Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Biomes~ Walking through The Grasslands

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Learning about the various environments or biomes around the world is always a fun adventure. For our study of the biomes, I had the kids create a diorama for each one we covered. Our first biome was the Grasslands!

Michael choose to the Savannah. His was filled with grass and animals you would see all through out Africa.

He even included a watering hole.

Therese decided to focus on the grasslands or prairies found right here in the United States.

We read a few books all about the grasslands. We found a wonderful selection at our local library.

Till Next Time,

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Our State Scrapbook~ New York

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O.K., I have to admit that this post is a little old. I started it awhile ago (actually a few years ago) and somehow never finished it. So I thought I would finish it up and share what the kids did.

As usually, we headed to the library to find some fun, yet educational books about New York! Our favorite book to read about states are the alphabet books. They provide a ton of information and cool facts!


The kids worked on their coloring pages....

New York State Flag Coloring Page 

Postage Stamp Coloring Page

State Bird and State Flower 

New York State Map and Activity Page

State Quarter Coloring Page

Statue of Liberty Coloring Page

Rose Coloring Page

Brooklyn Bridge Coloring Page

Niagara Falls Coloring Page

For our New York recipe, we made Cheesecake! It was creamy and delicious. It taste amazing with cherries on top!

You can find the recipe here. This picture does not do this cheesecake any justice. I wish I was better at photographing food!

This will be my last post for our State Study. The kids chose to end it here. They felt they were getting too old for all the coloring pages. I wish we would have been better at completing the states, but whats done is done. Time moves on. I am trying to figure out a way for the kids to study the states again as they enter high school. So stay tuned.....

Till Next Time,

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

C is for Cats {Blogging Through the Alphabet

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We have 3 unlovable, crazy, furry felines in our house. They have unofficially become our schools mascot. They all love to visit during the school day.

They stretch out across the table.....

and even cover up your books......

Investigate your science project......

Sit and relax next to you as you work diligently..... 

Sleep on the printer waiting for paper to shoot out.....

Curl up in a beanbag chair....

in baskets.....

and in bins....

They work hard on their studies.....

and soak up the sunshine.....

Hope you enjoyed this cat edition of Blogging Through the Alphabet!

Till Next Time,

Kirsten @ DoodleMom
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Hillary @ Walking Fruitfully

The Rules:

Posts must be family friendly. If it is not, the hosts have the right to remove it.
~When linking up to the post, you give the hosts permission to share your post and/or a photo from your post in future posts and social media shares.
~Please link back on your post.
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~If you have time, check out a few of the other posts and share the love.
~The most important rule is to make sure you are having fun! No stressing out there over topics and deadlines. Just share some fun or educational ideas!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday~ May 21, 2018

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Welcome back to another Happy Homemaker Monday! 
I'm joining Sandra again over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather....WE HAVE SUNSHINE!!!! Birds are chirping, flowers are perking up, and the dog is chasing her ball. I forgot what that big, yellow ball in the sky was. After a full week of rain, flooding, and dreary gray skies, we have some sun. It's beautiful. I was beginning to go a little crazy with all the rain and gloom. I need my sunshine. 

What's going on....We have officially completed 3 subjects. The kiddos are done with English grammar, spelling, and religion. Therese has finished up her math, but is starting on the next grade level so she can catch up. I am so proud of all the hard work she has been doing. We have a 3 weeks of school left and then we are on summer break. I can't wait!

I have all the lessons done for next year. I've purchased half of our books and plan to buy the rest within the next few weeks. I have bags ready to go to our local thrift store for donations. I'm pricing books and getting ready to sell our old books. I can't believe how many books we've accumulated over the years.

Gardening.... I have our tomato and pepper plants in. I've got my herbs growing and will hopefully have some lettuce soon. The flowers are done and all we need to do now is create a cute, little fairy garden. Therese and I need to head to the store to get a few more plants to make it special.

On the to do list this week... Laundry. I'm actually caught up, so as long as I stay on top of it from this point out I'll be good. The kids have their Founding Fathers class. We need to head to the library and I need to go get my nails done (my one true luxury). I also need to drop off the bags for donation.

What's for dinner....
Sunday~ Sweet Italian sausage and eggplant
Monday~ Meatballs, pasta, cheesy bread, and salad
Tuesday~ Instant Pot crack chicken and asparagus 
Wednesday~ Beef and broccoli
Thursday~ Pizza casserole
Friday~ Tuna salad lettuce wraps
Saturday~ Buffalo Chicken Meatballs with salad

What I'm reading...
Last Christmas in Paris: A Novel of World War I by Hazel Gaynor. I'm almost done with this book and have enjoyed it immensely.  

I have to admit I didn't watch any of the coverage on the Royal wedding. I swear it feels like I'm the only person out there who really just didn't care. 

What I'm praying for...
The students and families affected by the shooting in Texas. 

Picture of the week....

Me dreaming of when my rose bush will bloom.

Till Next Time,

Friday, May 18, 2018

B is Our Favorite History Books for this Year {Blogging Through the Alphabet}

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B is for books all about history! 

Every year, the kids read a variety of books for history. I love combining non-fiction and fiction books to our history lessons. Michael and Therese learn about history and read some fantastic literature. It's a win-win for this mama and her kids.

So today I'm sharing a few of our favorite books we read this year. We started the year off with learning about various Native American Tribes and United States history after the Civil War. We began our studies of the 1900's and are currently working through the 1950's. Our goal is to finish up the 1960's to the 1980's in the next few weeks. 

Sing Down the Moon

The Moffats


Out of the Dust

Grapes of Wrath

Genevieve's War

Lilly's Crossing

War Horse

Dear America: When Christmas Comes Again (World War 1)

Twenty and Ten

The Winged Watchman

Number the Stars

The Book Thief 

The Diary of Anne Frank

Farewell to Manzanar

Penny from Heaven

All these books were a wonderful addition to our lessons about American history.
What are some of your favorite historical themed books?

Till Next Time,

Kirsten @ DoodleMom
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Hillary @ Walking Fruitfully

The Rules:

Posts must be family friendly. If it is not, the hosts have the right to remove it.
~When linking up to the post, you give the hosts permission to share your post and/or a photo from your post in future posts and social media shares.
~Please link back on your post.
~Use the hashtag #abcblogging when promoting your post. This will help everyone find you and help promote you as well.
~If you have time, check out a few of the other posts and share the love.
~The most important rule is to make sure you are having fun! No stressing out there over topics and deadlines. Just share some fun or educational ideas!
