our lessons. I still have to order the CAT test from Seton for our end of the year testing. I am working on next year's lesson plan. I am still looking for a place that our co-op can meet at. So far 2 churches have said no, 3 haven't gotten back with me and it's been 2 weeks, and my parish still deciding who, what and how they can rent our new hall. We have have been praying to Saint Bridget to intercede on our behalf.

 I have asked for everyone to pray we are given use to use our hall. It's the perfect size and set back off the road. It's just perfect!

What I am praying for......our co-op, my children as they wind up their year, and our nation. It saddens me to see the direction that this country is heading. What type of society are we living in when a 15 year year old can received the morning after pill(yes, it's an abortifacient), but have to have permission from a school nurse to take aspirin. We can't even buy cold medicine without having to show our ID., but our children can buy a drug that will KILL a baby. CRAZY!
If parents are responsible for their children until they reach 18 and now they are own our insurance until 27, I think we have a right to know what they are taking.
You can read more about it here. Any drug has harmful side effects. As parent, who gave birth and who is raising my child, I have the right to know! My child belongs to me and not the state.
I worry about the society my kids will live in. If we have no respect for the smallest and most helpless life, what will be next.

"The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child, what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between."
Mother Teresa

Linking up with.....The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up7 Quick Takes, 
