Monday, August 1, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday~ August 1, 2022

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Good Morning, dear friends! It's been about a month since I've blogged last. June was crazy. I thought July would be calmer, but I was wrong. It ended up being just as crazy as June. And now it's August!!
I'm hoping that August is a little bit less crazy. I'm thinking it will be since we won't be traveling as much since the kids start their college classes in a few weeks! It's crazy! Summer is almost over. I swear the months go by faster and faster the older I get. 

Enough about my craziness. Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The Weather~

Hot, Hot, Hot!! It has been unbearable since we got back home from Nationals. High 90's and thunderstorms every day. Thankfully, it looks like we'll get a small reprieve today and tomorrow, and then the fantastic weather reappears! 

Monday~ Partly Cloudy, 83*
Tuesday~ Mostly Sunny, 85*
Wednesday~Mostly Sunny, 88*
Thursday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 92*
Friday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 86*
Saturday~ Scattered Thunderstorms, 85*
Sunday~ Mostly Sunny, 86*

A little yellow finch came by for a visit

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is up. The sky is a little cloudy. The bushes need to be trimmed.

Right Now I Am ~

I am enjoying my cup of coffee, I'm sitting at the kitchen table typing this post up. Sheets are in the wash and almost ready to be hung up to dry.

Enjoying a relaxing afternoon on the porch

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm thinking about the porch and how amazing it will look after it's completed. It will be so relaxing to be able to sit on the covered porch and enjoy the nature around us. My hubby is a talented man of many skills. He is having some help this time since he's busy with work. I'm already planning the cottage garden I want out back, and the new chicken coop my hubby is building. The girls will love it. I'm even getting a new clothesline!

How am I Feeling~

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm ready to start a new week. My allergies have been acting up a little, but not too bad. 

What's for Breakfast~

Coffee, for now, just 1 cup!  I'm starting the low FodMap diet to help with my IBS. I know dairy is an issue, so we'll see what other foods trigger it. I can hear the chickens outside though. 

Miss Violet hanging out

Looking Around the House~

It's not too bad. The floors need to be vacuumed and mopped. The kitchen counter needs to be cleaned off. It seems to always collect stuff.

On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Unload the dishwasher and reload it
Meal plan for the next 2 weeks
Plan a few blog posts
Work on lesson plans for CCD next year
Work on a quilt
Help hubby with the porch
Post office
Start reupholstering the dining room chairs 

On My Reading Pile~

Sold on Monday- A wonderful book based on the Depression era. 

Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality- I'm still reading through this one. I read a few pages each morning while I drink my coffee. 

On the TV this week~

The new season of Virgin River has started, so I need to catch up on that. 


On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Stuffed Peppers
Tuesday~ Chicken breast in a Lemon Sauce, Broccoli, Rice
Wedensday~ Upside Down Nacho Skillet, Mexican Fruit Salad
Thrusday~ Team Party
Friday~ Sweat and Sour Chicken with rice
Saturday~ Chicken with sun-dried tomatoes in a cream sauce, salad, bread
Sunday~ Dr. Pepper Pulled pork, potato salad, corn

If I Have a Few Minutes to Myself, I Will~

Catch up on my reading
Start teaching myself to crochet
Start a new quilt
Create some new homeschool sheets

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

Sitting outside listening to the girls talk sipping sweet tea while Maddie relaxes in the shade. We have 19 hens now. Our rooster Colenial Drumstick passed. We have 9 babies. Six we bought for Marigold. The other three came from the gentleman working on our deck. His last hen and rooster were killed and The hen had 3 babies, so he brought them to us, so they'd be happy and grew up safe. They are the fluffiest little chickens!

From the Camera~

Bible Quote, Inspirational Quote for the Week~

"A Garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul."

Praying For~

Our Country and our leaders
The world and all the craziness that is going on in it right now
My friends and family
My dad as he mourns his sister

Till Next Time,

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