Monday, November 2, 2015

TOS Review for The Brinkman Adventures

Today, I get to share with you a collection of wonderful stories full of faith, fun, and adventure! For this review, we were asked to listen to The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3 from Brinkman Adventures. We received the 4 disc CD set. The CD set contains 12 episodes and over 5 hours of listening. If you've never heard of the Brinkman Adventures, don't worry. All 3 seasons can be purchased online. The CD sets cost $27.99 (suggested donation) and the MP3 Album cost $17.99 (suggested donation).

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review
The Brinkman Adventures are engaging stories for children and adults. The stories are filled with wild and crazy adventures. The stories bring to life real life adventures of missionaries. They are a wonderful way to strengthen your families faith and encourage the young and old to follow Jesus. The stories will inspire listeners to make small and big sacrifices for others. The Corporal Works of Mercy are often suggested in these stories. They provide a wonderful tool to teach children to put others first.

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review

In The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3, you will join up with the large Brinkman family once again. Don't worry if you've never listened to the first 2 seasons, you can jump right in with season 3. Of course if you prefer, you can  just start with Season 1. 
In Season 3, you will travel the globe...Ecuador to Kashmir, to Africa, and then to Alaska. You will travel over dangerous borders to deliver Bibles, come face to face with menacing terrorists, be threatened with being put into jail, come face to face with fierce wolves, and be exposed to extreme temperatures. There is so much that happens in these stories that you will be sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what happens next.

So how did we use The Brinkman Adventures......

We just popped the CD into our car's CD player and listened to the stories whenever we were in the car. Running around to co-op classes and rehearsals made this very easy to do. The stories are about 25-30 minutes long. Both Michael and Therese loved the series. There were many times when they asked to have the CD turned up so they wouldn't miss a thing. When home, we would look up the places that had been mentioned in the stories we had listened to. The stories provide a great resource for studying geography. You could turn this into a wonderful unit study!

So what did we think.......

We all thought the stories were engaging and entertaining. They definitely held the kids attention. My kids are older, but younger kids will enjoy the stories too. You can easily break up listening to the CD into small sections. An episode at a time would be a great way to keep the little ones entertained.
The only problem I had was the sound. Some parts of the CD were really loud while others were a little too soft. I had to adjust the volume a little too much for my liking.
I love the wholesome, family friendly stories. The stories provide families with a wonderful way to keep their faith alive.

You can find out more about Brinkman Adventures on their Facebook Page.

Be sure to stop by a read the other reviews. Just click on the link below!

Brinkman Adventures Season 3 Review

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1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your review. I have a Michael and a Therese, too :-)

