Sunday, July 27, 2014

Answer Me This...driving and grandparents

Hello friends! Linking up with Kendra over at Catholic All Year again.

1. What's your favorite thing on YouTube?

I have to be honest, we don't watch much YouTube. Our internet connection is not the greatest. Videos and clips take too long to load. Snail mail sent from California would get here faster!
When we do watch it, it's usually videos of cute animals. The shorter the video the faster it loads.

2. Who taught you to drive?

A few different people. My dad and mom usually taught me. My boyfriend and best friend also helped out. My best friend would let me practice driving on the back country roads where we grew up. This wasn't really allowed, but we did it anyway. My boyfriend taught me how to drive a stick in a town of all hills. He was a brave soul!

3. What's your favorite thing to cook?

I love to bake! I have always enjoyed making pies, cakes, and cookies. Now I have to focus more on gluten free baking. I have been trying to change over much loved family recipes, like my grandmother's banana bread recipes, into gluten free recipes.

Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't!

4. Are you a hugger or non-hugger? Why?

It depends. With family and close friends I am a hugger. With people I don't know, I am a non-hugger probably because I am more on the shy side. I don't usually approach people I don't know.

5. Where do you pray best?

I tend to pray better when I am doing things. When I sit down and try to pray when it's quiet, my mind starts to wander. I start thinking about all the things I need to do, what I need at the grocery store, and for some reasons things I have forgotten to do usually pop into my head. Maybe that is God's way of helping me remember?

6. When was the last time you saw/spoke to your grandparents?

Unfortunately, most of my grandparents passed away years ago. My dad's father passed when I was 12. My mom's mother when I was 14. My dad's mother when I was 27. My mom's father, my grandaddy, passed away this past February at the age of 92!

 I was lucky enough to go up and visit him a week before he passed. His health had been deteriorating and his dementia had gotten worse. He didn't know who I was, but I am glad I was able to say goodbye.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Our Curriculum 2014- 2015

For 2014-2015, we are doing a combination of Classically Catholic Memory (CCM), Mother Of Divine Grace (MODG), and a little of my own stuff.
This year, I will have a 6th grader and a 4th grader! Yikes, how did that happen.

Sunday~ Church & CCD
Monday-Friday~ Review CCM Religion
Monday~ Friday- Saint of the Day
Monday~ CCM Gamma Year Religion at our Co-op
Tuesday~  Bible History: Of the Old and New Testaments by Father Ignatius Schuster
Wednesday~ Baltimore Catechism Book 2
Thursday~ Faith and Life Credo: I Believe Book 5
Friday~ Our Holy Faith Living Like Christ, In Christ Book 5

Monday~  English from the Roots Up Volume 2 at Co-op
Tuesday-Thursday~ First Language Lesson Level 4
Tuesday-Friday~ Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl

Monday-Friday~CCM Latin Prayers
Tuesday-Friday~Memoria Press Prima Latina

Princess P~ All About Spelling Level 3 and Level 4
Lego Man~ MODG- How to Create a Spelling Notebook

IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons Volume 1

Daily Journals
Seton's Handwriting for Catholic 4 (finishing up from last year)
Catechism in Rhyme from Crusaders for Christ

Monday-Friday~ CCM Gamma Year
Tuesday~ Catholic Geography Bee
Wednesday~ Catholic Geography Bee

Monday~ CCM Gamma Year
Wednesday~ CCM Gamma Year & Pioneers and Patriots
Friday~ CCM Gamma Year & Pioneers and Patriots
History will be a combination of CCM, Pioneers & Patriots, living books, and fun activities.

State Study
Tuesday & Thursday
We will continue with our United States Scrapbook.

Monday~ CCM at Co-op
Tuesday & Thursday~ CCM Gamma Year Chemistry and Physics
                                   Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry
                                   Real Science 4 Kids Physics

Monday~ Renaissance artists at co-op
Wednesday~ Renaissance inspired art project

Art History
Monday~ Renaissance artists at co-op
Wednesday~ Renaissance artist that art project is inspired from

Monday~ Gregorian Chant~ The Chant Kit
Tuesday~ Friday Music from Renaissance Composers

Nature Study

Tuesday-Friday~Free Program from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
We never got around to this last year, so we will do it this year.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Answer Me This....

1. Have you ever walked out on a movie?

Yes, I was in college on a date. We went and saw a Woody Allen movie. It was horrible. I don't think we knew what the movie was about when we bought the tickets. We left after 15 minutes and went to play mini golf and pool.

2. What do you most often use for blogs and blogging: desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone?

My laptop. I hate typing on my phone and our service isn't that great.

3. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? 2nd grade I brought in a strawberry flavored lipgloss and the girl at the next desk stole it out of mine. I never did get it back. I think my mom bought me a new one.

4. Do you identify as a member of a particular ethnic group? 

Nope, I would have to claim too many. Irish, Scottish, German, English, and Native American.

5. Do you abstain from meat on Friday?

All the time during Lent, sometimes during the other times. I grew up being told that the church no longer made you abstain from meat on Fridays. I found out that it hadn't chnaged from our priest 4 years ago. Now I tend to forget that it's Friday when I am planning meals.

6. Seen anything weird lately?

A 200 pound Black bear on out back porch eating the chicken's food. He had climbed over out fence and climbed on the porch and decided to sit down and have a meal. Of course, I completely forgot to snap a picture. I was too worried about "the girls" He started walking to towards them and they were rainsing all types of ruckus. Thankfully he has not returned and he didn't eat any of the girls.
