Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Wordless Wednesday~ Chickens

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The Crazy Feather Crew
Hermonie- Gray
Jenny- Gold
Luna- White

Can you guess who they are named after?

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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Teaching Tuesdays~ My 12th Year Teaching Sunday School

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Good Morning, y'all! So I'm trying to get back into blogging on a full-time basis again. Right now, I'm planning on trying to have a theme for each day to keep me motivated and on target. We'll see how that goes..haha! The past 2 years have been a little crazy with the kids getting bigger and life's craziness, so blogging took a backseat. 

So my plan is to share about my 1st grade Sunday school class on Tuesdays, hence the blog title Teaching Tuesdays! I'll be planning lesson ideas, school themes, and funny things that occurred along the way. 

For those of you that are new around here, I teach 1st-grade catechism for our local Catholic church. This is my 12th year. I started teaching when Therese was in 1st grade! Boy has time flown by.  

Essentially, it's 1st grade Sunday school with Catholic teachings. Not all my lessons are strictly Catholic, so if you are another denomination of another Christian faith some of the lesson ideas can work for you too! 

I'm currently working on my classroom and I'll share photos once we get it done. Therese is my aide in class. I love teaching with my girl. Therese picked the theme this year, We are doing an outdoor, mountain theme. It's one we hadn't done before. We both searched Pinterest for some ideas and then came up with our own take. I can't wait to share it with y'all!

Today, I thought I'd share how I break up my classroom time, so that little ones do not get bored or antsy! As you teachers now out there, first-grade can be like corralling cats!

Opening Prayer~

Once we enter the classroom and everyone has taken their seats we open with prayers. Throughout the year, we will be working on 5 prayers: The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Guardian Angel prayer. We start with the easiest the Sign of the Cross and then start working on the Our Father. We devote 2 months to each prayer and then towards the end of the year, we are praying all 5 in the class together.

Saint & Virtue~

This is where learn about the various saints honored in the Catholic church. For each saint, we also learn about a corresponding virtue that the saints pertrayed in their daily loves. We learn all about the saint and how we can practice their virtue in our daily lives. I love seeing the kids excitement and seeing how much they remember from week to week. 

Bible Lesson~

This is something new I've added to our lessons this year. We will start with stories from the Old Testament and then lead into the New Testament. Over the past few years, I've noticed more and more kids not knowing the basic Bible stories, so I thought I'd help fix that. We will be using the Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name  from ZonderKidz as well as other resources to help teach these lessons. We'll read the story, work on a few pages, do a craft or play a fun game. 

Bathroom Break~

This is pretty self explanatory. We take a quick bathroom break, water break, and maybe a snack break depending on the day. 

Story Time~ 

I have a special section in m y room set aside for story time. This allows the kids to get up, move around, and just change their scerenry a little bit. Our story will go along with one of the topics we've talked or will talk about during class. Examples are saints, a virtue, person from the bible, or our lesson for the day. 

Class Lesson~

Class lesson are topics from our book that pertain to the Catholic faith. It's our weekly Catechism lesson. We will cover various topics throughout the year, such as baptism, the Trinity, Mary and Joseph, prayer, the church, and the liturgical year.

Closing Prayer and Goodbye~

We end class with prayer. We usually end with the Our Father and Hail Mary. We pray for our friends, family, and church family. We aske God to help us during our week. I ask each child to work on completeing one good deed during the week. This helps them grow closer to Jesus, be more like Jesus, and to see Jesus in their fellow man. 

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Monday, August 29, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 29, 2022

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Good Morning, dear friends... Happy Monday! It's hard to believe that this is the last Monday of August. Where did summer go? I know for us, it was busy. Lots of stuff going on and very little downtime. It was fun and exciting though. 

I hope you all had a wonderful week. Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~

We've had a few hot ones here the last week. It was fine if you were in the shade. However, if you were working out in the sun, it was pretty yucky. I have to admit, I am ready for fall temps. 

Monday~ Mostly Sunny, 89*
Tuesday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 87*
Wednesday~Sunny, 82*
Thursday~ Sunny, 84*
Friday~ Mostly Sunny, 83*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 85*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 87*

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is up and shining through the trees making the leaves sparkle.  Two deer are standing in the front woods casually grazing on some grass. 

Right Now I Am ~

I am typing up this post while waiting for my first load of laundry to be done. 

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm running a list through my head about Sunday school. I'm trying to make sure I have everything I need for class and everything prepared. Therese and I will finish setting up the classroom this week. I like being prepared. 

How am I Feeling~

Not too bad. My allergies are acting up again. My eyes are itchy. My stomach has been bothering me, so trying to get that under control and I had 2 migraines this past week. So
 too horrible, but could be better. 

What's for Breakfast~

A gluten-free cinnamon sugar muffin and a cup of coffee. I'm currently warming up water for a cup of peppermint tea to help with my stomach. I probably shouldn't have had coffee this morning. 

Looking Around the House~

The house is not too bad. The floors need to be vacuumed again. For some reason, the dog is shedding like crazy. We joke she's molting like the chickens. I need to organize a few things around the house but nothing major.

Jenny, Luna, and Hermoine

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Meal plan for the next 2 weeks ( I never got around to it last week)
Plan a few blog posts
Finish up my lesson plans for Sunday school next year
Work on a quilt and the tree skirts I'm making
Finish the chicken coop
Move chicken into the new coop
Work on the table and chairs
Head to the library I have books due
Visit the fabric store to get some more fabric for my tree skirts
Pick up the few supplies I still need for Sunday school
Wash the dog

On My Reading Pile~

Sold on Monday- A wonderful book based on the Depression era. 

Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality- I'm still reading through this one. I read a few pages each morning while I drink my coffee. 

Outlander (Book 1)

On TV this week~

Virgin River
I'm hoping to find a few crocheting videos on YouTube to check out


On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Lemon-Herb Grilled Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, and Beans
Tuesday~ Sausage, Potato, & Broccoli Sheet Pan Supper
Wedensday~ ??
Thrusday~ Dr. Pepper Pulled pork
Friday~ Chicken Fried Rice, Lettuce Wraps
Saturday~ ??
Sunday~ ??

I need to sit down and plan the next few weeks. 

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Catch up on some reading
Start teaching myself to crochet. I swear I'll get around to it one of these days
Start a new quilting project 
Cut out fabric for a skirt I want to make

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sipping a warm cup of tea while reading a good book
I also want to start taking a walk in the evenings once the temps cool down some.

From the Camera~

Silly Girl

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

"Nothing is far from God."
~Saint Monica

Praying For~

Our Country and our leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My friends, family, and neighbors
All the teachers and kids heading back to school

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Till Next Time,

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Sunday Inspiration~ August 28, 2022

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Till Next Time,


Friday, August 26, 2022

Happy Friday and Our Not-So Back to School

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Good morning, dear friends! It's Friday, are you glad the week is done? Mine hasn't been that bad. I've just tried to stay busy. 


This was our back-to-school week here in our house. Sadly, things look very different here. This is the first time in 16 years that I have no lesson plans, projects, or fun activities planned. Both kiddos have ventured off into the wide world of college. Michael graduated last year and is taking classes at our local community college. Therese decided to jump on board and she's taking all her senior year high school classes, at the local community college. Nope, they are not in the same classes....not one! They do carpool together. It's weird having the house empty, except for the animals roaming about. It's funny even the pets are missing the kids. I get random visits from them all. They all seem to be moping around the house. 

Where's my girl at?

So this mama is a little lost. I'm now a retired homeschool teacher. 

What do you do when you've been a stay-at-home mom for 20 years and a full-time teacher to your children for 16? I'm at a loss. The things you planned and did every day are no longer there. Of course, some things haven't changed. I still do the laundry, clean, and make dinner for the family, but the part of my day that made up most of my day is gone. I loved being home with my kids. I loved seeing the lightbulb go one when they got something. That smile when reading finally clicked was amazing. 

So now life is different. There's been a few tears. It's a huge adjustment from having no time during the day to having lots of free time. My life went from being about them to slowly them not needing me quite as much. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing them go off and spread their wings. They both are excited about their classes and where life is leading them. I am too! They're just taking a piece of my heart with them.  

I have been trying to keep busy. We have multiple projects going on....porch, a new chicken coop, and refinishing a dining room table and chairs. 

I have also sat down and started sewing. I plan on opening up an online store to hopefully sell a few projects. I'm making girl clothes, doll clothes, quilted items, and a few other cute items. My plan is to have the store opened up next month (which isn't that far off). Can you believe September is almost here?
So if you're a retired homeschool mama, what did you do after you last graduated? I'd love to know how you worked through it!

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Till Next Time,

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Wordless Wednesday~ Starting a New Adventure

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Till Next Time,

Monday, August 22, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 22, 2022

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Good Morning! It's hard to believe that August is almost over. The kids start their college classes this week, so summer is officially over for them. Most of their friends are already back in class, so the fun activities have slowed down some. 
Therese and I made a quick visit up north to visit the grandparents and take a small trip to PA. We visited a few cute Amish stores and two amazing fabric stores. I would be broke if I lived close by. I love looking at fabric. I know I could order it online, but I love seeing the colors, feeling the texture, and seeing the weight of the fabric in my hands. 

We've been busy working on the porch still. We've added a few new projects to the list. We're updating the chicken coop and the fence in the backyard. We also purchased a beautiful wood table. It's solid wood, old, and made well. We're going to sand it and then paint and stain it. I'm so excited. 

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The Weather~

It's been in the high 70s and low 80s here the past few weeks. Overall not too bad. We have had a few days of high humidity which were not fun when you're working outside. 

Monday~ Showers, 80*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 83*
Wednesday~Mostly Sunny, 84*
Thursday~ Mostly Sunny, 86*
Friday~ Partly Cloudy, 87*
Saturday~ Partly Cloudy, 82*
Sunday~ Partly Cloudy, 83*

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is up and it's bright and sunny outside. It looks beautiful out. The temps were nice this morning when I let out the girls. 

Right Now I Am ~

I am enjoying my cup of coffee, I'm sitting at the kitchen table typing up this post up. Listening to the dog snore next to me. 

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm thinking about all that needs to get done....the porch, the chicken coop, the dining room table, and chairs, as well as all the other house stuff that needs to be done daily and weekly. 

How am I Feeling~

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm ready to start a new week. My allergies have died down a little. so not too bad. I'm a little nervous for the kids as they start their college journey.

What's for Breakfast~

My one cup of coffee. I've found out that if I have more than that, my stomach bothers me.   

Nap time and Cuddle time

Looking Around the House~

It's not too bad. The floors need to be vacuumed and mopped. The kitchen needs to be cleaned off. 

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Meal plan for the next 2 weeks
Plan a few blog posts
Finish up my lesson plans for Sunday school next year
Work on a quilt and the tree skirts I'm making
Help hubby with the porch and the chicken coop
Sand the table and chairs
Head to the library
Visit the fabric store to get some more fabric for my tree skirts
Reupholster the old chairs so they can be used downstairs 

On My Reading Pile~

Sold on Monday- A wonderful book based on the Depression era. 

Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality- I'm still reading through this one. I read a few pages each morning while I drink my coffee. 

Outlander (Book 1)

On TV this week~

I'm still watching the new season of Virgin River. I have been watching a few reruns of ER while I fold laundry. 

On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Spaghetti and Meatballs with Zucchini 
Tuesday~ Brown Sugar & Balsamic Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans
Wedensday~ Lemon-Herb Grilled Chicken, Roasted Potatoes, and Corn on the Cob
Thrusday~ Sausage, Potato, & Broccoli Sheet Pan Supper
Friday~ Upside Down Nacho Skillet, Mexican Corn, and Fruit Salad
Saturday~ Burgers, Potato Wedges, and Salad
Sunday~ Dr. Pepper Pulled pork, potato salad, corn

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Catch up on some reading
Start teaching myself to crochet
Start a new quilt with fabric I bought in PA
Create some new homeschool sheets to add to my store

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

I love sitting outside stretched out on the porch swing reading a good book. I love seeing the trees and flowers and hearing the wildlife around me. 

From the Camera~

We said goodbye to this sweet girl last week. Sweet Pea was handraised by Therese and lived a long healthy life. She was 8 years old. I noticed she had been slowing down quite a bit lately, so I knew her time was coming. She enjoyed cuddles her last few days.

Praying For~

Our Country and our leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My friends and family
All the kids heading back to school
All the moms saying goodbye to their college freshman 

Till Next Time,

Monday, August 1, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 1, 2022

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Good Morning, dear friends! It's been about a month since I've blogged last. June was crazy. I thought July would be calmer, but I was wrong. It ended up being just as crazy as June. And now it's August!!
I'm hoping that August is a little bit less crazy. I'm thinking it will be since we won't be traveling as much since the kids start their college classes in a few weeks! It's crazy! Summer is almost over. I swear the months go by faster and faster the older I get. 

Enough about my craziness. Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The Weather~

Hot, Hot, Hot!! It has been unbearable since we got back home from Nationals. High 90's and thunderstorms every day. Thankfully, it looks like we'll get a small reprieve today and tomorrow, and then the fantastic weather reappears! 

Monday~ Partly Cloudy, 83*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 85*
Wednesday~Mostly Sunny, 88*
Thursday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 92*
Friday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 86*
Saturday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 85*
Sunday~ Mostly Sunny, 86*

A little yellow finch came by for a visit

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is up. The sky is a little cloudy. The bushes need to be trimmed.

Right Now I Am ~

I am enjoying my cup of coffee, I'm sitting at the kitchen table typing this post up. Sheets are in the wash and almost ready to be hung up to dry.

Enjoying a relaxing afternoon on the porch

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm thinking about the porch and how amazing it will look after it's completed. It will be so relaxing to be able to sit on the covered porch and enjoy the nature around us. My hubby is a talented man of many skills. He is having some help this time since he's busy with work. I'm already planning the cottage garden I want out back, and the new chicken coop my hubby is building. The girls will love it. I'm even getting a new clothesline!

How am I Feeling~

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm ready to start a new week. My allergies have been acting up a little, but not too bad. 

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee, for now, just 1 cup!  I'm starting the low FodMap diet to help with my IBS. I know dairy is an issue, so we'll see what other foods trigger it. I can hear the chickens outside though. 

Miss Violet hanging out

Looking Around the House~

It's not too bad. The floors need to be vacuumed and mopped. The kitchen counter needs to be cleaned off. It seems to always collect stuff.

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Unload the dishwasher and reload it
Meal plan for the next 2 weeks
Plan a few blog posts
Work on lesson plans for CCD next year
Work on a quilt
Help hubby with the porch
Post office
Start reupholstering the dining room chairs 

On My Reading Pile~

Sold on Monday- A wonderful book based on the Depression era. 

Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality- I'm still reading through this one. I read a few pages each morning while I drink my coffee. 

On the TV this week~

The new season of Virgin River has started, so I need to catch up on that. 


On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Stuffed Peppers
Tuesday~ Chicken breast in a Lemon Sauce, Broccoli, Rice
Wedensday~ Upside Down Nacho Skillet, Mexican Fruit Salad
Thrusday~ Team Party
Friday~ Sweat and Sour Chicken with rice
Saturday~ Chicken with sun-dried tomatoes in a cream sauce, salad, bread
Sunday~ Dr. Pepper Pulled pork, potato salad, corn

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Catch up on my reading
Start teaching myself to crochet
Start a new quilt
Create some new homeschool sheets

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting outside listening to the girls talk sipping sweet tea while Maddie relaxes in the shade. We have 19 hens now. Our rooster Colenial Drumstick passed. We have 9 babies. Six we bought for Marigold. The other three came from the gentleman working on our deck. His last hen and rooster were killed and The hen had 3 babies, so he brought them to us, so they'd be happy and grew up safe. They are the fluffiest little chickens!

From the Camera~

Bible Quote, Inspirational Quote for the Week~

"A Garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul."

Praying For~

Our Country and our leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My friends and family
My dad as he mourns his sister

Till Next Time,
