Monday, May 11, 2015

Review for Successful Homeschooling Made Easy Course

Have you ever thought about homeschooling, but had no idea where to begin?
Have you started homeschooling and are feeling overwhelmed?
If you have, then I have the perfect course for you!

I was given the chance to review the Successful Homeschooling Made Easy Course from Successful Homeschooling Made Easy for the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

For this review, I received access to register for the online course. After signing up, I received weekly emails sent directly to my inbox. The registration was super easy and getting emails sent directly to you is wonderful. No hassle of logging in! It's extremely easy to get started a child could do it. Best of all you can do this online course in your pajamas, if you want to. All you have to do is set 30 minutes aside each day to complete each lesson. I do recommend trying to find a time when the kids are busy or maybe still sleeping, so you can focus on the lesson. I found the best time to do the course was in the quiet of the morning before the kids were up, while I drank my morning coffee.

So what is it and how does it work?

Successful Homeschooling Made Easy is a twenty-six week online course. Each week you will receive a lesson in your personal email inbox. Once you register, you will get your first email and have immediate access to the very first lesson! The first lesson is great because it allows you to immediately get into homeschooling. You jump right on in! Mrs. Walmsley gets you started right away with the basics. No waiting until you've completed the entire course. This is wonderful for families ready to get going in their homeschooling journey.

After your first lesson, you will continue to get one new lesson a week for a total of twenty-six weeks. The lessons will cover topics like scheduling, lesson plans, organization, planning, how to pick a style of homeschooling, choosing a curriculum, teaching, housekeeping, extracurricular activities, practical advice, and how to stay sane (and happy) during your homeschooling journey.

The lessons come in PDF form so they can be easily saved to your computer. Mrs. Walmsley recommends printing them out so you can answer the questions and make notes. It's always nice to be able to look back and see what you thought was important. Having the entire course at your finger tips will help keep you on track.

If you find you are not satisfied, with the course, Mrs. Walmsley does offer a money back guarantee. With that guarantee there is no reason not to give the course a try. I promise you won't be disappointed though.

How did I use the course?

For me, it was a lot easier to download the lesson and save it to my computer. I created a separate folder to hold all the lessons. I wanted to make sure I didn't lose one. After saving it to my computer, I went ahead and printed the lesson out. I created a binder to hold all the lessons. I prefer to read the "old fashioned" way, so I found this the easiest and most convenient way for me.

Having the lessons printed out, allowed me to answer the questions and jot down any notes I felt were important. If you want to save paper and ink, you can read the lesson online and than just have a notebook for answering the questions or taking down notes.

The lessons are fairly short.They provide great information. Mrs. Walmsley is wonderful at getting her point across without overwhelming the reader. She introduces the topic for the week and gives amazing advice on how to implement the changes into your own homeschooling schedule. She provides examples, gives advice, but always encourages the reader to find what works best for them.

So what are my thoughts on the course?

As a veteran in the homeschooling world (it's hard to believe we've been at this for 8 years), I went into this review with the idea of critiquing it for the homeschool newbie. After 9 weeks into the course, I would definitely recommend this course for families interested in learning more about homeschooling, families that are starting the homeschool journey, or families that may be struggling in their homeschooling and need some change.

I love how Mrs. Walmsley starts out slowly. First, she has you decide on a schedule and then starts small. She gets families going with just the basics reading, writing, and math. I love how she gets families going, but doesn't overwhelm them. By having families start out slowly, she is helping families avoid the crazy and stressful world of homeschooling. This is important for new families. I know from personal experience that it is so easy to get excited about homeschooling, pick too much to do with the kids, and then feel like you are going crazy when it all starts to spiral out of control. You end up sitting there discouraged and ready to call it quits! Mrs. Walmsley avoids all of that! That right there is enough to LOVE this course.

After the first week, she slowly adds thing in like music, going outdoors, extracurricular  activities, and free time. Yes, I said free time. Mamas don't forget that free time. It's very important for your kiddos and yourself. Encouraging families to go out and do something fun is another great lesson in this course. As a homeschooling mama, who can freak out a little if we fall behind too much, it's a great reminder to get out, enjoy life, and have fun with my kids. We only have them for so long before they head out on their own. I truly want my kids to look back on their homeschooling journey and cherish the time we spent together. The last thing I want is for them to look back and wish things would have been better, more fun. Fond memories, not nightmares! No one wants to be remembered as the mean, nasty mama.

I am only into week 9 of the course and already I feel renewed. I have learned a few things to help with our homeschooling and I have been reminded of things that will make my homeschooling run smoother. Sometimes, we just need a gently (or big nudge) of what is really important. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. I cant't wait to see what else Mrs. Walmsley has inshore for me.

Want to learn more?

Check out the Stephanie Walmsley's facebook page.

or check some more reviews!

Successful Homeschooling Made Easy Review
Till next time,

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