Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A+ Interactive Math~ Family Math Package Review

Do your kids struggle with math? Are you concerned that they are falling behind?  Or are you looking for a fun way to add some extras into your math program?
If you are A+ Interactive Math would be wonderful asset to your homeschool.

A+ Interactive Math Review

We were given the chance to try out the Family Math Package from A+ Interactive Math for the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

When we were selected for this review, I was really hoping it would be a good fit for our family. Earlier in the year, we were given a chance to try out another online math program. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good fit for Princess P. It was a very good program, but it just wasn't working for her. Once we logged into the A+ Interactive Math program, I knew it was going to be a great fit for us. Princess P immediately like the lessons.

So what is the Family Math Package from A+ Interactive Math Program?

Well, it's an online math program, but you probably figured that out already.
A+ Interactive Math is a full online curriculum that is geared to helping young students improve their math skills. It uses vocal, visual, and text based instructions. They offer lessons for grades 1st-6th grade. They also have lessons in Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1.

For this review, we received a 6 month online access to the Family Math Package. The Family Math Package Homeschool edition is an online program that allows families to sign up to 10 children in various grades. For our review, I signed up both of my kids. I signed Lego Man up for the 5th grade level and Princess P for the 3rd grade level.  One aspect I really enjoyed about the program is I could easily change the grade level for my kids at any time. When Lego Man signed in and started the program, he found the 5th grade level too easy. It was extremely helpful to be able to change the level and give him the correct math level to challenge him. Princess P, who struggles with math, found the 3rd grade level perfect for her!

A+ Interactive Math offers plenty of other option for homeschoolers.

They even have options for schools. You can find out more on their website.

After a few weeks of working with the program, we found that the program was a better fit with Princess P. Lego Man was not into the program. He found it rather easy, but he tends to figure out math concepts quickly and does most his math in his head. He needs to be challenged a little more. Part of the problem with him is he really prefers actually books. He recently told me he really doesn't like online programs. I find this odd since he enjoys playing video games. Hopefully, we will find a program out there for him soon. 

Princess P, on the other hand, was eagerly working through the lessons. At the start of our school day, she was always asking to to do her online math work. She did the A+ Interactive Math almost every day. We did have a few weeks were she only logged in one day, but that was due to a very busy schedule. We did the online math on top of her regular math lessons for the day. 

So how does it work?

The 3rd grade math program is divided into 15 sections.  Under the Table of Contents, the student will find 15 tabs. 


The math is divided into basic number recognition, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, calculator use, graphs, time & money, measurements, algebra, geometry, probability, and word problems.

Under each tab, the section is divided into smaller lessons. 

Some of the sections have only have 5 lessons, while other are much larger and have 12 lessons. The student starts with the first lesson and works their way through them. I had my daughter work on 2 to 5 lessons a day. There were days that she completed a whole section in one session. 

The lessons contain 2 sections. First the students are taught about the topic being covered in the lesson. They are given some instructions, the concept is explained, and a few sample problems are done with the student. After the brief lesson, the students get to do some interactive practice. All they have to do is click on the Interactive Q & A tab.

The students will then answer a few questions on their own.  If they get it wrong, the program explains to them why and shows them how to do the problem correctly. They then can click back and redo the problem. 

*** F.Y.I *** Don't forget to click on the frog that says submit. We forgot to do that a few times and it doesn't record your answers which is very frustrating to a child.

When a student has completed a lesson, they can see how they did! They can even print out a certificate to hang up or to show dad when he gets home.

After completing the lesson, they can save their progress. 
When they log back in, they will be able to see were they left off by looking at the top of each lesson. If the lesson has been completed, they will see the date it was completed, a check mark, and their score. This is very helpful if the student (or parent) forgets were they were.

On top of the online lessons, the Family Math Package offers students printable worksheets, online worksheets, printable exams, online exams, review exams, and printable reference sheets!
They even have an E-book text book for students and parents to use.

For parents, they offer solutions for the worksheets and exams!

They offer plenty of freebies for families too!

So what did I think about the Family Math Package?

A+ Interactive Math's Family Math Package is extremely well done. The lessons are simple. They are very easy to understand for the student, especially for a student who may struggle with math. The lessons are fairly short. This allows the student to completely comprehend the topic. The Interactive Q & A section is great. I love how the students are immediately told if they have a wrong answer. I like how the program allows them to go back and rework the problem. This helps reinforce what they have learned. 
One of the best aspects I feel is that if the student doesn't understand the lesson and does not do well on the Interactive Q & A section, they can go back and redo the lesson. Since the lessons are simple and short, the students do not get bogged down. They don't dread having to go back and redo the lesson. I found the "instructor" very easy to understand. The voice was clear, perfectly timed, and explained the concept very well.

As a parent, I found the whole set up process extremely easy. The website is very user friendly. They even have an instruction booklet you can print out and read. I LOVED that! All you have to do is click on the big red box that says How Do I Get Started. 
We found no glitches in the program. Every time we logged in, the program worked wonderfully.

When getting set up with the program, we received three separate accounts. The kids had their own accounts and I had a separate one. This way I could go in and see what the kids had done. I could track their progress. They offer an option to print out the student's progress. This option would be very helpful if you do a portfolio for your state's requirements.  I could go back and manage their levels. I can't tell you enough how easy the program is to use! One of the things I dislike most is when a program is too difficult to set up or get into as a parent. I get frustrated and eventually will just stop using the program. As a busy homeschooling mama, I want simple and easy.
A+ Interactive Math meets all those needs!

So what did Princess P think of of the Family Math Package?

Well, she liked it! For a child that dreads math and struggles with it, she asked to work on it everyday. That right there says it all! She liked how the lessons were easy to understand. She didn't find the program childish. Can you tell we've hit the preteen stage...ugh!
Being able to rework a problem she got wrong was very helpful.She liked how they would reexplain the math concept. She was happy that she could go back and rework the problem. Every child likes to get a perfect score in the end. Overall, I would say she has enjoyed the program very much. 

So what did Lego Man think of the Family Math Package?

It was easy to use. He found the lesson explained well, but he did find them too easy.
***I'm thinking up trying the pre-algebra section to see if that might challenge him.
His biggest complaint is that it is online. He is more "old school" when it comes to learning.

Final Thoughts

Does it work? Yes!
I have seen much more confidence in my daughters work. She is eager to do math (HUGE BONUS) She even asks to do math first thing!! We are currently looking into keeping our subscription for her. I am hoping that as she continues to work on the lessons, her math skills will improve, and she will end up on grade level or ahead!

Want to learn about about A+ Interactive Math?
Check them out on.....

or you can read the 12 reasons about why should use the Family Math Package.

Want some more good news?
A+ Interactive Math is running a 2 week sale on their programs!

Starting on Monday May 4, 2015 to Monday May 18, 2015, they offering the Family Math Package and the Adaptive Placement Testing w/ Lessons for 40% to 50%!

Till next time,

A+ Interactive Math Review

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1 comment:

  1. I should do this now, before they get too big and I can not afford to! :)

