Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Review~ Nature Unit Studies from Creation Illustrated

Unit Studies have been a huge part of our educational learning over the years. They are a great way for kids to learn more about something they love. Recently, we were given the opportunity to review two unit studies from Creation Illustrated.  Creation Illustrated not only sent us two unit studies to review, but they gave us access to the magazines, Fall '17 Digital Edition and Winter '18 Digital Edition, that go along with those studies for us to review. 

What is Creation Illustrated?

Creation Illustrated is a Christian company that wants to share the wonders of God with others. They are currently in their 25th year of sharing their wonderful nature magazine.
Creation Illustrated is separated into 3 sections...Nature, Scripture, and Living. The magazines is for nature lovers of all ages. The magazines offer a another addition to any homeschool families curriculum. It's perfect for a nature study that brings in the beauty of God and the world He created for us.

For this review, we received two unit studies, Snow and Pine Trees, from Creation Illustrated. These unit study are available as a digital download. Click on the unit study you want to learn about, add it to your cart, and buy it. The Snow Unit study and the Pine Tree Unit Study are $9.95 each, but are currently on sale for $6.95. That's a 30% saving for you.

Creation Illustrated currently offers eight unit studies for purchase. Students can learn about animals, a National Park, trees, flowers, and weather. They offer a small, yet wonderful collection for nature lovers. 

We choose to focus on the Pine Trees Unit Study and the Fall '17 Digital Edition of the magazine. The Pine Trees Unit Study is geared for students in grades 5th through 8th. The unit study is 16 pages long. It is filled with lessons that incorporate reading, Bible study, science, geography, vocabulary, spelling, and art. There are links to articles to read, educational videos to watch, puzzles to solve, and fun facts to learn. 

The Pine Tree unit study offers students seven links to read to learn more about Pine Trees. They even offer 5 links to various YouTube videos about pine tree.  It's nice to have all the information ready to go. There was no searching for information and videos on the internet. It saves homeschooling moms time with the planning allowing more time for fun. An answer key is located at the end of the unit study. Parents and students can easily check their work and find out an answer if they have troubling finding it during their studies.

The other unit study we received to review was all about Snow. The Winter '18 Digital Edition magazine had a wonderful collection of articles about snow and Alaska to go along with this unit study. I would have loved to review this one when we had snow, but sadly this past winter was not filled with snow. Maybe next year we can dig in deeper into this unit study about snow.

Want to learn more about the unit studies offered from Creation Illustrated?
Check them out on social media....

Be sure to stop in and read a few more reviews about these fantastic nature unit studies from Creation Illustrated.

Creation Illustrated Unit Studies {Creation Illustrated Reviews}
Till Next Time,
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