Friday, April 5, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-up

In my life this week....sickness! Lego Man passed his germs to me. Last week, he had pink eye. We treated him and thought we were in the clear. Wrong....I woke up Easter Sunday with pink eye. Our plans changed rather quickly. No Easter morning Mass. No Easter dinner with family. We ended up staying home and spending a quiet day with each other. By Tuesday, my pink eye was almost gone thanks to meds but then I started to get a sore throat and a sinus infection. I love spring but I dislike what it does to me and my allergies. Thankfully Princess P didn't catch a thing.

In our homeschool this week... We were supposed to be on spring break but with Lego Man sick last week, we made up for missed lessons this week. We finished up our Ancient Greece Lessons and are almost done with the state of Georgia. The kids are having a blast doing our state study scrapbook.

 On Friday, we went on a field trip to our local arboretum  The kids enjoyed a scavenger hunt and had fun just being outside in the warm weather. We had a nice spring day.

In the garden......we started cleaning out the flower beds. We started preparing a flower bed for our Mary garden. We are going to start our seedlings for our herb garden next week. We also have a few veggies to start. While walking around the old strawberry patch, that our lovely pig ate up, I noticed that a few plants survived. We have about 6 of the 20 plants starting to emerge. I did buy more strawberry plants to plant this year, but I am happy that Ms. Bacon didn't eat them all up.

What I am reading......home school catalog books and tons of stuff on the Internet trying to figure out what we will be studying next year. I love this time of year. I enjoy preparing for the new year. I try to research to find the best deals. We use a lot of books, so I love finding good deals on used books. Do you have a favorite site you go to for used books?

What the kids are reading....Lego Man is reading another Diary of a Wimpy Kid book.

After that he has to read another classic. I still have to figure out what to pick out. He really enjoyed The Swiss Family Robinson. I am thinking of Treasure Island.
Princess P surprised me by starting to read the Ramona series by Beverly Cleary.

I am so proud of her. She has made a tremendous improvement in her reading skills this year. I love watching her read and seeing the confidence she has now!

What we are eating.....we started loosely following the Paleo diet. We have been eating a lot of fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. The kids are still enjoying their Easter candy but my goal is to cut out all processed food and sugar. I figured I would start with small baby steps with the kids. Lego Man loved the chocolate and raspberry smoothie I made using soy milk and what kid doesn't love a fruit smoothie, especially if they don't know it has spinach in it. 

What I am praying hubby. He started a new job and I hope he grows to love it. I want him to be happy with the choice and know that God has a plan for us. Sometimes His plan differs from our own, but we just have to trust in Him.


  1. I am SO sorry that you got pink eye and a sinus infection. :-( Thank God you are feeling better. Your state scrapbooks look awesome! Wow!

    We are excited to have some of our plants finally growing, too. The kids love the process of seeds to plants to garden veggies! :-)

    Hope you have a great weekend. God bless, Lisa

  2. Finally linking up with my Friday Flash Blog community. Thanks for linking up and sharing in the fun! Have a terrific week and see you on Friday.


  3. Boo for sickness. YAY for a new job for hubby.
    I recently found a series I hadn't heard of for boys called Hank the Cowdog. My little man is 9 and I've ordered one. I'm hopeful he will like them. He loved the Diary Of A Wimpy Kids series and is currently also reading Stuart Little. Here is the HANK website:

    Have a great week. Feel better.

  4. I hope you're all feeling better at this point!
    I have not seen much of your online presence and wanted to drop in and say hi..... (I'm really not on FB much except to check in on a few Moms/blogging/HS groups here and there..)
    Have a great day!


