Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Teaching Tuesdays~ Moses and the 10 Plagues
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Our Saint this week was Saint Therese of Lisieux. Her virtue is reverence. Reverence is showing your deepest respect for things of God. We read The Little Flower. The children colored a picture of Saint Therese.
We are still learning about Moses. We are about halfway through our lessons about Moses. This week we learned about Moses and the 10 plagues.
We read the story about Moses and the 10 plagues from our children's Bible. In class, we use the Jesus Storybook Bible.
I found a wonderful resource online that does an entire lesson for this lesson. It has coloring pages, activity worksheets, crafts, and games. You can find it here. I print out a few of the worksheets for the kids to work on.
We then made a frog craft which the children loved.
We used the template included in the lesson and then used the following supplies.
Copies of the template on plain copy paper
Toilet Paper roll cut down to size
The kids then had fun trying to get the fly into the opening of the toilet paper roll.
Once the children were done with their craft, we worked on our prayers and added more good deeds to our good deeds jar.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Happy Homemaker Monday~ March 3, 2025
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Good morning, dear friends. It's been a few weeks since I posted. We had busy weeks here. Monday's have been crazy. We had some beautiful temperatures last week. I actually got outside and got the Christmas lights and decorations down. I refuse to do it when it's freezing outside. I was able to be outside in leggings and a short-sleeved shirt. It was so nice. Unfortunately, the warm weather didn't last. When I headed to Mass this morning, it felt like 7 degrees outside.
Let's get started with Happy Homemaker Monday with our beautiful hostess Sandra from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Be sure to stop in and say hi.
The Weather in My Neck of the Woods~
It's bright and clear this morning. It's been so cloudy here. It's nice to see the sun. I'm so ready for spring. I can't wait to get outside and work in the flower beds.
Monday~ Sunny, 44*
Tuesday~ Partly Sunny, 57*
Wedenesday~ Rain, 59*
Thursday~ Partly Sunny, 45*
Friday~ Partly Sunny, 52*
Saturday~ Partly Sunny, 51*
Sunday~ Partly Sunny, 50*
As I Look Out My Window~
The chipmunks are scampering about. They are enjoying the warm temps. Our friendly Pileated Woodpecker is finding his breakfast in some of the decaying wood in the woods. I love seeing him fly from tree to tree.
This first flowers of spring
I can't believe that it's almost Lent. It doesn't seem possible. I'm thinking about ways to make this Lent more focused. I plan on adding some daily prayers to my day. I'm trying to figure out what to give up for Lent. I have a few days left to get it figured out.
Since I've been sewing more lately, I've been in the front room that was once our homeschool room. It's weird to be in there. As I sit there, I'm reminded of all the learning and crafts we did... The laughs, the triumphs, the tears, and the struggles. I miss those days so much. When we were in the thick of it, it never felt like it would end. Now I look back and realize that it went by so fast. They grew up so quickly. One minute they were learning to read and write and now my son has graduated college and my daughter is studying to be an RN. I cherish those memories and always will. I'd love to go back for just one day to experience it again. I'm so grateful that I got to experience all of that with my kids. I was truly blessed.
Right Now I Am ~
I am typing this post up. I'm sitting on the couch. Maddie and Ruby are curled up on the loveseat sleeping. They're tired since they got up at 5 this morning. All the animals have been fed. Their bellies are full, so they are happy and content at least for the moment.
How am I Feeling~
I'm doing better now. I've been having more migraines lately so that's not been fun. I had a gallbladder flair-up. It was pretty bad. I'm trying to avoid surgery, so I've changed my eating habits and added a few supplements so far it seems to be working. I plan on doing a liver cleanse in the next few weeks.
What's on My Nightstand~
My Kindle, a bottle of Tums, and my wax warmer. I currently warming Black Raspberry Vanilla. I have my Bible and Discovering Our Dignity.
What's for Breakfast~
Two eggs (the girls are laying again), gluten-free toast, strawberries, and blueberries.
Looking Around the House~
The house needs to be vacuumed and mopped. I need to clean the bathrooms. I need to change out the Valentine's Day decor for Saint Patrick's Day.
On My To-Do List This Week~
Monday~ Hair appointment
Wednesday~Vet appointment for Maddie (she needs her nails trimmed)
Thursday~ Chiro appointment for my shoulder
and when I find the opportunity...
Baths for the dogs
Repot my VioletNormal cleaning for the week~ change the sheets, dust, etc.
My hubby and I went to see Shen Yun at the Kennedy Center.
It was amazing.
Happening This Week~
I have a Beach trip with my daughter, sister, and niece planned. Both girls are on spring break from college so we're doing a girl's getaway for the weekend. It should be fun! It won't be too warm, but we should be able to see the wild ponies that are on the island.
On My Reading Pile~
I just finished the Winter Street series from Elin Hilderbrand. I highly recommend it. It's a good book about families and why they are so important. Family is everything.
I'm currently reading Hour is Come by Victoria Tait.
I'm still working through 52 Weeks in the Word and Discovering Our Dignity.
On TV this week~
The Resident
Call the Midwives
The Night Agent
Designated Survivor (almost done)
Crochet Videos
Quilting Videos
Exercise videos
On the Menu this Week~
Monday~ Tacos, Rice, and Corn
Tuesday~ Waffles, eggs, and bacon ( it's a tradition in our home)
Wednesday~ Meatless Baked Ziti
Thursday~ Portuguese Chicken and Rice
Friday~ Beach Trip
Saturday~ Beach Trip
What I am Sewing, Quilting, and Creating~
My Simple Pleasures~
Going to Mass and having my daughter there with me. I'd love to have both of my kids there. I pray my son will return to Mass, but I know it's in God's hands. You can bet this mama is praying hard though.
Lesson Learned this Week~
What you put in your body matters. What you eat and how you eat are important to your health. after focusing on eating better~ fresh fruits and veggies and whole foods I feel so much better. I can tell a huge difference in my body and mind.
From the Camera~
Praying For~
My dad and his health
My Aunt Betty
Pope Francis
My health
Our country
Friends and family
Inspirational Quote/Bible Verse/Faith~
“Seek a relationship when you pray, not answers.
You won’t always find answers, but you will always find Jesus.”
– Father Mike Schmitz
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Sunday Inspiration~ March 2, 2025
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