Friday, December 7, 2012

The Homschool Mothers Journal/ Weekly Wrap-up

In my life/homeschool this week~ We had our last day of Classically Catholic Memory co-op for the fall session. We are on break until February. The kids are happy but a little sad that they will not see some of their friends for 2 months. We finished up Chapter 11 from Story of the World. The kids even put on a play. You can see the fun activities we did here. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were days off from school because of sick children.  Lego Man came down with a fever first and of course Princess P followed shortly after.I had a few good days for catching up on laundry and house cleaning.

On Wednesday,Lego Man was feeling better, so we headed out to return library books. I really didn't want to pay the fines  for 60 over due books. We dropped off 3 bags at our local thrift store for donations. While there, I found a Ann Taylor dress for me, a Christmas dress for Princess P, a new pair of shoes for me, 15 books we needed for school, a few stocking stufffers, and an American Girl puzzle for Princess P. I got all that for $32!

Thursday~ We celebrated the feast day of Saint Nicholas . We missed our  Saint Nicholas party with our Monday co-op since the kids were sick. We had to let Hercules go.

We were able to watch him for 2 months. Lego Man decided it was time for him to go into the woods so he could enjoy his life. One of our cats had decided to use the fish tank as a litter box. YUCK!

Friday~More resting for the sick ones. Christmas break came early to this house.

What the kids are reading~ Every day, we are reading a Christmas book. We checked out a bunch from our local library and we have a huge selection ourselves.

What I am reading~ I am reading The Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie McComber

What I am working on~ I am making everyone in our family a new stocking and making a new tree skirt to go under our tree. I hope I can finish before Christmas Eve.

What I am praying for~ Our country and my family.

Linked with Homeschool Mothers Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Live and Learn, and Friendship Friday

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