Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday Inspirations~ February 28, 2021

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Review~ Budgeting Game, Stock Market Game, and Curriculum from

Disclaimer~ I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

As a parent, I want both of my teens to understand the importance of creating a budget and sticking to that budget. I was ecstatic to be given the opportunity to review the PersonalFinanceLab Budgeting Game, Stock Market Game, and integrated curriculum from

PersonalFinanceLab is a new online experimental education teaching tool designed to help students learn personal finance, economics, business skills, social studies, and math. Their unique combination of technology, real world market activity, and educational lessons was created to get students actively engaged in the learning process. The more engages students are, the more they will retain the important information provided in this curriculum. Their goal is to bring the classroom to life and to bring real life into the classroom!

What is the Finance Curriculum?

PersaonlFinanceLab is geared for middle and high school students. Students in grades 7th-12th will discover lessons and games all about finances.

PersonalFinanceLab provides students with so many wonderful opportunities. By using the world class portfolio simulation, students will be able to take what they have learned and apply it to real life situations. The curriculum provides students with over 100 integrated lessons on personal finance, economics, business, math, and social studies. This curriculum has everything a student needs to have a strong understanding of finances in today's world. 

In addition to the lessons, there are quizzes to make sure the students have mastered the material. These quizzes are graded automatically. Parents do not need to worry about grading them. The program also contains interactive personal finance and business calculators that help students learn about saving and investing. Something we all need to be aware of in today's world. 

The Learning Center contains over 600 articles, videos, glossary terms, and so much more. They even have tutorial videos for students and teachers if they are not comprehending the material or just need more instruction. If the tutorial videos do not answer your student's question, the company does provide live support from their financial education team during their regular business hours. 

Students can play the Budgeting game, the Stock Market game, or work through the integrated curriculum.

What Have We Worked On?

Since by my teens have had jobs and will have more jobs in the future, we focused on the budgeting game. I felt this game was essential for them to succeed in life. If they can not budget their money, they will surely struggle in the future. 

Setting up the Budgeting game was fairly simple. As the parent, I had my own dashboard. I used my dashboard to set up the information and then sent links for Michael and Therese to join in. Each student has their own dashboard. Their dashboard allows them to see their progress in each area. 

In the budget game, students take on the role of a working young adult who is going to school too. The game is set up just like a monthly calendar. Each day requires the student to roll the dice twice, once for AM and then once for PM. As the students go through the month, on a daily basis, they will encounter real life situations, unexpected emergencies, and simple decisions that affect their daily lives. Along the way, the students will learn to manage their budget.

As the students work through the game, they will earn their paycheck. When their paycheck is received, they will be prompted to deposit their paycheck. Students then can decide how much to keep and how to set aside to save. Smart financial planning!

Students will have monthly bills (phone, rent, car, TV, internet) to figure out. Unexpected expenses will also pop up asking the student if they want to use debit or credit. Throughout the game, students will get a pop up with a math lesson in it. They can not go any further until they complete the math question correctly.

As they go along in their monthly schedule, students will be asked how they want to spend some of their free time. Depending on how they choose, students can end up earning a little extra income or must pay to go out and have some fun. I love how it allows them to make personal decisions and that they get to see what the results might be. If you decide to go out and socialize all the time, the money will disappear! If they choose to work an extra shift, they can see what hard work and dedication can do to their bank account!

What Have I Liked About the Budget Game?

I love how the game is set and follows real world lessons. Students can easily see what is coming in (green $ amounts) and what is going out (red $ amounts). Rent, phone, internet are expenses our teens will face. I love how they how given the option of going out with friends, working extra hours, or studying. It helps reinforce making the right decisions. Responsibility first, then have a little fun!

I will admit that when I first logged in, the dashboard was a little overwhelming to me. It seemed a little cluttered and I was not quite sure on where to begin. I still need to sit down and look more closely at the lessons and the stock market game. The stock market game scares me a little probably because I have no clue about it.
I'm hoping that once my teens complete this course, they will have a strong understanding of the financial world around them! I know they will have a better understanding than I did when I entered the real world!

Learn more about

Be sure to stop in and see what the rest of the crew members had to say about this fantastic finance curriculum!

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Monday, February 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ February 22, 2021

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Hello there! I missed last week, but I'm back.
Another month is almost over! Today is the last Monday in February. How in the world did that happen? I guess that means spring is getting closer which I am extremely happy for. 

Not much has been happening here. Therese and I have been sick for a week now, so we've been staying home. The only outing we had to do was take her sweet Guinea pig to the vet. She was sick too. Sadly, she passed away. It's always hard when a pet dies. I think one of the hardest lessons in life is when you're a parent and there is nothing you can do to take away the pain your child is going though. When you can't take that pain away, you feel helpless as a parent. It sucks!

The boys are making progress on the laundry room. It's framed in, the walls are up, and they have mudded the seams. Now to sand, paint, and all the rest.

Let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

This little snowman is perfect for today!

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

More snow today, but then look at those temps. I'm so excited. I actually just sang that in my The only problem with this warm up, all the snow will melt and it will be so muddy in the back yard. Ugh...mopping the floors every day will be on the schedule.

Monday~ Freezing rain/snow, 31*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 49*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 59*
Thursday~ Mostly Sunny, 47*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy, 44*
Saturday~ Showers, 50*
Sunday~ Showers, 49*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

Not horrible, but not 100% percent. I still have a fever, s light headache, and a runny/stuffy nose. I know it makes no sense but that's the best way I can describe it. I've been taking it easy. If I do too much, I get hot and a little dizzy. I've been reading a lot this past week. 

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My usual comfy outfit. Leggings, wool socks, a t-shirt, and a cozy cardigan. My Uggs are down on the floor ready and waiting for when I have to get up.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

I'm currently curled up on the couch typing this post and then I'll work on a review and my businesses for a bit. I need to vacuum and mop the floors. I'll vacuum, rest for a bit, and then mop.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly, I want to feel better a week with a fever is starting to get on my nerves. I don't feel bad, but knowing if I push myself, I will. Not fun. I shouldn't complain because it could always be worse.
I just keep thinking about all the stuff I need and want to get done.

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

After a break last week, they are back to their lessons. Not much else has been going on. I guess with all the winter weather and restrictions still in place here, things are just a little slow. I'm praying life gets back to the old way this spring. I'm so tired of this "new normal." It's not normal at all!

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Hot tea...I gave up coffee for Lent. Pray for my kids! I had two eggs. They girls are finally laying eggs again! Farm fresh eggs just taste so much better. I also took all my vitamins. I've actually gotten pretty good at remembering to take them. 

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I finished two books last week...

I loved both these books and highly recommend them. The Virgin River book is a series on Netflix, but I haven't watched it. I've heard that it's different then the book series.
I love books by Barbara Delinsky. Wonderful women's literature set at the beach. A good beach book is perfect for these cold, dreary winter days!  

I'm getting ready to start In An Instant by Suzanne Redfearn. If you have Amazon Prime, you can get it free on Kindle right now in your Prime Reading.

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For history, they are still reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. We received the Hamelin Stoop series from 12 Gates Publishing for a review. It's a fantasy novel series for young adults. So stay tuned for the upcoming review! 

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

Lady Antebellum (or Lady A as they now are called) and Carrie Underwood.

❀❀~TV Shows I'm Watching~❀❀

My husband and I just finished up watching Game of Thrones. We're a little late to the party on that one. It was interesting. Definitely for adults only. I didn't care for the last season. It seemed a little rushed and not as well done. 
Now we're looking for a new series to watch. It's hard when you have completely different interests. 

We just got Netflix. Any good shows to watch with your hubby on that?

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Nothing this past week. The boys have been busy in the laundry room, but since I've been sick I've been taking it easy. 

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 There's so much to do. Laundry (which I can't at the moment), vacuum, mop, etc. The house is a mess. I hope I feel better by the middle of the week.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Start exercising 
Vacuum and mop the floors
Wipe down the kitchen
Get donations to the thrift store
Go through the kid's old books and get rid of some more
Book a few more parties for my business
Change sheets
Clean the chicken coop

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

If you're a homeschooling mama, you totally can relate to this. I hold by breath and say a silent prayer!

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~ Portuguese chicken and rice (leftovers)- this is a favorite in our house!
Tuesday~ Shredded Chicken and Tacos
Wednesday~ ?

I need to sit down and plan. This past week has been rough. I've eaten mostly rice or soup. 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Friends and Family
Our nation
All those that are sick (Therese and I included)
All those affected by the winter storms last week
and on a lighter note,,, for spring to get here!

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Inspirations~ February 21, 2021

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ash Wednesday~ February 17. 2021

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“Why does the Church place ashes on our foreheads today? Why does she remind us of death? Death which is the effect of sin! Why?…To prepare us for Christ’s Passover. For the paschal mystery of the Redeemer of the world. Paschal mystery means what we profess in the Creed: “On the third day he rose again”!…Yes. Today we need to hear the “you are dust and to dust you will return” of Ash Wednesday, so that the definitive truth of the Gospel, the truth about the Resurrection, will unfold before us: believe in the Gospel.”
~ Saint Pope John Paul II

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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ February 14, 2021

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Monday, February 8, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ February 8, 2021

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Hello February! It's hard to believe January is over and February has arrived. Where did the month go? Anyone else feel like it was just Christmas?

Good morning, dear friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had an eventful one. Saturday was spent cleaning a rental home. It amazes me how dirty some people are. I swear this house had not been cleaned in the past 3 years. Gross!  A clean house is one of the best things. I love how a clean house smells. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment. 

Sunday was another snowy day here. We had our second snow storm come in. It started Saturday night and continued into Sunday afternoon. I think we got a little over 6 inches. Not too bad. It was a heavy, wet snow. Perfect for building a snowman. I just sang "Do you want to build a snowman in my head"
 I don't care for cold weather, but I do love how the snow looks on the tree branches.

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

This little snowman is perfect for today!

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

Monday~ Mostly Sunny, 35*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy, 49*
Wednesday~ Snow, 32*
Thursday~ Snow, 32*
Friday~ Snow, 32*
Saturday~ Snow, 27*
Sunday~ Snow, 27* ..... with a low of 6*

O.K. this is not going to be my week. We have a chance of snow almost every day this week and the temps are crazy cold. At night, we'll be in single digits. I'm not looking forward to this at all. 
Road trip to the Florida Keys would be nice.

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

I'm feeling pretty good. My shoulder is getting better. I can raise my arm above my head in the front. I still need to work on raising it up from the side. I can't quite get it near my head/ear so I have some work to do still. 
My stomach has been bothering me again. I stopped taking the meds the doctor prescribe. I'm hoping it was just that. I've been drinking my protein shake and taking a probiotic hoping things will get straightened out again. 

Our new charity warmer.
It's so pretty.

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My comfy, winter outfit. Gray joggers from Walmart, a burgundy  t-shirt, a black sweater cardigan, pink wool socks, and my Uggs.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

Right now, I'm writing up this post waiting for the washer to be done, so I can put the next load in. I have towels already in the dryer and jeans in the wash. My hubby started on the laundry room remodel. Goodbye dark, dreary basement with indoor/outdoor carpeting. Hello cheerful pretty laundry room. I promise to share before and after picks.

Flowers from my hubby

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

I'm actually not stressed out at the moment. I am thinking of ways to grow my business. I don't just want to sell people stuff, I want to give people something they want. Something that they'll love and hopefully need. We all have too much stuff. No one really wants to keep filling their lives with junk. Collecting items doesn't make us happy. Often all that clutter just makes more stressed and miserable. There's nothing like a clean, clutter-free, and organized home. It just brings out a peaceful state of mind. 

warm and cozy by the fire

This morning, I saw Michael's old rocket car from when he was a toddler. It was a Christmas gift from his grandpa when he was one. It was pulled out, since they are working on the laundry room. It's funny how time flies. When I saw it, I got a flashback of when he first rode it. His little legs didn't even reach the ground. My husband and I had to push him down the hall. We each took one end of the hallway and pushed him back and forth. He laughed and laughed. You know those belly laughs that little babies do.

I stood downstairs and stared at this little rocket...I smiled but tears formed in my eyes. The rocket looks so little now, but back than it looked huge. I was so afraid he'd fall off and hurt himself. I couldn't imagine him ever being big enough to ride it on his own. Now he stands close to 6 feet. He towers over me. I wonder how my baby got so big. Where did the time go? He'll be heading off to college soon and the fears I have are still there. The world is a big place and it's a scary though to send your child out into it. I look back at my fear of him falling off the rocket and it seems so small now compared to the fears I have now. I keep praying to God for the strength to get through this. I know it's the way life goes, but it's still scary as hell. 

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

They went sledding with friends last week. Michael has started ushering at church again. Therese is learning to drive. She also has book club this week.
They have their regular lessons to work on. 
Pretty much a normal week around here for them, since Covid hit. I really hope the sports will start back up here again this summer.

My new warmer for the living room...I'm loving it!
Of course, I had to move the pine cone decorations. The cats decided to play with them.

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Coffee, gluten free toast with blackberry jam.
I have the teapot on for a cup of tea at the moment.

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I have a a few books going....

Animal Farm by George Orwell (school books for the kids)

and a daily devotion and prayer book recommended by Sandra

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For English they are reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. As they read it, they are working through a study guide from Progeny Press. 

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

Same as before...The CranberriesSarah McLachlanTaylor Swift's new album folklore, Adele, Carrie Underwood, and my 90's playlist. I guess I'm feeling nostalgic. 

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

I need to send out some emails to clients. Book a few parties...just let me know if you'd like to host a party to earn some free products. I'd be more than happy to help!

My craft/sewing/office room is open for business. It's so nice to have it organized. I fixed a few pieces of clothing yesterday that needed sewn back up. I made a seat cushion for my father-in-law's chair. 

I need to get my Cricut set up still. I think I'll do that later this afternoon.

I still need to make a new wreath for Valentine's Day. I found the supplies, I just need to do it.

I need to get papers together for taxes. 

I also have to look over some review items and start writing the reviews! 
Busy week ahead, I think. Hopefully the snow doesn't wipe out the internet. 

One of new favorite pieces from the spring collection.
The Mustard Seed Capsule necklace and bracelet.

"And He said to them, “Because of your meager faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 I need to vacuum today and mop. With all the snow, the mud has reappeared. I just discovered 3 Christmas items, I somehow missed when I took down Christmas. Every year, the kids look for something I missed. It's a yearly occurrence. I need to go through the kid's books again and purge some more. I have a few more boxes to go through. The kitchen cabinets need wiped down and the appliances need polished. Stainless steal appliances are kind of a pain to keep clean. Know any tricks? I'd love to hear them! 

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Change the sheets
Clean the bathrooms
Take donations to the thrift store 
Return books to the library
Pick up glasses from the eye doctor
Plan more posts for my businesses
Grade schoolwork
Mail out the new Spring/Summer Scentsy Catalogs

I am having a give away for a Beautycounter Jellie over on my Instagram page 

Head on over and follow the instructions! Good Luck..

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

All the time! Anyone else have this particular problem?

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~  Honey Mustard Chicken, green beans, and roasted potatoes
Tuesday~ Stuffed Peppers with rice
Wednesday~ Bacon wrapped pork chops, baked potato, veggie
Thursday~ Parmesan crusted chicken, mashed potatoes, peas
Friday~ Spaghetti and salad
Saturday~ Chicken Piccata, pasta, and asparagus
Sunday~ Slow cooker pot roast, mashed potatoes, and veggies 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Our nation 
Family and Friends
Law enforcement and first responders
Unborn Babies and the ProLife Movement
Those affected with Covid
My elderly great aunts
My little 2nd graders who will be making their First Penance next Sunday (if it doesn't snow again)

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sunday Inspiration~ February 7, 2021

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Thursday, February 4, 2021

10 Must Have Gifts for Us Ladies

Please Note~ This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to click on a link, add it to your cart and complete your purchase, I will receive a small percentage. We are very grateful for this additional source of income. Thank you. 

  While browsing around on the internet, I found tons of great items I'd love to receive for Valentine's Day. Whenever I'm shopping for others or when I'm broke, I always find some great things I'd love to have! Do you ever have that problem? 

 1~ A beautiful bangle, watch, and bracelet set in rose gold.

 2~ A pair of warm, comfy Ugg slippers. I have this exact pair and love them!


 3~ A new handbag. Classic black is always a good choice.


4~ A planner to help her keep her life in least try to keep it in order.  

 5~ A beautiful robe and chemise set.


 6~ A stunning pearl necklace and bracelet set.


 7~ I just love this collection of jewelry from Origami Owl. I love how each piece can tell a story. You can change the pieces around and create a new look too.

8~ I love my wax warmers and Scentsy just launched their new Spring/Summer catalog. I have a list started with all the pieces I'd love to add to my collection.

9~ Give the gift of beauty. Most women I know love some form of makeup or skincare line. Why not give a gift that promises amazing products that are clean and still beautiful?

Amazing products that deliver a stunning result!

10. I love pretty, feminine undergarments. I love having lace and satin bras and panties. It's the girly girl in me. I love sets that look dainty. If you love bras and panties that match, check out Adore Me! They have something for everyone. Whether you're looking for every day bras and panties or something a little sexier. They have it. They also have lounge wear, sleepwear, activewear, swimwear, and lingerie.

Till Next Time,


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