Monday, February 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday~ February 22, 2021

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Hello there! I missed last week, but I'm back.
Another month is almost over! Today is the last Monday in February. How in the world did that happen? I guess that means spring is getting closer which I am extremely happy for. 

Not much has been happening here. Therese and I have been sick for a week now, so we've been staying home. The only outing we had to do was take her sweet Guinea pig to the vet. She was sick too. Sadly, she passed away. It's always hard when a pet dies. I think one of the hardest lessons in life is when you're a parent and there is nothing you can do to take away the pain your child is going though. When you can't take that pain away, you feel helpless as a parent. It sucks!

The boys are making progress on the laundry room. It's framed in, the walls are up, and they have mudded the seams. Now to sand, paint, and all the rest.

Let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday. Let's join our beautiful host, Sandra over at A Diary of Stay at Home.

This little snowman is perfect for today!

❀❀~The Weather~❀❀

More snow today, but then look at those temps. I'm so excited. I actually just sang that in my The only problem with this warm up, all the snow will melt and it will be so muddy in the back yard. Ugh...mopping the floors every day will be on the schedule.

Monday~ Freezing rain/snow, 31*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 49*
Wednesday~ Partly Cloudy, 59*
Thursday~ Mostly Sunny, 47*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy, 44*
Saturday~ Showers, 50*
Sunday~ Showers, 49*

❀❀~How I'm feeling this morning~❀❀

Not horrible, but not 100% percent. I still have a fever, s light headache, and a runny/stuffy nose. I know it makes no sense but that's the best way I can describe it. I've been taking it easy. If I do too much, I get hot and a little dizzy. I've been reading a lot this past week. 

❀❀~What I'm wearing~❀❀

My usual comfy outfit. Leggings, wool socks, a t-shirt, and a cozy cardigan. My Uggs are down on the floor ready and waiting for when I have to get up.

❀❀~What I'm doing right now~❀❀

I'm currently curled up on the couch typing this post and then I'll work on a review and my businesses for a bit. I need to vacuum and mop the floors. I'll vacuum, rest for a bit, and then mop.

❀❀~ What's on my mind~❀❀

Honestly, I want to feel better a week with a fever is starting to get on my nerves. I don't feel bad, but knowing if I push myself, I will. Not fun. I shouldn't complain because it could always be worse.
I just keep thinking about all the stuff I need and want to get done.

❀❀~What they kids are up to~❀❀

After a break last week, they are back to their lessons. Not much else has been going on. I guess with all the winter weather and restrictions still in place here, things are just a little slow. I'm praying life gets back to the old way this spring. I'm so tired of this "new normal." It's not normal at all!

❀❀~What's for breakfast~❀❀

Hot tea...I gave up coffee for Lent. Pray for my kids! I had two eggs. They girls are finally laying eggs again! Farm fresh eggs just taste so much better. I also took all my vitamins. I've actually gotten pretty good at remembering to take them. 

❀❀~My current reading pile~❀❀

I finished two books last week...

I loved both these books and highly recommend them. The Virgin River book is a series on Netflix, but I haven't watched it. I've heard that it's different then the book series.
I love books by Barbara Delinsky. Wonderful women's literature set at the beach. A good beach book is perfect for these cold, dreary winter days!  

I'm getting ready to start In An Instant by Suzanne Redfearn. If you have Amazon Prime, you can get it free on Kindle right now in your Prime Reading.

❀❀~What the Kids are Reading~❀❀

For history, they are still reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. We received the Hamelin Stoop series from 12 Gates Publishing for a review. It's a fantasy novel series for young adults. So stay tuned for the upcoming review! 

 ❀❀~Music I'm listening to~❀❀

Lady Antebellum (or Lady A as they now are called) and Carrie Underwood.

❀❀~TV Shows I'm Watching~❀❀

My husband and I just finished up watching Game of Thrones. We're a little late to the party on that one. It was interesting. Definitely for adults only. I didn't care for the last season. It seemed a little rushed and not as well done. 
Now we're looking for a new series to watch. It's hard when you have completely different interests. 

We just got Netflix. Any good shows to watch with your hubby on that?

❀❀~What I'm working on~❀❀

Nothing this past week. The boys have been busy in the laundry room, but since I've been sick I've been taking it easy. 

❀❀~Looking around the house~❀❀

 There's so much to do. Laundry (which I can't at the moment), vacuum, mop, etc. The house is a mess. I hope I feel better by the middle of the week.

❀❀~This weeks to do list~❀❀

Start exercising 
Vacuum and mop the floors
Wipe down the kitchen
Get donations to the thrift store
Go through the kid's old books and get rid of some more
Book a few more parties for my business
Change sheets
Clean the chicken coop

❀❀~Funny Quote/Meme for the Week~❀❀

If you're a homeschooling mama, you totally can relate to this. I hold by breath and say a silent prayer!

❀~What's for dinner this week~❀❀

Monday~ Portuguese chicken and rice (leftovers)- this is a favorite in our house!
Tuesday~ Shredded Chicken and Tacos
Wednesday~ ?

I need to sit down and plan. This past week has been rough. I've eaten mostly rice or soup. 

❀❀~ From the camera~❀❀

❀❀~What I'm praying for~❀❀

Friends and Family
Our nation
All those that are sick (Therese and I included)
All those affected by the winter storms last week
and on a lighter note,,, for spring to get here!

❀❀~Inspirational thought for the week~❀❀

Wishing y'all a wonderful week. 
Stay happy, healthy, and safe!

Till Next Time,

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  1. Hope you feel better! Virgin River on Netflix seemed like it was going to combine books (I know it combined the first two) but I couldn't get through the first episode. Books weren't my thing either. On Netflix, watch Cobra Kai! It's a sequel of sorts to The Karate Kid with all the original actors.

  2. Love the kitty pics! And the quote you shared is perfect! Happy Monday!

  3. Hope both you and your daughter are feeling better. Sorry for your pet.
    Have a wonderful week

