Saturday, December 24, 2016

Our Weekly Wrap Up ~ December #1

I know, I know! It's been a long time since I posted a weekly wrap-up. In fact, I haven't done one yet for this school year and it's almost 2017! So this will be the first for this school year and the last on for 2016!

So where have been? 

Here, there, and everywhere. Life just got very busy. In fact, it was down right hectic. We took a month long vacation in September and I've been trying to get back into the swing of things since then. I can't believe it's almost Christmas and a New Year! A month off at the beginning of the school year has thrown things off. We've struggled with getting back into things. The kids have had a hard time getting into school and their lessons. Now with two in middle school, I swear it feels like more work. I miss the days of learning to read and fun crafts to learn new things.

We are already a little behind this year, but hey it seems like we fall behind every year. Officially school didn't start until October for us, since we were traveling across the United States the month before. We did a lot of hands on learning that month. Geography, history, science, nature studies, animal studies, etc. We were able to see so many beautiful places in our country. It was an amazing trip! Stay tuned, I'll be sharing all the places we traveled over the next few weeks.

So we are a little behind but that's O.K. since we can school whenever we want and go year round. I've found schooling year round helps solve summer boredom and all that forgotten information from months off of school. I've been saying we homeschool year round for the last few years since we fall behind or take breaks when the first warm days after winter arrive. When it's warm and sunny after a snowy, cold winter who doesn't want to head outdoors. As long as they are learning then we are doing fine.

So what have we been doing in school.....

We are now into our 3rd month of school. We are figuring out what is working and what doesn't. The kids are part of few co-op and art (I'm teaching that one). Therese is still doing her St. Zita's Home Ec. club. They've made pillows, a memory board, embroidered a hot pad, made a Christmas ornament, and had a Advent party last week. We are slowly, very slowly getting back into the swing of things. Te kids are figuring out what subjects they are enjoying and which ones they are not. We switched a lot of our curriculum this year, so it's been a little challenging so far. I think we've made the right choices so far, but only time will tell.

In history, we are learning about the Civil War, reconstruction, and heading west. We bought fabric this week to make fake coon skin hats. We haven't started the hats yet, but the cats keep fighting over the fake fur to sleep on. They've even growled at each other. Silly kitties! The fabric is currently in their sleeping baskets and they love it. We may not get it back.

What are the kids working on....

Michael is teaching himself how to play the guitar. He found some old books in our basement and is trying hard to master the different cords. So far he is doing great. If he keeps up the interest, we'll look into lessons for him. He's getting an electric guitar for Christmas. SSHHH...don't tell! I know he will be extremely excited about it.

Therese is learning to sew. She's still practicing her singing. She wasn't able to try out for the play this year, but plans to give it a try next year. She is getting more and more interested in fashion and hair. My baby girl is growing up into a beautiful young lady. I don't think I'm ready for that.

What I'm working on....

Well, I've been busy. Of course, we decorated for 
Advent and Christmas. We've made a few Christmas cookies. Actually the kids did this while I was sick.

I've been busy sewing. I made one of our hens a chicken apron, since you didn't get all er feathers back with this years molt. I didn't want her to be cold.
I made curtains for our back door.The sun comes in during the late afternoon hours and blinds whoever is sitting in there. 

What the kids are reading....

Michael is rereading The Hobbit. He will finish it tonight, He then is going to move onto The Lord of  Rings trilogy.

Therese is reading through our Christmas book collection. 
You can see a few of our favorites here, here, and here.

What I'm reading.....

I just checked out A Call to Mercy: Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve by Mother Teresa from the library. I plan on starting it once things settle down after Christmas day.

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