Monday, October 1, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday~ October 1, 2018

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Happy October!
It's starting to feel and look like fall.

It just seems like yesterday that the kids and I were starting school, but here we are already one month it. Things are a going well so far. We've made a few changes here and there, but all is good in the homeschool world.

So what's on our to do list this week? A lot! I'm hoping to get a lot accomplished this week, but we'll see. Once again I am joining in on Happy Homemaker Monday over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Feel free to join in.

The Weather~
We finally had a few days without rain! This feels like a miracle. All summer we had weeks of rain. I swear we were going to start building the ark. We still have a few roads flooded here from all the rain, but a few sunny days have been a real blessing. Our temps have been a little higher than normal, so it doesn't quite feel like fall just yet. I can't wait to pull out warm cozy sweaters and curl up with a good book.

Coffee and more coffee. I'm finally committed to loosing a few pounds so I cutting back on carbs and doing some fasting. I usually do a Bullet Proof coffee in the morning and I'm good to go! The kids have cereal. We picked up a few items at the store after church yesterday so they'd have some food for the next few days. We really need to head to the store to get groceries. It's not like the shelves are bare...just the food they want to eat is gone.

On Today's To Do List~
Change out summer and fall clothes
Bag up items that need to be donated
Laundry and more laundry
School and lesson planning
Cleaning out the kitchen cabinets (we're redoing our kitchen~ I'm so excited!)
Find my missing black cowboy boots

On This Week's Schedule~
Hair appointment- the grays are starting to show
Nail appointment
First Friday Mass
Grocery shopping
Meal planning

On the Menu This Week
Monday~ Chicken stir fry
Tuesday~ Cod fish with roasted potatoes
Wednesday- Sunday~ Still undecided

What I'm Reading
The Book Thief
Angel Falls

What I'm Creating~
I hoping to finally sit down and start a few blocks in the The Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt from 1920's Farm Wives.

Fall Picture~

Saint Quote for the Day~
"Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word, always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love."
                                                                                        ~Saint Therese of Lisieux

Till Next Time,

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  1. The Fall picture and the quote are inspirationnal. Have a great week

  2. Changing out summer clothes for fall! That's something that I need schedule in on my to-do list soon. Thanks for the reminder! Love the leaves in water photo! One of my favorite things! Blessings for a beautiful wee ahead! <3

  3. Beautiful fall picture! Great quote as well. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Hope you had a GREAT week. I'm super late making the rounds this week. LOVE your fall picture.

