Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Teaching Tuesdays~ Moses and the Red Sea

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday! We are getting close to the end of our lessons about Moses. This week we learned about Moses and the Red Sea!

We started class by praying the Our Father and Hail Mary. We then moved on to our saint and virtue of the week. This week's saint was Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. We read about Saint Elizabeth's life in A Saint a Day. The children colored a picture of Saint Elizabeth. 

Her virtue is Stewardship. Stewardship is returning to God the fruits of our time, talent, and treasure. 

Today, we read about Moses and how he helped the Isralites flee Egypt. I was going to read the story to the children, but many of them already knew the story. So instead, I had them help tell the story. I filled in the details as needed. but overall they knew this famous Bible story. I was pleased with how well they did. 

After the story, the students worked on a Moses parting the Red Sea craft. I found the idea years ago and honestly don't remember exactly where I found it. 

One students craft

Supplies Needed

I use red construction paper as the base to remind the children of The Red Sea and blue paper for the water. We cut the blue construction paper in half and then cut strips almost to the edge but not completely. We then curl the blue strips back to show the water parting. I use a 5 x 7 size colringpage of Moses. We color Moses, cut him out, and then glue him in the middle. If I can find them, I have fish and sea life stickers so the kids can add them to picture. They always love stickers!

After our craft, we headed to the foam mats for snack and story time. This week, we read the book, Little Nellie of Holy God. After reading the book, we talked about Little Nellie and her love for God. 

We then added gems to our Children of God crowns. The children love this! We added good deeds to our jar and practiced our prayers. 

We ended class by praying the Glory Be and Guardian Angel prayers. 

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Till Next Time,


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