Thursday, May 28, 2015

Traveling Thursdays~Frontier Museum The Old World

During our Easter break, we headed out of town for a small get away. On our little getaway, we visited the Frontier Museum. The kids and I had been there before and really enjoyed it. This trip, we had more time so we were able to visit the Old World (Europe and Africa) and the New World.
I love the hands-on learning this museum provides for kids and families.

First, we started with Africa.

We were able to explore the homes of the husband, the 1st wife, and the 2nd wife. We watched as workers repaired a straw roof. The kids looked at traditional household items, like pots and utensils.

We walked around the garden area and saw goats that would have provided for the family.

He seemed to be enjoying the warm sunshine.

After a short trip to Africa, we header to Europe. Here we were able to see homes from England, Ireland, and Germany. All the homes are original. They were painstakingly taken apart in Europe and brought to the United States and reassembled for this museum.

Our first country was England! Here we visited with a family getting ready for spring.

We jumped right in and started helping with tilling the soil. Nothing new to our kids.

The kids got a chance to dye Easter eggs with natural dyes.The purple eggs are from a crushed up beetle. The golden brown colored egg is from onions.

We visited with the sheep.

After helping out at the English farm, we headed to Ireland.

Here we visited the blacksmith shop, saw some ducks, and a sweet cat napping on a chair next to a warm fire.

After a quick stop in Ireland, we headed to Germany. Here we saw a variety of items from Germany. 

A mouse catcher. Yuck! Thankfully the job of cleaning this contraption out usually belonged to the youngest child. Princess P was not too thrilled to hear that!

A child's wooden hobby horse.

A wooden clapper was out on the table during this time. It was used during the three days of the passion of Christ. Starting Holy Thursday, bells in churches wouldn't ring, so instead of ringing the bells during the consecration of the Eucharist, the altar servers would use the clapper. The bells would ring again on Easter Sunday! You can read more about it here.

We were even given a chance to look at a 200 year old Bible. It was in wonderful condition. Of course, since I don't read German, we weren't able to read the Bible. While visiting the German home, I was thrilled how the gentleman there was able to talk about how Catholic Germans homes would have been slightly different. He talked about how they would have had an altar instead of a prayer cabinet. He discussed various difference between a Protestant home and a Catholic home. 
It was wonderful for the kids to be able to learn about some of their German heritage.

I really enjoyed visiting the old world section. It reminded my of the days when I traveled through Europe. Hopefully one day the kids will get to visit Europe themselves.

Stay tuned for next weeks adventure to the New World at the Frontier Museum.

Till next time, 

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  1. I just love field trips like this!

    1. They are the best type of field trips. They always seem to remember more when they have done something hands on like this.

