Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Review~ Love, Honor, and Virtue: Gaining or Regaining a Biblical Attitude Toward Sexuality

Recently, I was given the opportunity to review Love, Honor, and Virtue Gaining or Regaining a Biblical Attitude Toward Sexuality by Hal and Melanie Young from Great Water Press. With all the sexual explicit material our young boys come across in our world this book is a huge help to parents.

Hal and Melanie Young are the authors of various books and run the amazing website Raising Real Men. They strive to help parents and young men in this crazy world we live in. Currently a lot of our society is anti-boy. Activities and behaviors that boys have thrived on have been frown upon or banned. How often have you heard these comments?

"Boys shouldn't play with guns" 
"No rough housing"
"Boys are just too rough and wild"

I know we've experienced a few odd things over the years as my son has gotten older. He can't even go into a store and by certain camping items or wildlife survival items without being carded. Just a few months ago, he went to buy a slingshot for his survival bag and was flagged. Even the young man in his 20's ringing him up was shocked. We live in a different world from when we grew up. Like many parents, Hal and Melanie Young realize that boys have somehow become the enemy in this age of the girl. It's great that girls are finally being recognized, but I wonder at what cost. Why can't we appreciate both boys and girls? God created us all. We are all important in His eyes. Wouldn't it be great if society felt the same way?

"There's a war going in for the souls of men, and for the souls of young men in particular."

Love, Honor, and Virtue Gaining or Regaining a Biblical Attitude Toward Sexuality is written for young men. It's geared for boys ages 12 and up. Young men all the way up into their 20's could benefit from this book. 

For this review, I received a physical paperback copy of the book. The book is 96 pages long. 
It' currently on sale for $9.75. You can also purchase the book as an audio book, eBook, or mp3 download. An option for everyone. 

The book is broken up into eight sections.

Introduction~ To the Young Men on the Battlefield
Sex was God's Idea
It's All Connected
The Enemy Pervert's God's Design
How Can a Young Man Keep His Way Pure?
Recovering from a Fall
Guys and Girls
Conclusion~ The Road Ahead

"Deep within yourself, listen to your conscience which calls you to be pure.... a home is not warmed by the fire of pleasure which burns quickly like a pile of withered grass. Passing encounters are only a caricature of love; they injure hearts and mock God's plan."
~ Saint Pope John Paul II

The book covers a wide range of topics. Puberty is discussed.... both boys and girls body changes are addressed. Gender, lust, sin, the purpose of sex and marriage according to God's plan. Temptation and purity are addressed. The book is written in a clear, direct manner. Perfect for young men. Throughout the book, God's plan for us is always at the center. 

What Did We Think of Love, Honor, and Virtue?

I read the book for this review first. I wanted to see what the book entailed before I gave it to Michael to read. It was a shorter book, so it was easy to read and finish. I loved the summary pages at the end of each chapter. They provided quick bullet points for the reader. They even included some black space allowing parents or the young men reading the book to take notes. 

I love how the book stresses that there is a real battle our young boys and men are facing. With puberty happening earlier and marriages occurring later on life. The battle is long and hard. Gone are the days of young men and young ladies getting married in their early 20's. I didn't get married until I was 27 and that was considered old back in the day. Now, when a young couple is in their early 20's and want to get married, people think they are crazy!

I love the Five Point Defense system taught in the book. 

1. Leave or change the situation
2. Pray
3. Read Scripture
4. Sing to the Lord
5. Go your authorities (parents, close adult friend, priest)

"Purity?" they ask. And they smile. They are the ones who go on to marriage with worn-out bodies and disillusioned souls."
~ Saint Josemaria Escriva

I plan on giving it to Michael to read, but we've been so busy lately that I have not passed the book on to him yet. He'll be starting high school in the fall, so it will be a perfect time for him to read this book. We're a little luckier than some parents, since we homeschool. Michael is limited to what he is exposed to. we do shelter him to some extent, but I try to not keep him locked away. I truly believe that kids need to know and learn about the world they will live in. If we don't teach them while we have them under our roof, someone else will once they leave. We've all heard the horror stories of the child that was extremely sheltered, went away to college, and then went wild. None of us want that to happen to our child. Education is key.

Want to read what others thought about Love, Honor, and Virtue? 
Click below!
Other members of the crew reviewed No Longer Little, a book about parenting pre-teens.... you may to check that title out too!

Till Next Time,

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