Saturday, April 1, 2023

Blog 365~ Post 8~ Hello April

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Good afternoon, dear friends. O.K. I will admit, I am not very good at this daily blog thing. I was much better at blogging when the kids were being homeschooled and I was spending my time sitting at a desk teaching them, going over work, and waiting for them to complete assignments. So my goal is to try to blog every day this month. I figure let's take some baby steps and maybe I'll get the hang of this. 

Happy April! Are you ready for spring? I know I am. Today started as a rainy, dreary day, but actually turned into a bright, sunny day. The temps reached 71 degrees today. I spend some time outdoors cleaning up the chicken coop, checking on the flowers that are coming up, and getting some of the flower pots ready. Hubby finished up the taxes and then headed out to check out some fishing gear with Michael. They recently purchased a Jon boat to use on the river this summer. I think they are both a little excited about it. Me, I don't fish, so it's not that exciting to me. 

Of course, tomorrow the temps drop back down, but I know warmer temps are right around the corner, so I can deal with it. 

So, I hope you're having a wonderful first day of April and I'll chat with you all later this week!

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Till Next Time,

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