Monday, July 29, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday~ July 29, 2019

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Good Morning! 
It's so nice here this morning. It's not too hot here yet. Last week, the temperatures had dropped 20 degrees, so we were treated to a beautiful, cool summer week. . We had been suck in a heat wave.With the heat index, it felt like it was in the 100's all week. Yuck! After last week's brief reprieve, the temps are back up. You can tell it's going to be a hot one, even the dog thinks so.

Enjoying some couch time during the heat wave.

Well, let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. 
Once again I'm joining Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . If you've never visited her blog, I highly recommend stopping in. Grab a cup of tea, sit back, and spend a few minutes. I promise you'll enjoy your visit.

~The Weather~

Monday~ Mostly Sunny, 91*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 90*
Wednesday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 84*
Thursday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 84*
Friday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 81*
Saturday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 24*
Sunday~ Mostly Sunny, 85*

It's a little warmer than last week, but thankfully it doesn't feel like it's in the 100's anymore. I'm sure we'll see another week with temps that high before summer ends. I can't believe July is almost over! This summer has flown by way too quickly! 

~What's for Breakfast~

I'm having a chocolate and peanut butter protein shake. I'm trying to lose a few pounds. O.K., more than a few pounds. My goal is to lose 25 pounds. I'm trying to eat better and exercise more.

~Right now I'm~

Sitting here typing up this post. The dog is curled up next to me. The cats are romping around the house. Rocket has been accepted by 2 of the 3 cats. Mama still wants nothing to do with him and lets him know every time he comes within 3 feet of her. I figure it will take her another month. Bandit is thrilled to have a new buddy in the house. Those two were running through the house at 5:00 this morning. They were rather rambunctious for that time of the morning.

Doesn't he look happy and content? 
I think having a home agrees with him.

~What I'm Reading~

This is my first book by Emile Richards, but so far I'm really enjoying it. I After seeing Sandra's post last week, I ordered The Summer of Sunshine & Margot by Susan Mallery. I can't wait to start reading that book next. I always enjoy her stories.

~On the menu for the week~

Monday~ Leftover brisket my hubby made
Tuesday~ ??
Wednesday~ ??
Thursday~ ??
Friday~ ??
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I need to sit down today and plan out the next couple of weeks. I've gotten out of that habit and I really need to get back into now that school is about a month away! 

~On my to do list~

Doctor's appointments galore...physicals for the kids, dentist appointments, even the dog has a vet appointment.
A Meet-up with the lady I co-teach CCD with. We received a new book to use this year, so we get to plan all new plans for our first grade religious class. 
A pool day for the kids and a mom get together for all the moms. That's one advantage when none of the kids drive yet. We moms get to visit with each other. 

~What I'm creating this week~

Nothing this week. I still need to figure out a pattern for the skirt I want to make. I have the material, but need to decided exactly how I want it too look. I have a feeling, I may end up draping a pattern on my dress form. 

~What needs done around the house~

A good old-fashion cleaning! 
I doubt we'll get to it this week with all the plans we already have, but it's on my to do list for next week. I think I'm going to create a list for the kids and I to complete. I'd love to give the house a thorough cleaning before we had back to school. 
Laundry needs done. 
Weeds need pulled. This task is a little scary since we've seen a copperhead near the flower bed. August is copperhead baby season here, so I'm not looking forward to digging around the rock flower beds. 

~From the camera~

A random flower I found in the garden. I have no clue what it is and where it came from. My guess is a little birdy shared a seed with us. If you know what it is, please let me know!

~A quote for the week~

Till Next Time,

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  1. Yep, the kitty looks content!! What pretty fabric, that will be a very pretty skirt! Have a great Monday!

  2. That is such a pretty flower! I've never seen one like that either. I was gonna say I just pull a few weeds everyday, but we don't have any harmful snakes! Good luck :)

  3. Your flower looks like some variation of a day lily to me. They generally come back every year and I think, spread as well. The material for your skirt is so pretty. Super cute & content kitty! Hope your week is going great so far!

  4. Came back because I follow a local gardening site on my Facebook page and oddly enough, they showed a picture of your flower this morning. "These are flowers of Iris domestica, the blackberry lily, at Ewing and Muriel Kauffman Memorial Garden. It used to be known as Belamcanda chinensis, but botanists got fidgety.

    Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Likes moist soils, but poorly-drained ones, particularly in winter, can be a problem. It is introduced and naturalized to our area and the eastern half of the U.S. It is a short-lived perennial native to eastern Russia, China and Japan." Happy Thursday!

    1. Thank you for the information. I'll be heading to discover more about this flower. I'm glad a little birdy decided to share it with us.

  5. I LOVE the lounging animal pics - so cute! That MLK quote is a GREAT inspiration. I hope you're having a GREAT week.

