Monday, November 5, 2018

Happy Homemaker Monday~ November 5, 2018

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Good Morning and Happy November! Welcome to another edition of Happy Homemaker Monday. Be sure to visit Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom! I love seeing all her knitting creations. I tell myself all the time, I'm going to teach myself, but I just never get around to it. One of these days.

It seems like the leaves have finally changed color here and immediately started to fall of. We've had a rather warm fall, so last week's cooler temperatures and winds changed the scenery around here. It was beautiful to finally see the bright oranges, yellows, and reds. Now after the winds, the trees are slightly bare and it looks like fall has finally arrived!

The Weather~
Today is overcast and dreary out. It was pouring down rain this morning and now has lightened up a little. They are calling for rain all day today and tomorrow. I really want a few weeks without rain. We've had just too much this summer!

What's for Breakfast~
Coffee and coffee. I did eat a dark chocolate cashew bar before we started school. My stomach has been bothering me when I eat, so I'm trying to see what the culprit is. Since, I'm already gluten free, I'm trying to see if it's now dairy.

As I Look Out Our Bay Window~
As I sit here looking out our bay window, I see orange leavers fluttering to the ground. The ground is now covered with an orange and yellow blanket of leaves. Oddly, I see a hand full of squirrels scampering about searching for more acorns to bury. They don't seem to mind the rain that much.

Right Now I Am~
I am grading papers and lessons for the kids. So far, Michael and Therese are doing well in school. We've had a few hiccups along the way, but overall this year's lessons are working out well.

As I Look Around the House~
It's crazy around here. Boxes are everywhere! We are currently remodeling our kitchen and the house is a disaster. We have no sink or appliances in the kitchen at the moment. Cooking has been a challenge. We've been relying on the grill, the toaster oven, a hot plate, and my Instant Pot. We should have a partially working kitchen by this Friday and I am going to be doing a happy dance. Let me tell you, it's hard to wash the dishes in your bathroom sink!

On Today's To Do List~
Putting clothes away
Cleaning up dust from the drywall work

What I'm Reading~
I just finished reading The Cafe by the Sea by  Jenny Colgan. It's a charming tale about a young woman named Flora, who fled Scotland years ago and now has returned home. She slowly discovers herself.

What's on the Menu This Week~
Sunday~ Fish sticks and Chips
Monday~ Burgers on the grill and Homemade Mac n' Cheese
Tuesday~ Chicken Fried Rice
Wednesday~ Crock Pot Taco Chicken
Thursday~ Spaghetti and Meatballs
Friday~ Meatloaf and mashed Potatoes
What yummy goodness to you have been for the week?

I'm off to teach math. Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Till Next Time,

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