Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Crowning of Mary

In the beginning of May, our homeschool group held our annual crowning of Mary celebration. The first communicants lead the processions and usually the tallest girl gets to crown Mary. Princess P got that honor this year. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera that day so I have no pictures of her crowning Mary.
I did get a picture of the crown during Princess P's First Holy Communion.

Here is am up close picture of the crown we made for the Mary statue that is inside the church.

Here are pictures of the crown we made for the smaller Mary statue that is outside.

The crown the church had used in the past had been thrown away when an older parishioner passed away. One of the members of the ladies group asked if they could keep the crowns at the church so that they would be able to use them again next year.
 I was honored!
 I was so worried while making them  that they weren't right, but everyone raved about how beautiful they were.
Princess P was extremely happy that our crowns would be used again and again to honor our Blessed Mother.

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