Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Biomes~ Diving into Marine Waters

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Next stop is the ocean. 
We didn't spend much time on this biome at home since the kids were doing Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day with our local homeschool group. A fantastic mom in our group volunteered to teach the kids. It was wonderful. The kids had a blast in class, learned a ton of information, were able to do some cool experiments, and see their friends every week. Us moms were able to have 2 hours to do whatever we wanted!

One of the projects she had them do was to create an ocean biome. Here's what Therese came up with. 

and Michael's creation...

We did check out A Journey into the Ocean (Biomes of North America) from the library. This series is amazing and the books are incredible. They are filled with lots of information and stunning pictures!

Till Next Time,

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