Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Teaching Tuesdays~ Palm Sunday and Holy Week

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Our Saint~ Saint Kateri Tekewitha 
Saint Kateri was our saint this week. Her feast day is July 14th. She is one of the few American-born saints. She was the daughter of a Mohawk warrior. The kids were excited when they heard she had been born in what is now New York.  The girls thought she was a very beautiful saint. 

Our Virtue~ Piety
Piety is the quality of being religious and reverent. This led to a discussion on how we behave when we enter the church and how we behave during Mass. We bless ourselves when we enter the sanctuary and pay attention to the Mass. We don't talk, yell, or run around. 

The students colored in a coloring page of Saint Kateri of Tekawitha. You can find here it here

Our Lesson~ Palm Sunday and Holy Week~
We had a busy week this week. We learned about Palm Sunday and made our own palms to take home.
We used green construction paper and pipe cleaners. We then wrote the word, HOSANNA on the front of the palm. 

While learning about Holy Week, they colored in a picture of Jesus entering Jerusalem. 

I thought I had found it on the Saint Annes Helper website, but I don't see it anymore. They have quite a few others available. I may print out a different one for next year. You can check it out here. 
We learned about Holy Week. We talked about each day and the events that occurred leading up to the crucifixion of Our Lord. 

Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday(Spy Wednesday), Holy Thursday(The Last Supper), Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

The kids worked on a worksheet that helped them put the Holy Week timeline in order. 

We also had a picture of the Last Supper for them to take home. 

I used The Way of the Cross by Charles Singer to help the students learn the Stations of the Cross. 

I don't think it's available anymore, but here are two similar books that would be great to use with younger students. 

I had a parent donate an Easter egg wreath craft. Here is a similar wreath about Holy Week.  The students worked on that while I read the story, A Tale of Three Trees: A Traditional Tale by Angela Elwell Hunt. 

I have a lesson plan I use to go along with the book. I've had for it years. I went searching for it but can no longer find it. 

And with that, it was time to go! We actually ran out of time, but as the students reminded me we are also 5 minutes late. They are not wrong though, we always are. At least they have fun while learning!

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Blog 365 #9~ Happy Homemaker Monday April 3, 2023

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Happy Monday, dear friends! Happy April! Can you believe March is already gone? It seems crazy that summer is almost here and Easter is this weekend. I hope you all have a very Blessed Holy Week!

Did you all have a wonderful weekend? We had a relaxing Saturday. I had Mass and Sunday school on Sunday. We had a hectic class. We learned about Palm Sunday, the Stations of the Cross, Holy Week, and did a few fun crafts. 

It's a busy week here this week with Easter coming up. I have family coming in for Easter. I have grocery shopping to do, food to prepare, a house to clean, and a guest room to prepare. I also want to sit outside and enjoy the 80-degree temps were are supposed to get this week!

Let's get on with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hey there.

The Weather~
After a few rainy, dreary days with cooler temps, we have sunshine! The temperatures are nice and warm, at least for a few days. I'm so excited.

Monday~ Partly Sunny, 70*
Tuesday~Sunny, 78*
Wedenesday~ Cloudy, 80*
Thursday~ PShowers, 74*
Friday~ Mostly Cloudy, 56*
Saturday~ Showers, 62*
Sunday~ Scattered Showers, 64*   Easter~ Alleluia, Jesus is Risen~

As I Look Out My Window~

The sun is shining. The birds are singing and happily dancing around the yard. They are enjoying the warmer temps. Of course, since the birds are flying about, the cats are sitting near every window watching them and chattering away. A few deer have wandered into the yard, so that caused some excitement for the dog. 


Right Now I Am ~

I'm typing up this post and working through some laundry. I started washing the blankets and sheets since I can hang them out on the clothesline. I love the fresh scent of clothes hung out on the line get. It brings back childhood memories. 

Thinking and Pondering~

I'm thinking about springtime, the garden, and all the flowers I want to plant. I can't wait to work on the flower beds I started in the backyard last year. We need to finish the porch, it's halfway done. I can't wait to just sit on the porch swing and read a book. I love the summer.

How am I Feeling~

I'm feeling good. It's been a nice, relaxing weekend. My allergies are acting up slightly since things have been blooming here. 

What's for Breakfast~
Coffee and a chocolate protein shake,

Looking Around the House~

 It needs to be vacuumed and mopped. Everything needs a little cleanup. It's not too bad, since I spent the past few weeks cleaning each room thoroughly. I do need to finish changing out my winter/summer clothes. I was waiting for some skirt hangers and pants hangers I ordered from Amazon. I needed some hangers that could help me get more space in my closet, so I found these online.


On the To-Do List This Week~ 

Wash the blankets
Wash the dog
Clean the house
Grocery shopping
Drop off donations
Desserts for Easter dinner
Prepare the guest room
Do my nails

On My Reading Pile~
The Witch of Tin Mountain by Paulette Kennedy
Rainshadow Road by Lisa Kleypas

I finally finished Never Meant to Meet You by Alli Frank and The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews. I loved both stories. I definitely recommend them. I really enjoyed spending time with the characters. 

I'm still working through Opening Your Heart for my weekly bible study class. The weekly meetings have officially ended, but I fell behind since so I am playing catch up. My goal is to be done by Good Friday! You can find more about this bible study and the others offered at their website, Walking with Purpose.

I'm also reading a few books about traveling to New England. It's one of the trips on our bucket list to visit. We are hoping to visit during the fall so we can see the wonderful fall colors. 

On TV this week~

The Good Witch
Ginny and Georgia

Amazon Prime


On the Menu this Week~

Monday~ Chicken Piccata with Pasta
Tuesday~ Smoked sausage with rice
Wednesday~ Lasagne
Thursday~ Buffalo Chicken with corn chips
Friday~ Shrimp and grits
Saturday~ Leftovers
Sunday~ Easter Dinner

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will~

Pray the Rosary
Paint my toenails

One of  My Simple Pleasures~

From the Camera~

Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead

Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~

“The death of the Lord our God should not be a cause of shame for us; rather, it should be our greatest hope, our greatest glory. In taking upon himself the death that he found in us, he has most faithfully promised to give us life in him, such as we cannot have of ourselves.”
~St. Augustine

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Sunday, April 2, 2023

Holy Week~ Palm Sunday

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Jesus enters the town of Jerusalem and the start of Holy Week begins.

“In the passion of our blessed Savior, six things chiefly are to be meditated upon. First, the bitterness of his sorrow, that we may compassionate with him. Secondly, the greatness of our sins, which were the cause of his torments, that we may abhor them. Thirdly, the greatness of the benefit, that we may be grateful for it. Fourthly, the excellency of the divine charity and bounty therein manifested, that we may love him more fervently. Fifthly, the convenience of the mystery, that we may be drawn to admiration of it. Lastly, the multiplicity of virtues of our blessed Savior which did shine in this stupendous mystery, that we may partly imitate and partly admire them.” 

~Saint Peter of Alcantara

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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Blog 365~ Post 8~ Hello April

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Good afternoon, dear friends. O.K. I will admit, I am not very good at this daily blog thing. I was much better at blogging when the kids were being homeschooled and I was spending my time sitting at a desk teaching them, going over work, and waiting for them to complete assignments. So my goal is to try to blog every day this month. I figure let's take some baby steps and maybe I'll get the hang of this. 

Happy April! Are you ready for spring? I know I am. Today started as a rainy, dreary day, but actually turned into a bright, sunny day. The temps reached 71 degrees today. I spend some time outdoors cleaning up the chicken coop, checking on the flowers that are coming up, and getting some of the flower pots ready. Hubby finished up the taxes and then headed out to check out some fishing gear with Michael. They recently purchased a Jon boat to use on the river this summer. I think they are both a little excited about it. Me, I don't fish, so it's not that exciting to me. 

Of course, tomorrow the temps drop back down, but I know warmer temps are right around the corner, so I can deal with it. 

So, I hope you're having a wonderful first day of April and I'll chat with you all later this week!

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