Monday, July 20, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday~July 20, 2020

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This weekend was a bust one for us. Michael had his shooting competition this past Friday and Saturday. They held it locally since the big competition in Ohio was canceled because of Covid. He didn't do as well as he would have liked, but with no practice over the past few months I think he did rather well. He did improve some of his times, while a few slipped. I know he'll work even harder this year to improve his times. 

It was hot and disgusting out this weekend. Friday's competition was horrible from the heat. Thankfully, Saturday's competition started early in the morning. We were just finishing up when the heat started to get unbearable. 

Sunday, I worked on carpet cleaning the basement carpet since we took out our old furniture that we're having re-upholstered to the gentlemen completing the work. We now moving our current couch down stairs and getting to work on the living room and hallway! I can't wait to have it all completed.

Well enough about our weekend, let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to stop in and say hi to our beautiful host, Sandra, over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

HOT, HOT, and HOT!!!!!!

Monday~ Sunny 94*
Tuesday~ Sunny 91*
Wednesday~ Sunny 92*
Thursday~ Sunny 91*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy 89*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy 89*
Sunday~ Sunny 95*

It's another hot one here. With the heat index, the temps are going to be in the 100's! We've had no rain and we need it desperately. We have a slight chance for thunderstorms everyday, but they said that last week and we saw nothing! The grass is officially dead. It crunches under your feet. The poor chickens are panting so bad. Mama hen is still sitting on a few eggs, but she does leave them to get some fresh air. Minnie (who I now think is a little rooster) and Buttercup have joined their mama for her walks. Poor little Buttercup is so small and has a hard time keeping up. We had to bring her in and give her 
some electrolytes to keep her going. 

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

My allergies are doing rather well, but I've remembered to take my meds every day. My left shoulder and upper arm are still sore. I messed it up somehow. I think I overworked a muscle. I looked it up online and and it's common problem for swimmers. Not that I've been competitively swimming. I just need to baby it a little and work on a few exercises and it should get back to normal.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

Well, I'm writing up this post, but I'm also getting to watch two sweet baby deer play in the front yard. We've had a mama deer hanging around and now I know why. She has twins! They are so cute frolicking in the woods.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

All the stuff I need to get done this week.
Basement, donations, painting, etc.
School lesson plans that I still need to complete.

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

The kids will be helping me get the living room ready for painting. Michael will start the sanding process for the hardwood floors. He does have to work one day this week. I hope he can handle the heat since he works outside doing yard work.

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

I had a cup of coffee, two eggs scrambled with cheese. 

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I'm still reading True to Me by Kay Bratt.


I'm about halfway through the book and so far I'm enjoying it. I doubt I'll have much down time to read this week though.

❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

I've been using my Amazon Prime Music to listen to a wide range of songs and artists.

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

I'm still working on those darn lesson plans for next year. I just have not been motivated to finish them. Luckily, the kids don't start back until after Labor Day. 

My pricing of books and taking pictures has been put on hold with the living room work. The gentlemen called and said he could get us in earlier, so we are now focused on that. A surprise, but a nice one. No one likes the sectional we currently have in our living room. We bought it three years ago and it has not held up at all. The sad thing it's a top, well-known brand. I definitely will not be being a couch from them again. I loved our old living room set, but after 15 years of use with babies, kids, and pets it looked HORRIBLE. I was thrilled we were able to find someone to recover it and fabric we liked.

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

The pet hair is everywhere. I swear all the animals have started to really shed their winter coats now. With all the hair on the floor, you would think they would be bald by now!
The floors need vacuumed and mopped, but with the sanding that we have to do, I think I'll wait a bit to mop. Our focus this week is the living room. We bought the paint for the colors I picked out. I need to paint the entertainment unit and two end tables. Sand and re-stain the floors. Paint the living room and hallway. Replace some trim that can't be fixed. I need to find a fabric  I like so I can make throw pillows for the couch, love seat, and chair.

He doesn't mind the current couch!

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

The list seems the same week after week....
Empty out the entertainment unit
Take down all the photos so we can paint the walls
Move current couch down to the basement so we can sand and re-stain the hardwood floors before we get our old/new furniture back (so excited)
Clean the bathrooms (I cleaned half of the master bath already)
Wash the shower curtains
Take the dog for her allergy shot (still need to take our sweet girl)

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

I have nothing planned at the moment. I had every intention of sitting down last week and planning the next month. The week got rather hectic and no planning was done. My goal is to work on it tomorrow.

Monday~ Chicken, zucchini, and potatoes 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

My family and friends
Our Nation and leaders

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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  1. I so enjoy reading your HH posts! Reminds me of my Weekly Wrap Up posts of years ago. So much fun and so great for evaluating the past week and getting a hold on some organization for the week ahead. I enjoy these posts so much bt I read and just don't stop in to comment!

    I ordered the book True to Me - never heard of that author but the book summary sounds just right up my alley! Thank you!

    I left my HS/family blog and have begun a new blog about a year ago . I felt like I needed a fresh start. I know I can be authentic in my "old" blog and I know my readers would be supportive, but I felt like I need to abandon the old space and start fresh.

    Thanks for the peek into your home and family. Congratulations to your son on his competition!! Good luck with the painting -and enjoy those deer! The cottage we are currently renting has a wealth of deer around sunset.....there are woods in front and back - Our puppy doesn't like them! LOL He gets very territorial and lets them know they're not welcome! He doesnt get that they were here before us and they'll be here after us!

    Take care monique.
    TTYS C

  2. WHEW I'm exhausted just reading your to do list, but wish I had one just like it to keep me busy next week! PERFECT inspiration. Have a GREAT week.

  3. Wow, you have a lot on this week! That cat photo is the cutest - looks like a shag pile rug! :) Have a lovely week.

  4. The deer pic is cute! New furniture is always fun! Have a great week!

  5. Love your wild life photos this week. Hope you get a break from the heat and some of the much needed rain.

