Monday, March 13, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Creative Freewriting Adventure from Home School Adventure Co.

Like a lot of kids out there, my kids dread writing. The do anything they can to delay writing (or even avoid it). Because of their Graphophobia (fear of writing), I am always on the lookout for a way to get them to write. Dare I say enjoy writing. So when the opportunity arose to review Creative Freewriting Adventure: A Journey into Freewriting and Creative Freewriting Adventure Coloring Book Edition from Home School Adventure Co., I jumped at it much to their dismay! 

Home School Adventure Company
Home School Adventure Co. is a Christian company that focuses on equipping students with resources to help inspire them and survive in a the world through a biblical sense. They offer a variety of resources for homeschooling families.

For this review, we received a digital download edition of both the Creative Freewriting Adventure: A Journey into Freewriting and Creative Freewriting Adventure: A Journey into Freewriting Coloring Book Edition. The Creative Freewriting Adventure is available in both a digital download and a printed format. Currently, the Coloring book edition is only available in the digital format. A spiral edition is coming soon though! 
The Creative Writing Adventure and the Creative Writing Adventure Coloring book edition have the same stories and writing exercises. The coloring book edition just has the added bonus of a coloring page that goes along with the stories and writing exercises.

Creative Freewriting Adenture
Since, I had two children using this program I just assigned a copy to each one. Michael used the regular Creative Writing book, while Therese used the Creative Writing Coloring book edition. She likes to color more than him, so it was a good fit. I loved how they gave us the option to try two different versions of the same item.
So What is Creative Freewriting Adventure?

It's a creative writing program to help students get more creative in their writing. The title of the book kind of gives that away though. This writing guide can be used by itself or as a compliment guide with the Philosophy Adventure. Philosophy Adventure is a more serious structured writing curriculum, while Creative Freewriting Adventure allows students to have a little fun. They get to play around with their writing exercises. Students will explore a world of talking animals, great philosophers that fall in a well, a ride on a winged pony, and a wise woman.
With the Creative Writing Adventure, students will be able to get creative, use their imaginations, and explore a whole, new world in writing. Student writing assignments tend to be serious. Too often students are stuck writing reports about topics they research, book reports, a famous person from history, or an event in history. The get to state the facts but they don't really get to explore being fun and creative. This writing curriculum gives them the chance to do just that.

Creative Freewriting Adventure Coloring Book Edition
Each lesson gives the students a story guideline to start with. A topic to base their writing on. From their they get to develop their own story. Creative Writing gives the students a few guidelines.
Ste up the scene
describe the area
What are people.....thinking, talking, emotions, etc.
Using Your Senses
By giving these few guidelines (or suggestions) to the students, it gets them thinking about adding those little details to their writing. 
The students read the story, looks at the pictures provided,  and the topic for their writing lesson. They follow that up with the suggested details (background, dialogue, senses) for the topic. The students then work on their creative writing for 15 minutes! No need to worry about spelling, punctuation, etc. The goal of this writing lesson is to explore the creative writing process! 
It's to be fun. 
No stress. 

Homeschool Adventure

How Did We Use Creative Freewriting Adventure?

We added a story to our weekly English lessons. Michael and Therese read the story, read through the topic to write about, and worked for 15 minutes on their creative writing. After the 15 minute time limit, they read their stories out loud.  We then talked about where they forgot to give details, what else could have been added, and what sections were great! The following days, they worked on fixing up their stories. They went back to add missing details or correct ones that didn't work. For the rest of the week, they just worked on writing a creative paragraph/paper. I never focused on spelling or punctuation. At the end of the week, they would read their finished product. I loved seeing how much more they developed their writings.
So What Did We Think of Creative Freewrting Adventure?

I loved it. I though the lessons did a great job at encouraging the kids to be more creative and adding more detail to their writings. I saw a HUGE improvement in both their descriptive word use. The lessons got them thinking about how to make their writing more interesting to the reader. When they did lack detail, they were able to see where they could have added more information.

creative writing

Michael enjoyed the selection of stories given. He never once complained about them being boring! He did an amazing job developing the plot to his story. As a child who dislikes writing, I was impressed with his writing skills. I think the lack of pressure to be accurate with spelling and punctuation gave him the opportunity to be more free in his writing. He's a perfectionist, so this was a great challenge for him.  It gave this mama hope that he will be a great writer someday! He was thankful that he wasn't chosen for the coloring book edition.
creative writing lessons

Therese also enjoyed the writing curriculum. She though the stories were interesting. She liked how there was a wide selection of topics. They all weren't boyish. She liked having the coloring page in her writing book. She was able to color the pages and make them come to life for her story. Her only request was she wished the pages were lined paper. 
I liked how both kids were able to develop the theme to their own interests and likes! By adding their own details and ideas, they were able to develop the stories and make them their own. The detail suggestions were wonderful and helped both of them learn how to add important details to their writing. 
This is a great program to encourage students to focus a little more on their writing. It teaches them look at what details they can add and where they can add them to make their writing interesting and engaging for the reader.
Home School Adventure Co. offers a wonderful selection for students. 
Check out their social media pages to find out more.
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Over the past few weeks, the crew review members reviewed some of the other great books from Home School Adventure Co.
I'd Rather Be Your Mommy
I'd Rather Be Your Mommy Coloring Book Edition
I'd Rather Be Your Mommy Print Edition
Celebrating Manhood: A Rite of Passage Guide
Walking with Waodani
Want to learn more about this wonderful books and guides?
Click on the link below!

Resources with a Biblical Worldview{Home School Adventure Co. Reviews}

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