Friday, May 18, 2018

B is Our Favorite History Books for this Year {Blogging Through the Alphabet}

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B is for books all about history! 

Every year, the kids read a variety of books for history. I love combining non-fiction and fiction books to our history lessons. Michael and Therese learn about history and read some fantastic literature. It's a win-win for this mama and her kids.

So today I'm sharing a few of our favorite books we read this year. We started the year off with learning about various Native American Tribes and United States history after the Civil War. We began our studies of the 1900's and are currently working through the 1950's. Our goal is to finish up the 1960's to the 1980's in the next few weeks. 

Sing Down the Moon

The Moffats


Out of the Dust

Grapes of Wrath

Genevieve's War

Lilly's Crossing

War Horse

Dear America: When Christmas Comes Again (World War 1)

Twenty and Ten

The Winged Watchman

Number the Stars

The Book Thief 

The Diary of Anne Frank

Farewell to Manzanar

Penny from Heaven

All these books were a wonderful addition to our lessons about American history.
What are some of your favorite historical themed books?

Till Next Time,

Kirsten @ DoodleMom
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Hillary @ Walking Fruitfully

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  1. The Cat of Bubastes comes to mind because I just saw it on another #abcblogging page! Of all you listed, Rascal would be my favorite...I think my mom read it aloud to our family when I was little!

    1. The Cat of Bubastes is on our list for next year when we learn about Ancient Egypt.

  2. We've enjoyed several of these books, too! The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig is another historical book.

    1. I haven't heard of The Endless Steppe. I'm off to see what it's about. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. There are some fantastic books here. We have enjoyed Five Little Peppers and Little Women.

