Sunday, July 31, 2016

Living Like a Saint~ St. Martha

Saint Martha

Feast Day~ July 29th
Patron Saint of Housewives

Prayer to Saint Martha

O glorious Saint Martha, 
I have recourse to your protection and aid.
and as proof of my affection and faith
I promise faithfully to complete this novena.

Comfort me in my difficulties
and intercede for my family
with your intimate friend, our savior,
that we may always hold God in our hearts
and be provided for in our necessities.

I beg your supplications
Especially on behalf of the favor
I ask of you in this novena.

(mention your request)

I ask you, Saint Martha
by your intercession to help me, 
in overcoming all my difficulties,
and to teach me to become great,
in the Kingdom of Heaven,
by becoming as humble as you,
in this world.


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