Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Moments of Grace

As I look out my window.....
I see snow! SNOW! Almost April and snow/sleet is falling. Thankfully it isn't sticking to the ground. I keep hoping and praying for spring to arrive. I am starting to have my doubts if we will see it soon.

I am thankful for....
friends to share frustrations with
my fellow homeschool moms
children using their imagination
"vikings" running through my house
viking shields and swords being constructed out of household items
date night with the hubby
a warm fire on a cold snowy day (even if it's almost April)

What I am reading.....
I'm still reading through the CCM teacher's manual for the Gamma year. I have all my science lessons planned and my reading list for history done. I am halfway done with the history outline. I think I am on target for getting the lessons planned for next year done by MAY!

What I am working on....
Planning lessons for next year, updating our lessons for the rest of the year, and purging things we no longer need. I have gone through the kids spring/summer clothes to see what fits and what doesn't. I would love to get their closets switched out but since we keep getting snow it doesn't seem like I will get to do that anytime soon.

What's on the menu....
Sunday- Potato soup
Monday- Crockpot shredded chicken with tacos
Tuesday- Leftovers
Wednesday- Chicken lettuce wraps
Thursday- Spaghetti and turkey meatballs
Friday- Lenten Supper at our church
Saturday- Pork chops, cooked apples, green beans

What I am praying for....
A fellow homeschool familiy who lost everything in a fire this past week. They lost their house, car, and everything in their house. God was watching out for them; they all made it out safely. They are relying on God during this difficult time.

A Prayer....
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

This prayer was on my grandmother's fridge growing up and it always helps me when we are struggling with our homeschooling or day to day life.

A sign of spring to come

Linking up with....Moments of Grace and Happy Homemaker Monday


  1. Love the Spring picture! After some rain last week we have some green grass and just seeing that gives me hope for Spring.

  2. Thank you for joining in :) I apologize for being so late visiting these posts, just didn't get a chance to do it last week.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

