Monday, June 4, 2018

Review~ Understanding Pre-Algebra

Pre-Algebra Review

Recently, Michael and I were given the chance to review Understanding Pre-Algebra from The Critical Thinking Co™.. Since he was already learning Pre-Algebra, I figured he could give this book a try and see how he liked it. And who knows, maybe Therese could use it next year.

The Critical Thinking Co™. offers parents and students a huge, yet wonderful collection of materials to help a child's learning. The have learning resources for the struggling learner, the gifted learner, special needs students, and test prep. We've used a few of their products in the past and even reviewed Editor in Chief for the crew.

For this review, we received a link to download the Understanding Pre-Algebra eBook. Understanding Pre-Algebra is geared for students in grades 6th-8th grade. This book is meant to be a full math curriculum. The book is available in two formats, a paperback book or a eBook. 

Understanding Pre-Algebra is a big book. it contains over 350 pages, not including the answer key. The book is broken up into fifteen chapters. 

Chapter 1~ Family of Numbers
Chapter 2~ Working with Integers
Chapter 3~ Working with Rational Numbers
Chapter 4~ Ratio, Proportion, and Percent
Chapter 5~ Percent Applications
Chapter 6~ Algebraic Experssions
Chapter 7~ Equations and Solving Problems
Chapter 8~ Inequalities and Applications
Chapter 9~ Understanding Square Roots and Irrational Numbers
Chapter 10~ Two Dimensional Geometry
Chapter 11~ Understanding Volume and Surface Area
Chapter 12~ Graphing on the Coordinate Plane
Chapter 13~ Transformation and Conqurency
Chapter 14~ Understanding Functions
Chapter 15~ Probability and Statistics

The book is standards based. It goal is to teach math and critical thinking skills that are needed for the higher maths, like Algebra and Geometry. It does include Final Exam for students to complete once they are finished all the chapters. At the back of the book, they have included a glossary of important math terms, a reference sheet, a table of square roots 1-120, and an answer key. The answer key only gives the answers. It does not show how the problems are solved. 

So How Did We Use Understanding Pre-Algebra?

First off, we are not fans of eBooks. Michael prefers to do math the old fashion way with a book, a notebook, and a pencil with a good eraser. So I printed out the ENTIRE book. I swear it took a whole ream of paper! I hole-punched all the pages and neatly put them in a 2.5 inch binder. A 3 inch binder would have been a better fit. Michael was already working through a Pre-Algebra curriculum (that he hated). I had him stop his current curriculum and start on the Understanding Pre-Algebra. I was hoping for a math program he would love and a program he would understand. Math has become quite a tedious job in this household. I have a child who onced excelled in math, but now hates it. He understands it, but dreads doing it. So my goal is to find a program that brings back his love of math!

To complete the program within a normal school year, students need to complete 2-3 pages a day. The chapters are broken up into section. I had Michael complete one section a day. So for example, chapter 1 had two lesson sections and one review section. It took him 3 days to complete the chapter. Honestly, he could have probably done the chapter in 2 days, but we were still getting the feel of the program. The lessons took him 15-20 minutes to complete the problems. His biggest obstacle was the instructions. He found them too long and slightly confusing. He felt that the instructions could have been explained in a simpler way and in fewer steps. They were too drawn out according to him. This caused frustration similar to our previous math curriculum. With frustration comes the battle to do the work. This is turn caused him to focus less and make very careless mistakes.

So What Did We Think of Understanding Pre-Algebra? 

I thought the book covered everything! It had algebra and geometry. It covered all the basics a student would need to succeed in their high school math journey. The book provided detailed instructions, lots of examples, and plenty of problems to work through. The glossary was fantastic. The answer key was a little lacking. A full answer key with the solutions for the problems could be very helpful for students and parents who might struggle with remembering the higher maths. For many of us, it's been over 20 years!

Michael was not a fan of this particular book. He actually asked to go to his original math curriculum. He felt is was a better fit and I'd have to agree it was a better fit.

Understanding Pre-Algebra would be a great fit for a student who does well in math. Someone who doesn't find math exceptionally easy or someone who struggles. I think it appeals to the average student which is great. That means a huge selection of students could benefit from this program. 

I did look it over to see if I'd use it for Therese, but I think it would just be too confusing for her. I do plan on keeping my binder and using the pages for the kids if they need some reinforcement. 
Practice makes perfect!

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Till Next Time,

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