Thursday, July 7, 2016

Traveling Thursdays~ The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Hello and welcome to our weekly field trip. This week, I am sharing with you our trip to the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Our local Catholic homeschool group was thrilled to visit this beautiful place. We even received an educational tour for our group that taught many of us some new  details about Mother Seton's amazing life. She might have been small in size, but she was very large in her beliefs and abilities She was a very courageous woman,

"We know certainly that our God calls us to a holy life. We know that He give us every grace, every abundant grace; and though we are so weak of ourselves, this grace is able to carry us through every obstacle and difficulty."

~Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

The National Shrine to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is located in Emmitsburg, MD. The grounds are breath taking and the views are incredible. It is settled in a valley between the mountains.

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, or Mother Seton as she is often referred to, was the first American born saint. She was canonized on September 14, 1975 in Saint Peter's Square by Pope Paul VI.
She was a wife, mother, widow, and a teachers.  She was instrumental in providing Catholic schools for young Catholic children in the United States.

The National Shrine of Elizabeth Ann Seton offers visitors a wonderful selection of museums and buildings to visit. The Seton Shrine Museum is a wonderful exhibit of her life. You starts your tour with a short film that introduces you to Elizabeth Ann Seton. You will see letters, illustrations, and various items from her life. The exhibit allows visitors to see what life was like for Mother Seton and how she endured so many hardships during her lifetime. The museum also has a wonderful gift shop where you can find plenty of books, rosaries, and jewelry. 

The Basilica is breath taking! It was created in a french architecture style. The mosaics throughout the Basilica are stunning and awe-inspiring. You can spend hours just looking at each beautiful piece of artwork.

In the Basilica, Mother Seton's remains are entombed. Her remains rest in a small copper casket behind a beautiful marble wall. Here at the Alter of the Relics, the faithful can pray and leave their intentions for Mother Seton to intercede on their behalf.

Since this year is the Year of Mercy, the Basilica had a Door of Mercy. This was a wonderful way for the kids and I to celebrate the Tea of Mercy.

We were lucky enough to attend noon Mass at the Basilica.  

We toured the grounds of the shrine too. We had a full day after touring the museum, visiting the gift shop, Mass, and lunch

On the grounds, visitors can the Stone House built in the mid 1700's. It was the first house built and shared by Mother Seton and the girls she educated.

The White House built in 1810. This is where Mother Seton spent her last remaining days.

Saint Joseph's Cemetery 

When we first headed to the Shrine it was cloudy, windy, and started to rain (think downpour). We thought our day as going to be ruined. After some prayers, we were greeted with a warm,sunny day God truly blessed our vocational field trip.

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