Sunday, July 30, 2017

Living Like a Saint

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~Mesa Falls

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Before we entered the Grand Tetons, we took a detour into Idaho. Idaho is beautiful! I'll be honest I wasn't expecting much (sorry, residents of Idaho), but the landscape is stunning. We saw beautiful farms, old farming building, luscious greenery, dust tornadoes, and we stumbled upon Mesa Falls. This place is gorgeous. I loved the historic cabin. I could live here all summer! Words can not describe the beauty this place offers.

Just put a rocking chair out on the porch and I'd be good to go. 
The setting is beautiful, peaceful, and serene.
A little slice of heaven here on earth.

A spectacular 10 foot story waterfall with a a rainbow!

This is truly a beautiful spot. It only as one thing against it....

A pole that measures 8 feet of snow is not my idea of fun! 
Too much snow for this mama.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wordless Wednesday~ Wandering Through Idaho

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Traveling through Idaho and exploring the farmland.

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~ Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit from Activa Products

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Art is a subject my kids love doing. We are always looking for new projects to give a try. We were excited when we were chosen to try out Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit and the Activa Products' Favorite Sculpture KIDS CRAFTS from Activa Products.

ACTÍVA Products
Activa Products is a company that offered aspiring artists a HUGE selection of products to use, as well as some fantastic ideas. Budding artist will be able to experiment with clay, paper mache, sculpting materials, and a whole lot more. The nice thing about Activa Products s that they are all gluten free, non--toxic, and non-carcinogenic.
Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit
For this review, we received Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit and the free eBook Activa Products' Favorite Sculpture KIDS CRAFTS. The Project Kit came with 2 rolls of 4" wide Rigid Wrap, 8 ounces of CelluClay, and complete instructions for 12 projects. 
The eBook was a free download. The book is filled with lots of fun projects for kids to work on. It offers a variety of projects at different skill levels, so their is something for everyone. The suggested projects are some of the favorite projects offered from Activa Products. 
The kids and I had fun looking over the variety of projects. There were science projects that would be be great for a science fair project, history themed projects to go along with your history studies, fun projects to complete for the holidays, and even a few projects you could make to give away as gifts. We narrowed done our selection. 
Therese wanted to give bead making a try. 
She used a straw and some of the Rigid wrap to make the actual beads. 
After they were done drying, she started painting them. 
I made a cute little spider for my 1st grade religious education class. I thought it would be a fun way to bring to life my spider tale about not telling lies and getting all tangled up in the web of lies. 

I didn't have all the supplies suggested on the list, so I improvised with what I had. I used a Styrofoam ball, wire pipe cleaners, and fuzzy pom pom balls. I then covered the balls with the Rigid Wrap. Once I was done wrapping, I set it out to dry.

After my project was done drying, I set out on picking colors for my little spider. I didn't want orange and black because I didn't want him to be a Halloween spider.
Michael plans on creating a volcano. He's been at day camp the past few weeks, so he hasn't gotten a chance to create it yet. I think he may hold off until we start back to school and create it for our science class.
I plan on having the kids make a Totem pole using the materials. This projects will go great with our study of Native American Tribes. I had already planned on having them create one, so having instructions and the materials already on hand are a blessing. I don;t have to think about how to create one and find all the stuff I need. It's all laid out for us in the eBook.
After searching around the Activia website, I found another free project I wanted to give a try.
 Sacred Heart Clay Magnets
Photo Source~ Activa Products
I can't wait to do these with my kids. June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.This would be a wonderful craft to complete during that month.
So if you are looking for some wonderful projects to work on with the kids, I would highly recommend the Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit! 
It fun, easy, and everything you need is included in the kit or listed in the instructions. 
Younger kids may need some assistance, but older kids will be able to complete many projects all by themselves. I'm sure once kids get the hang of working with the materials, they'll be able to come up with their own amazing ideas!
Looking for even more fun ideas to create?
Check out Activa Products social media pages/
and don't forget to stop by and read more reviews from the Homeschool Crew Review team.
Rigid Wrap and CelluClay Quik-Sculpting Kit {ACTÍVA Products Reviews}
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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Living like a Saint

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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Grand Tetons

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Well we've made it to the Grand Tetons! 
Unfortunately our trip here was rather uneventful. There were a few forest fires going on, so we saw hardly any animals. We saw a few birds, a squirrel,and a chipmunk.

The landscape was beautiful. 

Just a friendly reminder to be aware of  the bear.

We saw beautiful images everywhere we looked, but sadly no wildlife. The sky was hazy but we still could make out the scenery around us.
With the fires, the kid were able to see fire fighters. 
They were offering information to tourist like ourselves.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Wordless Wednesday~ Pooh- tato

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Somewhere in Idaho, we spotted this Pooh-tato.

Isn't he cute?

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

Living Like a Saint

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Traveling Thursdays~ Our Last Day in Yellowstone National Park

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I have to tell you Yellowstone is HUGE! Four days is not really long enough to see the entire park. There are so many places to explore. I feel like we had traveled everywhere in the park, but I know in reality we barely saw any of it. 

Today, we explored Yellowstone Lake. The lake is the largest lake in Yellowstone. It is 7732 feet above sea level, covers 136 square miles, and has 110 miles of shore line. We walked around some of the shore line, but it was rather windy there. It is amazing to see. I would never have thought a lake so large could be located in the park. 
We were going to have a picnic outside but it was too windy (too cold for this mama), so we ended up eating in the car. 
So far while exploring Yellowstone, we have seen mountains, lakes, streams, grasslands, prairies, forests and pine forest areas. We have seen so many different habitats during this trip. It was a wonderful way for the kids to see first hand the different biomes we studied last year.
After our trip around the lake we drove around taking in the beauty of the park. The diversity of plants, animals, and landscape is outstanding.

Yellowstone is beautiful. It's majestic. It's stunning. It truly is a place to see. There is nowhere in the United States you can see so many different terrains. 

Till Next Time,

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Homeschool Crew Review~Fascinating Chemistry from Fascinating Education

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As the kids have gotten older, I have dreaded teaching a few subjects. Chemistry and Geometry come to mind. I struggled in high school with both of these subjects. I was thrilled when we were given the opportunity to try out Fascinating Chemistry from Fascinating Education. Maybe with this course, I won't have to worry about teaching Chemistry.

Fascinating Education

Fascinating Education offers students a variety of science courses. Students can choose from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Medicine, and Atoms & Molecules. Dr. Sheldon Margulies' approach to science is a fascinating one. Usually science is thought of as boring and tedious. Science is supposed to be serious and not a lot of fun. Dr. Margulies begs to differ. He believes science should be enjoyable. Students should be given the scientific tools that they can use in their own lives. Science should be easy to learn and understand. Too often students believe science is for only the smart kids. I know I believed that as a young student. Dr. Margulies feels that once student realize science is easy, they will grow in their confidence. This confidence will then allow them to excel in the scientific world! I LOVE his belief and wish more students could gain from his expertise. 

Fascinating Chemistry

For this review, we received a one year subscription for Fascinating Chemistry. 
Fascinating Chemistry has 18 lessons.

Lesson 1~ The Structure of the Atom
Lesson 2~ The Ionic Bond
Lesson 3~ The Covalent Bond
Lesson 4~ The Polar Covalent Bond
Lesson 5~ The Metallic Bond- Part 1
Lesson 6~ The Metallic Bond- Part 2
Lesson 7~ Heat
Lesson 8~ Air Pressure
Lesson 9~ Properties of Water
Lesson 10~ The Mole
Lesson 11~ Gases
Lesson 12~ Solutions
Lesson 13~ Chemical Reactions
Lesson 14~ Orbitals
Lesson 15~ Molecular Geometry
Lesson 16~ Electrochemistry
Lesson 17~ Polymers 
Lesson 18~ The Nucleus 
 Lesson 19~ Final Problems (review)

Each lesson has an video lesson, a script of the lesson that can be printed out, and a test. The lessons are broken up into further sections. Each lesson contains a lot of information. It can seem overwhelming at first. I love how you can print out the lessons script for reference. I recommend creating a binder for the scripts or notes the student takes.
The lesson are about 45 minutes long. If you take the test after the lesson, I would say the entire lesson and test would take a student about an hour and a half. 

To go along with the Fascinating Chemistry lessons, 12 labs are provided for student to explore with. The labs are a great way for students to get into chemistry. Utilizing the labs will only help the student understand the importance of chemistry in our world. Supervision is recommended for the labs and additional materials are needed to complete them.
I love how Fascinating Chemistry lessons can be done at the students own pace. One lesson a week or one a day. Students can choose to work on one lessons for 3 days during the week or complete an entire lesson in one day. It truly is up to them. This program is a wonderful student led program. 

What We Thought About Fascinating Chemistry

It's very easy to set up and log in. I love that Michael can log in and get to work....more of that independent learning I have been trying to get him into. Michael and I both agree that the videos contain a lot of information. The lesson scripts printed out help students keep all that information straight. Spreading the lessons out over a few days is a great way to help break up all that information overload. The labs are a fun way to bring the science to life.

Check out the other science courses offered from Fascinating Education!

Biology, Chemistry & Physics {Fascinating Education Reviews}

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