Thursday, October 2, 2014

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life~

Every Thursday at Like Mother, Like Daughter


Taking a walk along the river.

Collecting seashells along the bank of the river.

Summer seems to have gone by too quickly! It still feels like it should be July, but here we are already in October.


We went for a walk last week for our nature study and to just walk the dog. She loves playing in the creek. A few weeks ago, we found crayfish in our creek. A certain young man was rather excited.

Lego Man even found a nursery for baby crayfish. Look how tiny they are!


Our gentle boy.
Mr. Toughy likes to take naps in the chicken coop. We found him asleep in the coop last week. He was sound asleep sitting on the eggs. 

Thankfully the girls don't seem to mind him. They don't like the other two cats, but I guess they have gotten used to him.
He would have made a great barn cat!


We are finishing up our our 7th week of school. We have 1 more week before we take our week off. I had planned to school for 6 weeks and then take a week off but Grandma is coming done so I decided to finish up our 4th week of CCM and then take a break. We have only missed 2 days of school so far from illness. Princess P was sick two weeks ago and Lego Man is fighting allergies. I am so thankful  I added sick days into the schedule this year! Seven weeks into school and I am already making a few changes. Lego Man is switching Spelling books. We were doing Starting a Spelling Notebook which is recommended by MODG, but it just was not working for us. So we are now using Seton. I wanted something a little more challenging than what we had used in the past. Last year, we used CHC spelling and it was too easy for him. I think Seton will work. I'll let you know what we think about it in a few weeks.

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