Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ June 21, 2022

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Well hello there! I know it has been way too long. I honestly needed a break to get things back in order. The start of 2022 brought so many changes; sadly, most were not great ones for us. It's been hard, but we are slowly adjusting to our new normal.  If you've been around for a while, you know we lost my father-in-law in January. He lived with us, so that was a devasting change for us. I miss his cheerful morning greetings and his deep hearty laugh.  

February is a blur! I honestly don't remember much of it. I know we were trying to get Doodlebug, my father-in-law's cat back to good health. Stress made her sick.  She has been slowly adjusting to life with us and without her papaw. She has bonded with Therese. It's sweet to see but then she will be going off to college in a year, so not so great either. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. 

In March, we lost our sweet Rocket, my morning-time buddy. The house just isn't the same without my sweet boy. I miss his singing. 

April was a good month! We celebrated Easter, our 21st wedding anniversary, and Therese's 17th birthday. I can't believe my baby is 17. 

In May, we took a much-needed vacation to the Florida Keys! My father-in-law lived there at one point and always wanted to take the kids, so we did this trip in honor of him. It was a bittersweet trip. We had a fun time and got to unwind a little, but it was a little sad without him there. Lots of memories. 

June!!! June is halfway over and it has been crazy! We finished up school. Michael graduated this year and Therese will head off to the local community college for her senior year. My life as a homeschool mom is over. It's sad and exciting at the sad time. The years went by so quickly. We had a few other graduations this year for a nephew and some friends. The kids had work camp for church again. In fact, they are there right now. Their state competition is coming up, and the month is over. It's crazy how time is flying by.

O.K. I think that's the abridged version of the past few months, so let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday! Be sure to stop by and see our lovely host, Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The Weather~

The weather has been crazy here the last month! We go from 90s to 70s back to the 90s. The past two days have been in the mid-70s, but today we had back up into the high 80s. 

Monday~ Sunny, 74*
Tuesday~ Partly Cloudy, 87*
Wednesday~Scattered Thunderstorms, 89*
Thursday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 78*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny, 84*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 85*
Sunday~ Mostly Sunny 88*

I don't mind the cooler temps, since we have been working on our porch. It has needed some love and we are finally getting a chance to get it back to its glory. The cooler temps have been great for my flowers too!

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is up. The sky is a little cloudy. It looks like it might shower a little bit (been though it's not in today's forecast. A mama deer is walking gracefully through the front wooded section of our property. We saw her baby yesterday evening. Last Friday while enjoying my morning cup of coffee, a bear came strolling through the yard. 

Right Now I Am ~

I am enjoying my cup of coffee, I'm sitting at the kitchen table typing this post up listening to Kenny Chesney. My wonderful sister treated me to his concert last week. It was amazing!

Kenny Chesney Concert

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm thinking about the porch and how amazing it will look after it's completed. It will be so relaxing to be able to sit on the covered porch and enjoy the nature around us. My hubby is a talented man of many talents. I'm already planning the cottage garden I want out back, and the new chicken coop my hubby promised he'd build. The girls will love it. 

Mama Marigold enjoying her new babies

Poor Marigold...She sat on eggs for almost 2 months. She wouldn't give up, so we finally went and bought 6 little babies. She was so happy. She immediately took them under her wings and was clucking like a proud mama.

How am I Feeling~

I'm feeling pretty good. Relaxed and ready to enjoy the day. 

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee, 2 cups! Two eggs, some strawberries, and a hashbrown. It's quiet this morning. The kids are off at work camp and the hubby is at work. I always find it weird when the kids are gone. I guess this will be my new normal before I know it. I can hear the chickens outside though.

Looking Around the House~

It's not too bad. We had Michael's graduation party last week, so the house received a full cleaning! Today, I just need to pick up a few things here and there. The kitchen does need to be straightened up. That room always seems to get out of control, at least the counters do.

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Unload the dishwasher and reload it
Change the sheets on the beds
Finish organizing the sewing/craft room
Meal plan for the next 2 weeks
Plan a few blog posts
Work on lesson plans for CCD next year
Work on a quilt
Help hubby with the porch
Post office
A trip to Hobby Lobby


On My Reading Pile~

I started this book series because it was a recommendation from my Kindle Unlimted account. The series tells the story of 3 brothers, who find love when they least expect it. The books are a great simple summer read. A love story that's a little fluffy. The books do contain some steamy sex scenes., but not too over the top.


On the TV this week~

Nothing! I did watch Maleficent last night before heading to bed, but nothing on the schedule. 

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Leftovers
Tuesday~ Grilled Chicken/Grilled Steak, Mac and Cheese, and Beans
Wedensday~ ???
Thrusday~ ???
Friday~ ???
Saturday~ Something quick and easy! We have our state competition this day
Sunday~ Nephew's graduation party

The rest of the week I need to figure out. I did plan some meals, but then with all the craziness going on those meals didn't happen so I need to adjust the schedule. I tend to do more simpler meals when the kids are not home. We'll also be working on the porch, so I need quick and easy dinners. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Catch up on my reading
Start teaching myself to crochet
Start a new quilt
Decorate for July- Red, white, and blue
Make a new patriotic wreath

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting outside listening to the girls talk sipping sweet tea while Maddie relaxes in the shade. 

From the Camera~

Bible Quote, Inspirational Quote for the Week~

Sometimes I feel like all is lost, We;ve all felt that. We've all felt like "it's finished," "we're bankrupt." Some of you are spiritually bankrupt. What do you do at those moments? I look up and say, "I pit all m trust in You." That's a prayer of hope. Try it sometime.
~Mother Angelica

Praying For~

Our Country and our leaders
Ukraine and Russia
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My friends and family

Till Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. I love reading the light fluffy kindle unlimited reads in the summer though they have to have a bit of a plot to keep my attention. Hope you have a wonderful week!

