Tuesday, March 8, 2016

TOS Review~ The Resurrection Mutli-Level from Grapevine Studies

homeschool bible curriculum

For the past few weeks, Michael and Therese have been using The Resurrection Multi-Level  to learn more about the Passion of Christ from Grapevine Studies.  The kids have been working on the elementary student book for this review. The elementary student book is geared for children ages 7 and up. 

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Both of my children have enjoyed following the Passion of Christ. This was a wonderful way to focus more about Christ during this Lenten season. What better way to drawer closer to Jesus than to walk with him during the last few days of His life here are earth?
Who is Grapevine Studies?

Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Grapevine Studios is a Christian company that provides a Bible study curriculum for children of all ages. With their curriculum, students will read through the Bible, learn God's word, and have fun doing so by drawing important people and events from the Bible with stick figures. Students will read through the Bible and reinforce their knowledge by drawing what they've read.
                Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}    Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Grapevine Studios offers a variety of books dealing with the Old Testament and New Testament. They have books that focus on different people from the bible like Moses, Ester, Ruth, and Joseph.
Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
Grapevine Studios offers various ages levels for students. You can choose from the following levels.
  • Traceables~ Ages 3-5
  • Beginners~ Ages 5-7
  • Level 1~ Ages 6-8
  • Level 2~ Ages 8-10
  • Level 3~ Ages 10-13
  • Level 4~ Ages 13 and up
  • Multi-Level~ Ages 7 and up
The levels increase with knowledge and in difficulty as the students progress. They offer something for everyone. Students will be introduced to timelines, Scripture, Bible geography, and Bible Study Skills

What is The Resurrection?

The Resurrection is a bible study curriculum that follows Jesus' last days here with the apostles. The lessons can be broken up into weekly lessons or daily lessons. If following the weekly lessons, you will work through 11 weeks. If using the curriculum daily, you will have 40 lessons. Forty lessons for the forty days of Lent. I love that! The Resurrection is a wonderful way to focus on Jesus during the Lenten season or anytime of the year for that matter. 
With the lessons, students will walk and visit with Jesus while he shares the Last Supper with His disciples and prays in the garden of Gethsemane. Students will see first hand Jesus being betrayed, tried, beaten, crucified, and dying on the cross. This curriculum is a way for student to focus on Jesus and all that He did for us. He died for our sins. He died so that one day we may join Him in heaven. Students can witness the suffering and hardships Jesus went through. This will help them focus on penance for their own sins during this Lenten season. The curriculum then turns its focus onto Jesus' Resurrection. Students will be able to rejoice and sing alleluia when Jesus rises from the dead. The curriculum ends with the Ascension of Our Lord.
homeschool bible curriculum

The Resurrection bible study can be used by a variety of ages. For this review, my kids used the student elementary book, geared for ages 7 and up. We received the eBook to download. I was able to use The Resurrection bible curriculum with both of my children. You can buy a beginner level (traceable), a teacher's book, and daily plans. There are options for books or eBooks. The eBooks have an option a for family license or a class license. The class license would be perfect for religious classes or co-op classes. Prices vary according to the options you choose to purchase.
All we needed to complete the curriculum was our bible, the student workbook printed out, a 3-hole punch binder, pencils, and colored pencils.
bible curriculum

How did we use The Resurrection?

When the opportunity for this review was presented to me, I was hesitant at first. Some Christian companies are anti-Catholic and Christian publishers use a different Bible than Catholics. I spent a good deal reading over their website and found nothing anti-Catholic. Their statement of faith is slightly different than what we believe, but I didn't have to sign anything stating I believed the same thing, so we were good. I was thrilled to see that the Bible verses were not included in the curriculum. They just gave the books of the Bible, the numbers of the chapters, and the numbers to the verses. Perfect! We would be able to use our Catholic bible and still work through the curriculum. Since we were heading into Lent, I really wanted to try out The Resurrection. It looked like a great program to draw us closer to Jesus during Lent. I was excited when we were picked. I really thought and hoped the kids would have fun with the drawing in the curriculum.
kids bible study

We added The Resurrection to our regular religion lessons. We used it as an added bonus. We still continued on with our Catechism, Bible reading, saint study, and religious textbook. I decided to use the curriculum  1-2 times a week. We started out using it once a week, but then we got sick for a few weeks, so we doubled up for a few weeks. I have us reading about the Resurrection after Easter. I wanted our study to follow the liturgical calendar for us. 
kids bible curriculum

When we first started, I read the Bible verses while Michael and Therese listened. As we all became more familiar with the curriculum, I allowed them to read from their Bibles. It was a great way for them to practice finding the correct Gospel, chapter, and verse that was listed. They would draw their stick figures and scenes. When they finished, we would go over the review questions. I would then have them draw on the Bible timeline. It was simple and easy. They kids enjoyed the drawing and I liked seeing what each one would pick out of the Bible reading for that section. It was neat seeing what stood out and seemed more important  to them.
homeschool bible curriculum

I printed out a book for both Michael and Therese. We headed to the store and bought two purple 3-ring binders for their booklets. Why purple? Lent, of course! I had them create a cover page for the front of the binder. We did a craft, I found on a friends website page. I share all about that later. 

What are our thoughts about The Resurrection curriculum?

We have enjoyed the stick figure bible study! The kids have had a lot of fun drawing their Bible scenes. It's simple to use and requires very little prep work for mom. 
I've found nothing that would discourage me from trying another book. The only thing I've changed to fits us better, was a Bible verse for memorization. We have been studying the importance of the Mass this year and I felt that a different Bible verse would fit our needs when we read about the Last Supper. 
I did combine a few verses when we read the Bible. The stick figure drawing section is divided into 8 sections. Instead of reading each small verse at a time, I would combine some and have the kids draw 2 boxes at a time. I think the program provides children with a fun way to read through the bible and learn about important people and events. I think most kids would prefer to draw than write paragraphs. I did like how they offered review questions for the older kids, so they had to write a little. Nothing too major. Certainly nothing to get moans and groans about.  My kids have enjoyed working through this curriculum. We found The Resurrection to be a wonderful way to learn more about the Passion of Christ during this Lenten period.
Find out more about Grapevine Studios and all of their great products.....
Grapevine Studio Website
Birth of John to Jesus' Ministry {Grapevine Studies Review}
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  1. I like how your kids got creative with the drawing and made them their own, instead of just copying the one in the teacher's book.

    1. We didn't have the teachers manual, so they had nothing to copy. I'm sure if they saw the pictures in the teacher's manual they would have looked similar. I just never showed them any examples.

