Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Classically Catholic Memory~ Gamma Year Week 1

This week, we talked about What is the Church? We recited the question and answer everyday. I dictated the answer for the kids to write down in the religion  notebooks. We talked about Baptism, the Seven Sacraments, and the Pope.

The Seven Continents

We labeled the CCM map the first day. The rest of the days, I had the kids point to the map and say what the continents were.
We did worksheets daily to reinforce the location and the spelling of the continents.

Continent Worksheets We Used
Super Worksheets
Crayola Worksheets
Worksheet Works- This site is great because you can show what you wanted included. You can have the continents labeled, oceans labeled, both or none at all. I chose to not have anything labeled and used it as a quiz for my kids!


We did various science experiments to introduce the kids to atoms and matter.

We read about Atoms in our Focus On Middle School Chemistry Student Textbook (softcover)
We watched Bill Nye the Science Guy DVD about atoms.

Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan

We checked out a DVD from our library called Explorers of the World: Christopher Columbus. It's geared for grades 5th-8th grade.

A DVD geared for younger kids that would be great is Columbus: Adventures to the end of the World from CCC of America.

We filled in our explorer notebooking pages from Homeschool Share. We traced the routes of the explorers and added the maps to our history binder.
For fun, I had the kids create their own map of the New World. We used brown paper and watercolors.

Salve Regina

Everyday we listened to the Cd from CCM. We would sing along with the Chant Kit Cd after practicing the 2 lines we were learning. We bought this Cd set last year and have loved it. You get two discs and a book with the words to the prayers and hymns. It is a hit with Lego Man since it is monks singing, so no high picthed notes. It's very easy for everyone to follow along...even non singers.

I created a worksheet for the kids to put the Salve Regina in order. I also created a Hail Holy Queen worksheet, so they could match up the Latin sentences with their English meanings. I want my children to know the Latin prayers, but I also want them to understand what they are saying.

Since my kids are older and have mastered or almost mastered the multiples. We just listen to the Cd for reinforcement.

Great Words~
The kids have started working on their Christopher Columbus poem. I gave each one a copy and told them they are responsible for memorizing it. We go over it two times during the week, but I want them to take charge and learn it on their own. At the end of the poem, I will have child recite it. I offered a prize to them if they have it down pat....a trip to Sweet Frog's!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Early Explorer Notebooking Pages

June Homeschool Round UP {Homeschool Collection}

While preparing the lessons for the first four weeks of our history this year, I realized I wanted a way for the kids to record some information about the explorers we would be studying. I went online in search of what I needed. I was able to find notebooking pages for some of the explorers, but not all.
I was able to find notebooking pages for most of the explorers over at Homeschool Share.
Unfortunately, they didn't have 7 of the explorers needed for the CCM weeks.

So what's a mom to do?
Create them herself!

I created the sheets to be similar to the ones I had found at Homeschool Share. I wanted the sheets to basically have the same information.

Here are the notebooking pages I created.

Samuel de Champlain

Robert de La Salle

Louis Joliet

Jacques Cartier

Francisco Pizarro

Henry Hudson

Father Marquette

I also created a Father Marquette Journaling page so the kids could write a brief summary of the book, Father Marquette and the Great Rivers.


Till Next Time,

June Homeschool Round UP {Homeschool Collection}

Our State Study Scrapbook~ South Carolina

We finished South Carolina last year, but I never got around to posting about. South Carolina was the 8th state to join the Union. I visited Hilton Head, South Carolina as a child. I don't remember too much about it except that the ocean water was warm...which I liked. I hate it when the water is freezing! Maybe one day soon, we'll get the kids down there to the beaches.

For our study, we read a variety of books about the state. I always try to get a few books that discuss the history of the state, as well as, the state today. I do not expect the kids to remember the population or any other numbers, since they will change as time goes on.

Here are few of the books we used.


When choosing books to read, I pick out some that we read together and then a few the kids can read on their own.
After the kids learned. a little about South Carolina, they filled in their state notebooking pages. We like to use the ones from Harrington Harmonies.  Once all the state facts were filled in, we moved onto the scrapbook.

State Coloring Page
State Flag Coloring Page
State Quarter Coloring Page

We colored in South Carolina on our United States Map coloring page.

We learned about the state bird, the Carolina Wren. We read about its habitat and listened to it's call.

Source~ Wikipedia Commons

Here is a beautiful coloring page of the state flower and state bird.

Some fun recipes to try!

and for a yummy dessert...
