Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Schoolhouse Review Crew~ 2015 Blue Ribbon Awards


2015 Schoolhouse Review Crew Blue Ribbon Awards
It doesn't seem possible that I have been part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew for a year already, but I have! Time flies by when you are having fun! Since our year has ended, I wanted to share with you a few of our favorites!
Michael loved Mayan Adventures from Dig It! Games. 
Therese's favorite product that we reviewed this year was The Nutcracker from Maestro Classics.
I had two favorites this year. For me, I loved Homeschool Planet it helped make planning the school year super easy! My favorite curriculum was Phonetic Zoo from Institute for Excellence for Writing. This has been a blessing for Therese and her spelling! It will be adding it to our lessons for next year too.
Want to see more favorites? Check out the favorites that the crew voted on......
Favorite Reading Program: Reading Kingdom
Favorite Writing Curriculum: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Favorite Vocabulary Program: Dynamic Literacy
Favorite Spelling Program: Institute for Excellence in Writing~ Phonetic Zoo
Favorite Grammar Program: Institute for Excellence in Writing~ Fix-It Grammar
Favorite Penmanship Program: CursiveLogic
Favorite Literature Curriculum: Progeny Press
Favorite History Curriculum: Home School in the Woods
Favorite History Supplement: Heirloom Audio Productions~ In Freedom's Cause
Favorite Science Curriculum: Visual Learning Systems
Favorite Science Supplement: Ann McCallum Books~ Eat Your Science Homework
Favorite Math Curriculum: CTC Math
Favorite math Supplement: SimplyFun
Favorite Foreign Language Curriculum: Middlebury Interactive Language
Favorite Fine Arts Product: Maestro Classics
Favorite Elective Curriculum: Apologia Educational Ministries Field Trip Journal
Favorite Christian Education Curriculum: Grapevine Studies
Favorite Christian Education Supplement: Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Preschool Product: La La Logic
Favorite Elementary Product: Star Toaster
Favorite Middle School Product: The Critical Thinking Co.
Favorite High School Product: Writing with Sharon Watson
Favorite College or Collage Prep Product: Freedom Project Education
Favorite Parent Product: Koru Naturals Review #1, Review # 2
Favorite Planning Product: Apologia Educational Ministries~ The Ultimate Homeschool Planner
Best Resource I Didn't Know I Needed: Homeschool Planet
Best Online Resource: Super Teacher Worksheets
Best e-Product: Home School in the Woods
Favorite Book, Novel, or Audio Drama: Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Video: FishFlix.com~ Metamorphisis & Flight, Little Boy
Just for Fun: USAoploy
Kid's Choice: La La Logic
Teen's Choice: YWAM Publishing
All Around Crew Favorite: Institute for Excellence in Writing
Thanks for stopping by. I hope we have been able to offer some great advice and reviews for a few products. I am looking forward to next year on the crew! Be sure to stop by and learn about more great products.

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1 comment:

  1. I have really enjoyed Homeschool Planet too! It makes changes to the schedule soooo easy!

